Moral Man - Alternative View

Moral Man - Alternative View
Moral Man - Alternative View

Video: Moral Man - Alternative View

Video: Moral Man - Alternative View
Video: THE CHOICE (Short Animated Movie) 2024, September

Genuine human evolution is impossible without a moral life subordinated to the just interests of the society in which he lives; high moral principles, honor, conscience, helping those in need, constant enlightenment with knowledge …

In this article I would like to touch upon one of the most interesting, in my opinion, topics: the question of the connection between human morality and his evolution. To reveal the topic, first of all, it is necessary to shed light on the very concepts of "morality" and "evolution".

Morality is a life of conscience, when in thoughts, words and deeds a person is guided by the commandments of our great ancestors and the voice of reason, multiplied by the love of the heart.

Evolution is the development of bodies of the Human Essence, additional to the physical body, or, in other words, the bodies of the Soul, with the receipt of which a person has new opportunities and abilities. This is what allows a person to expand the range of his perception of reality and, upon reaching a certain level of development, to control space and matter.

The truth, forgotten by many, is that true evolution is impossible without a moral life. Today in society, the interchangeability of the concepts "development" and "evolution" is widespread, although they do not mean the same thing. For example, a person studying a foreign language develops, that is, develops, increases his knowledge of the studied language. Or a person involved in any kind of sport also develops certain physical parameters. But neither a foreign language nor sports help a person to make a qualitative breakthrough, both in their perception and in their capabilities.

No matter how many languages a person learns, and no matter how many sports he masters, he will still live within the existing limitations of the five senses. And this is a fact. The fact is so heavy and capacious that it is impossible not to comprehend it. It means that the very accumulation of information does not at all guarantee the appearance of new opportunities and abilities in a person, and also does not make a person reasonable and moral. After all, the very word "mind" means nothing more than "mind, sanctified by the divine light of truth," and this light appears in a person from a life of conscience, that is, from a moral life. And in no other way, this light, cannot appear. Academician Nikolai Levashov wrote about it like this:

This can be confirmed by academicians who are unable to go beyond the dogmas existing in science; scientists who sit on each other for the sake of a tasty job and titles; highly educated members of the governments of the world, whose actions are contrary to all norms of morality and rationality; businessmen, for the sake of momentary profit, disfiguring nature by pollution from their factories, and so on, and so on …

The modern education system, created by social parasites, is aimed at churning out stereotypical thinking, stuffed with different information far from reality, “clever people”, with excessively inflated conceit about their “knowledge”.

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An indicator of a person's intelligence is the ability to critically perceive the information received, as well as its conjugation, that is, the ability to draw your own conclusions based on it. And if a person's conclusions do not coincide with generally accepted ones, then this fact does not mean that he is wrong. Perhaps, just all the others are wrong, who did not have enough rationality to draw objective, and not imaginary, conclusions and conclusions. And there are plenty of examples of this. For social parasites - people and non-people who stand behind them - it is vitally important that people do not have rationality, since a rational person cannot be controlled, it is impossible to zombify him - after all, the mind of such a person is tirelessly enlightened by the light of the Knowledge of Truth. And for them, intelligent people are like death, carrying the Knowledge of Truth, such, for example, as Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov - Man,for the first time simply and truthfully revealed the issues of evolution, an outstanding Russian scientist, a patriot of his people and a fighter against social parasites.

During only one life in the physical body, a moral person can complete the planetary cycle of his evolution, having developed the etheric, astral and four mental bodies, which, together with the physical, make up seven human bodies, which corresponds to the seven levels of the Earth, formed by the seven primary matter. As Nikolai Levashov wrote, “the presence of mental bodies gives a person who has them a colossal psychic power, through which such a person can influence the processes occurring in nature, both on a local and a planetary scale. Only by the power of one's thoughts can influence and control the processes taking place in human society. See and hear the past, present and future … and much more. Such power should and can only be in a person with pure thoughts,a pure soul and a heart open to goodness”(“The Last Appeal to Humanity”). And the completion of the planetary cycle of human development gives him the opportunity to start a qualitatively new stage of his development: the cosmic stage of evolution.

After the death of the physical body, the Essence (Soul) of a person falls on that level of the Earth, which corresponds to the evolutionary level that the Essence managed to reach during the current life in the physical body. And no matter how smart a person is, no matter how many regalia, power and wealth he possesses, if his life was not moral, he will not be able to get to the high levels of our planet for one simple reason: during his life such a person has not been able to develop in himself the higher bodies of the Essence that give such an opportunity. And if a person lived by instincts (emotions) or with a predominance of them, then he gets to the lower astral level of the planet, where criminals and simply spiritless people, who are surrounded by various “astral animals” on these “floors” of the Earth, serve their “punishment”. And if people who got there have weak energy protection, then they,in the truest sense of the word, can be eaten by these creatures. And “the death of the Essence means that all the evolutionary experience and the achievements of all incarnations that the Essence had, disappear forever … this is evolutionary death …” (“The last appeal to humanity”).

Many people do not believe that, living morally, they will be able to get what they want from life, because they see that often those who are just leading an immoral life have success and prosperity, in today's understanding of these terms. Such people forget that external material success and wide access to various pleasures are bought by them at too high a price: the loss of the Soul and, quite possibly, the impossibility of a further thousand-year life.

Social parasites have created such a distorted state of affairs on Earth in which people who violate their conscience, live criminally and vilely, can achieve some benefits, visible successes, than the rest is given a false conclusion that this is the only way to achieve success in life. And many fall for this lie, because they do not try to learn either the true laws of life, or what happens to a person after the death of the physical body.

The power of evil is in its visibility to others, but it is not capable of evolution, but can only parasitize on the already existing and created by someone else's hands. But man always reaps what he sowed, whether he wants it or not. And what is the use of gaining "the whole world" and ruining your soul or somehow damaging it? When the Vedic commandments of ancestors are violated, even life, outwardly brilliant, is, as a rule, internally empty, not carrying true satisfaction, accompanied by losses and distortion of the psyche. People are shameless and immoral and get sick more often and grow old faster, because the violation of the divine laws of the life of our ancestors introduces distortions in genetics, up to the cellular level of their physical bodies (for more details about the nature of karma and the anatomy of sin, see N. V. Levashov's book "The Essence and Mind").

And the fact that a highly moral life, multiplied by tireless efforts to cognize the Truth, creates a highly developed Human from a person (our ancestors called such people gods) is characteristic not only of the times of Jesus Christ (Radomir) or Buddha, but for any time and any era, including modernity. And an example of this is Academician Nikolai Levashov - a man who pacifies natural elements by the power of his thought, saves peoples from environmental and natural disasters, destroys parasitic structures not only on our planet, but also in the Large Space. A person who heals the terminally ill, is able to see the past and the future, move in time and space, and much, much more. The example of Nikolai Levashov serves as living proof that most people, living correctly, can reach a very high level of development of their Soul,having turned into a True Man, into what a rational man should be.

Our ancestors lived according to Vedic laws, which were given to them by their patrons - the Gods. Who were these Gods? The Slavic-Aryans understood the gods as people whose level of development was much higher than their own level. And the Gods of the Slavs - Svarog, Perun, Veles, Lada Mother of God and others - gave them moral and ethical commandments, the fulfillment of which inevitably leads a person to enlightenment with knowledge, the creation of more and more Essence bodies, and endless development. Fortunately for us, after many centuries of concealment of the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas", now some of them have been published and available for reading by everyone interested in the true past of Russia and the whole world. And this means for us an excellent opportunity to study and understand the moral foundations on which the life of our great ancestors was built, and therefore the opportunity to build our own life on the solid,proven by thousands of years of history, the foundation.

Be truthful in Soul and Spirit, The worlds are kept by the Truth. Their gate is Truth;

For it is said that Immortality rests in Truth.

("Slavic-Aryan Vedas", Santia Vedas of Perun. First Circle. Santia 4).

Author: Georgy Grankord