Iceland's "hidden People" - Alternative View

Iceland's "hidden People" - Alternative View
Iceland's "hidden People" - Alternative View

Video: Iceland's "hidden People" - Alternative View

Video: The Hidden People Of Iceland 2024, September

Iceland is an island of mysteries. Of the 300 thousand population, more than half of the inhabitants do not even doubt that the mysterious invisibles live side by side with them. Some can see them, others do not, but for Icelanders, invisibles are excellent neighbors, whose help you can always count on.

When the Icelander T. Zmilsson was 14 years old, he was rescued by a young girl from … another dimension.

One day the boy had to drive sheep from a distant pasture, and for one lamb he had to climb into a crevice. He saved the lamb, but he got stuck. It was already getting dark, and the nearest housing was many kilometers away. And suddenly a girl's face appeared over the edge of the cliff, and soon Emilsson himself miraculously found himself upstairs in complete safety.

- Where are you from? - he asked the savior in surprise.

“From the Litenshtammer farm,” the girl said and motioned to a typical Icelandic house, which stood a few hundred meters away.

“But… I've been walking these mountains all my life,” Emilsson muttered in confusion, “and I haven't noticed this farm before!

“And you couldn't see her,” the girl laughed. “I am one of those whom you call“hidden people”. We are from another world, parallel to yours.

And while young Emilsson stared at the stranger, unable to find the right words, a man's voice came from the farm: "Katerina!"

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“I have to go,” she said, and began to quickly climb the hill.

- Can I see you again? he shouted after.

- May be…

Emilson came to these places until the end of his days (and he died in 1986), but he never saw the girl or the farm again …

However, T. Emilsson is not the only one in Iceland who had a chance to get acquainted with the "hidden" ones. Similar stories are collected by Magnus Skarfedinsson, a resident of Reykjavik, director of the so-called school of elves. For 23 years, Magnus combed the entire island, diligently recording eyewitness accounts and trying to find out the details of the life of the "hidden".

To date, Magnus has found more than 700 eyewitnesses, 200 of them claim that they communicated with the "hidden", another 40 people that they managed to establish friendly relations with these creatures. Incredibly, these stories are believed. But 99.9% of Iceland's population are literate people, 82% are computerized. Nevertheless, they are convinced that other worlds exist. Moreover, in Iceland, mysterious neighbors are considered, and if rumor says that in some place they show themselves especially, they will not build anything there - all the same, things will go awry.

This happened, for example, when laying a new road in 1995. As soon as it was decided to remove a huge boulder that was interfering with the track, an emergency began at the construction site: equipment went out of order, people were injured. And only the help of the medium changed the situation: the woman came into contact with invisible creatures, and they indicated exactly where the boulder should be moved.

Magnus considers himself to be an outside observer. Gathers information about what "hidden people" look like, what they do, where they live, and even makes maps. However, he cannot understand in any way why some see the "hidden", while others do not.

Magnus himself did not have to deal with the "hidden" ones. But he managed to talk to them, however, through intermediaries, mediums. The Hidden Ones explained that they can move between their own and our worlds only under certain circumstances, especially when one of us urgently needs help. “In general,” Magnus recalls with a laugh, “one 'hidden' woman explained why they would not let me in under any circumstances:“We never invited you to our homes,”she said,“otherwise we would have been away from you forever did not get rid - you ask too many questions!"


There is some truth in this. But Magnus is also asked a lot of questions in the school of elves he leads. This place is unusual, children gather there only on Fridays for four hours, and then in summer. Classes are held in English. It is cozy inside: elegant "grandmother's" curtains, numerous colored lamps, on the shelves and in the cupboards there are many pictures and figurines - elves, gnomes, etc. In the classroom, Magnus says that otherworldly creatures in Iceland are a dime a dozen: elves - 13 types, fairies - 4 peoples, trolls - 3 species, gnomes - 2, and even "hidden" people.

“They look just like us,” explains Magnus, “only they wear old-fashioned clothes, and their tools are antediluvian. These are people from other dimensions. And about 75% of all encounters with unusual creatures are just the share of "hidden", - he clarifies.

One of the most amazing stories was told by Torlakur Steffansson. One day in 1936 in North Iceland, in the town of Skagfjordur, he got lost in the forest. The unfortunate man wandered for many hours and was very cold. Suddenly he saw a light behind the trees, rushed towards it and went out to the farmhouse. Torlakur knocked on the door and was admitted. He asked the name of the farm, - they answered that it was Heggstatir. He was surprised - he had never heard of such a farm. Maybe he wandered outside Skagfjordur?

“No,” the farmers replied, “you are still in Skagfjordur, but we are one of those who are called“hidden”. You just don't always see us.

Torlakur, of course, was worried about getting stuck in another world? But nothing of the kind happened. The traveler was fed, his clothes dried, and he was left to spend the night. And the next morning, when he woke up, through the window of the farm, he saw where he was: it turned out, not so far from his home in Skagfjordur!

After breakfast, Torlakur set off, periodically looking around to wave his hand and remember the place where the hospitable farm stands. After walking about three hundred meters, I looked around again, and the house seemed to have sunk into the water …

Shocked, Torlakur decided to return to the farm, following his own tracks left in the snow. Imagine his surprise when his tracks were suddenly cut off, and the farm never appeared!

Magnus is a meticulous person and has found out quite a lot about the “hidden” ones. For example, that their religion is similar to Christian - they also believe in the Messiah. But the cross is not worshiped: they say, how can you worship a murder weapon? You must agree that there is logic in this. In general, according to the "hidden", if 100 or 200 years ago people were still pure souls and honest, now they have become narcissistic and arrogant, having finally lost respect for nature.

Therefore, the "hidden" fear us much more than ever. However, how can you be afraid of someone if you yourself live in another dimension? It turns out that it is possible, because all worlds are interconnected and affect each other. Of course, in case of danger, the “hidden” ones will be protected, we will be separated by the difference in space and time. “But this is what makes the problem especially difficult,” complains Magnus. - Their environment and ours practically coincide, and if we harm ours, it changes for them too. And over the last century, we have built many new roads and buildings in Iceland, completely oblivious to it! “

But, excuse me, how can you pay attention to their world if most of us don't even see it ?! It is not surprising that they fear us more and more and dare to contact less and less. Apparently, in cities it is hard for them, and new buildings stubbornly attack nature. After all, Icelanders used to walk from farm to farm to socialize, but now they go, and by car. What kind of contacts there are with the “hidden!

Ermundur Rosinkrans has been observing the "hidden" all his life, from the age of four.

“As a child, I lived near Hveragerdi, which is 35 km from Reykjavik,” Ermundur says. - Our house was near the cliff. One day I was playing in the yard and I heard a bell ringing. Looking up, I saw seven kids from 4 to 10 years old, dark-haired, dressed in white. For half a day we played together, collected flowers. During that year, I met them eight or ten times. Sometimes I hear a bell, and the children appear immediately. And at the end of the year my father died, we left for Reykjavik, and I did not see more of those kids.


It's funny, but then Ermundur did not realize that he was communicating with the "hidden". He realized this only 14 years ago: “When I was 30 years old, I asked my mother about them, and she said that she had no idea what I was talking about. According to her, I had no friends in Hveragerdi, as we lived too far from the city center."

And the last meeting of Ermundur with the "hidden" took place in Reykjavik, when he was sitting on the shore and looking at the sea.

- I wrote poetry and at that moment I was just trying to find the right words. Suddenly someone came up, sat down next to me and began to mentally talk to me. He is dressed in regular jeans and a jacket, only strangely transparent - I could see through it,”Ermundur specifies. - I asked where he came from. The stranger said he lived nearby, but came from another dimension. Then I was curious about who he works. It turned out to be a writer. I did not feel any tension - it was completely calm, natural communication. Since then, we have seen each other twice, but spoke only then, at the first meeting.


Ermundur generally knows how to see objects that no one else sees. Sometimes, when he is driving, he has to slow down, because the path is blocked by "a flock of sheep or horses, which is actually not there, or a traffic accident that happened in that place some time ago." It also happens like this: he is walking down the street and suddenly someone starts talking to him.

“I can never be sure whether the person who spoke is from this dimension or from another,” he says. Agree, there is little pleasure in talking with yourself. So Ermundur is very grateful for cell phones: at least you no longer look suspicious when no one is around and you are chatting calmly. “Twenty years ago, they would have put me in a psychiatric hospital for something like that,” he sneers, laughing.

Of course, not everyone believes in such stories. However, since the time of the Vikings, the inhabitants of Iceland have personified their harsh nature not as an evil hostile force, but as a helper and savior. Maybe it is because of this that different worlds can coexist here in agreement?

Whatever underlies the phenomenon of "hidden people" - human imagination or metaphysics - one thing is clear: the Icelanders have benefited from this neighborhood. When they moved here from the countries of Scandinavia, Ireland and Scotland, it was the "hidden" who shared food with them when hunger struck, and gave them hope in moments of despair. This kind of friendship is worth a lot. And for good you have to pay with good. And this is a great example of how you can get along even with those who live differently from us …
