Humanity Descended From Aliens? - Alternative View

Humanity Descended From Aliens? - Alternative View
Humanity Descended From Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: Humanity Descended From Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: Humanity Descended From Aliens? - Alternative View
Video: What If Aliens Are Future Versions of Humans? 2024, September

Throughout the history of human civilization, scientists have always wondered why some people have supernatural abilities and achieve outstanding success. But due to the fact that they could not provide any logical explanation for such giftedness, scientists put forward the theory that people on planet Earth did not appear by chance.

So, in particular, the British ufologist John Pope is convinced that all the most prominent representatives of human civilization are the descendants of aliens. According to him, at the moment, about half of the entire population of the Earth is the so-called hybrids - the descendants of ancient people and aliens. According to Pope's theory, about 30-40 thousand years ago, aliens appeared on the planet, who became the ancestors of the most ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Sumerians, Mayans and Aztecs. All these ancient peoples had a very high level of development. Ancient people entered into relationships with aliens and entered into mixed marriages, resulting in children. They, at one time, also had children with a crossed gene code. Thus, today, almost half of people have alien roots.

It will not be difficult to recognize such people, since they have some peculiarities characteristic of aliens. First of all, it is about intelligence. People with alien roots have a very high level of mental development. According to Pope, all geniuses, medicine men, shamans, healers, sorcerers, clairvoyants and psychics can be attributed to the descendants of the aliens. Such people live in every country, but there are not very many of them.

The second characteristic feature of the alien descendants is the color of the eyes - steel, gray or blue. According to Pope, since the dawn of civilization, all humans have had green, brown, or black eyes.

The third feature is the hands. Ordinary earthlings have square hands with short fingers. The alien descendants have elongated hands and thin musical fingers. In addition, all descendants of ordinary people, as a rule, are of medium height, physically hardy, stocky, muscular, strong, with wide chest and shoulders, and women with large breasts and wide hips. As for the descendants of aliens, they are distinguished by a fragile physique, high growth, slenderness, underdeveloped muscles, and have a predisposition to diseases of the lower dorsal region and stomach. Moreover, the descendants of aliens are more prone to mental activity, they have a clear speech and a low voice, while most earthlings have slurred fast speech.

All these features are most clearly manifested in only one percent of the total population of the planet. Pope is convinced that the main reason is the fact that these people are the descendants of aliens who have visited Earth recently.

It should be noted that scientists managed to find some evidence of the consistency of Pope's theory. So, for example, the Russian teenager Borya, who lives in the Volgograd region, can serve as a vivid example. The boy not only says that he used to live on Mars, but also tells a lot of interesting things about space in general.

According to Boris's mother, the child showed unusual abilities almost from birth. At the age of two weeks, the boy began to hold his head, and he said his first words at six months. At the age of one and a half he was already reading, and six months later he began to draw. In kindergarten, Boris became interested in foreign languages and showed a phenomenal memory.

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Over time, parents began to notice that their child knows things about which, even theoretically, he should not know anything. For example, Boris sat in the lotus position and talked about the existence of highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations in space.

Gradually, the parents paid attention to what the child was saying. The boy talked about the fact that the planet Mars, on which he lived before, only outwardly looks uninhabited, but in reality there are underground settlements. After a nuclear war broke out there, the atmosphere on the planet was completely destroyed. The population was forced to go underground and learn to breathe carbon dioxide instead of oxygen.

In addition, the boy said that the inhabitants of Mars did not die in the usual sense of the word. Their body simply froze at the age of 30. And also, according to Boris, he himself saw how Atlantis perished.

The boy is sure that in the near future there will be many children like him on Earth. And human civilization has to go through several global catastrophes, but brilliant children will save the planet from death.

A large number of representatives of the scientific world communicated with this unusual boy, they were all amazed at the enormous amount of knowledge that the boy possessed (in his speech he used many terms and concepts that are used exclusively in the scientific environment). However, scientists could neither refute the boy's relationship with alien aliens, nor confirm his.

There are other theories that talk about the alien origin of man. So, in particular, the director of the Cardiff Astrobiological Center, scientist Wickramasing, is convinced that life on the planet originated after visiting a comet that had previously visited the moon. The scientist says that microbes that got to the Earth's surface from the depths of space became the basis for the development of a variety of species on the planet. The essence of the theory, therefore, is that over many billions of years, the process of transfer of life from one planet to another takes place.

In addition, the researcher notes that in addition to the Moon, it is possible that life was brought from Venus using the so-called solar winds. The clouds located in the atmosphere of this planet contain chemical elements that are compatible with the development of microorganisms. Probably, microbes that exist in the upper atmosphere of Venus could be in the upper atmosphere of the earth. This process could last from several days to weeks. The only limitation is that the Sun, Venus and Earth must be in a certain position, which happens every few years.

It should be noted that the theory of bringing life to Earth from space was put forward even earlier by scientists from India, who discovered a new species of bacteria that live at an altitude of about 40 kilometers above the earth. According to experts, in this find for them it was much more surprising that at such an altitude the solar radiation is very different from the radiation that is present on the surface, rather than the fact that life is generally possible at such an altitude.

Scientists have discovered three types of bacteria, but none of them were similar to those that exist on Earth. And due to the fact that this finding was extremely unexpected, scientists cannot exclude the possibility that the bacteria found are mutants that have moved to a height due to unknown processes.

There is also a theory that human civilization on the planet is the result of genetic engineering. According to the latest scientific data, the human genome consists of about 35 thousand genes. At the same time, human genes coincide by 99 percent with chimpanzee genes and 70 percent with mouse genes. Some human genes coincide with the genes of plants, yeast, mold, invertebrates. Due to this discovery, scientists were able to find an explanation for some moments of the appearance of life on planet Earth.

In addition, this discovery served as an impetus for a more thorough study of the problem, with the result that scientists have achieved unexpected results. So, in particular, it was found that humans have 223 genes that no other living organism on Earth has anymore, so these genes could not get into the human body through evolution.

For a long time, scientists have been looking for an explanation for the appearance of these mysterious genes. And once a scientist from the United States Z. Sitchin put forward a version that a person is the result of genetic engineering. The essence of the hypothesis of the American scientist is that within the solar system there is a certain 12th planet, which is called Nibiru. Its dimensions are several times larger than that of the Earth, and due to its elongated orbit, it makes one complete revolution around the Sun in 3600 years. Each appearance of this planet is accompanied by significant gravitational fluctuations.

Scientists are convinced that a highly developed civilization existed on this mysterious planet 300 thousand years ago, part of which landed on Earth in search of minerals. The first city they founded was Eris, after which they began mining mines in Africa. It was very difficult to work in the mines, so a riot broke out among the workers. All this led to the fact that the aliens decided to use the local population for this hard work, but they refused. But this did not stop the aliens: by genetic engineering and cloning, they created Homo sapiens. However, since this was a man, he could not produce offspring in any way.

When the aliens got tired of cloning, they invented Eve, but they did not create a woman from Adam's rib, but by rearranging the 23rd pair of chromosomes. Soon, the first couple had offspring, and then people settled in all corners of the planet.

The terrestrial population revered the aliens, like Gods, and they did not particularly protest against this state of affairs.

When ten thousand years BC. Nibiru approached a critically close distance to the Earth (12 million kilometers), the Flood began, which destroyed all living things. However, the aliens knew in advance what was about to happen, so they took a number of measures to preserve all the most valuable. In this case, they practically did not think about people, so they kept only a few of them.

It should also be noted that on the territory of Mesopotamia, the aliens built an excellent navigation system in the landing triangular corridor, where Mount Ararat served as an excellent reference point for space aliens. However, then he destroyed it all, and the aliens began to rebuild everything. Thus, the pyramids of Ancient Egypt appeared, including the pyramid of Cheops.

Several millennia later, in the 4th millennium BC. new civilizations appeared in Egypt and Crete. The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, following the example of the aliens, began to build their own pyramids. But the whole process of human development was under the threat of destruction, when in 2020 BC. a nuclear war broke out between space civilizations, which led to the destruction of a lot, in particular, and the space center on the Sinai Peninsula.

As a result of the fallout of radioactive fallout, the Sumerian civilization perished. Most of the people died, but a small part managed to leave the infection zone and go to the territory of modern Europe. These people brought both their knowledge and skills with them.

Undoubtedly, it is very risky and thoughtless to assert that all these hypotheses of the origin of humanity are plausible. But at the same time, modern science has so little information about what humanity was like in the early stages of its existence, and what human history really was, that we have no right to completely reject all these theories.