Researchers Have Proven - Telepathy Is Real - Alternative View

Researchers Have Proven - Telepathy Is Real - Alternative View
Researchers Have Proven - Telepathy Is Real - Alternative View

Video: Researchers Have Proven - Telepathy Is Real - Alternative View

Video: Researchers Have Proven - Telepathy Is Real - Alternative View
Video: Telepathy Is Real 2024, April

For a long time, people tried to mentally connect with other people, convey certain information. And there really is a possibility of transmitting certain information by the power of thought. The English professor and philosopher Meyer called this possibility "telepathy." In this way, images, experiences, sensations, representations, and thoughts can be conveyed.

In this case, the spatial distance between the participants in the telepathic transmission does not matter. People can be in the same room, or be separated by thousands of kilometers - information will be transmitted in the same way.

So, in many families there have probably been cases when someone had a premonition of the death of loved ones. This phenomenon was especially often manifested during the war years, when a huge number of people were injured and died on the battlefield. Spontaneous transmission of thoughts at a distance occurs unconsciously and is transmitted from an active participant (transmitter) to a passive (receiver) without intent. The intensity and quality of telepathy in such cases depends on the relationship of partners to each other. The more they are attached, the clearer and stronger the mental impulses will be.

It is quite obvious that similar cases of transmission of thoughts over a distance occurred in earlier times. So, for example, one of the earliest cases of spontaneous telepathy occurred in 1759, when Stockholm was almost completely destroyed by fire. When the fire started, the famous inventor and naturalist Emmanuel von Swedenborg was 50 miles from the city. The scientist was in the company of friends, but suddenly turned pale and told his friends that a terrible fire had started in Stockholm. Many scientists attribute this case not so much to telepathy as to clairvoyance. However, modern scientists claim that since too many people knew about the fire, and Swedenborg himself could not have known about the tragedy at the time when he spoke about it, it can be assumed that he became aware of the raging elements through the transmission of thoughts. And if you take into account,the fact that a fire was raging in the immediate vicinity of the scientist's house, and his friend's house burned to the ground, then the assumption of telepathy looks completely justified, because Swedenborg could catch precisely the mental cries for help from his friend.

Another case of spontaneous telepathy, which occurred in the middle of the last century, was analyzed by the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud shortly before his death. We are talking about one Czech woman who left for the United States. In 1939, the woman suddenly felt fear and despair, and was sure that it was at this time in the Czech Republic that her mother died. Relatives tried in vain to calm the women, and a few days later a telegram arrived with a death notice.

There are a lot of similar cases of spontaneous telepathy, but it makes no sense to analyze them, since the examples given are quite enough to understand that mental communication is an innate feature and is inherent in almost every person.

Any true medium or educated parapsychologist can read thoughts. So, in particular, the famous chemist, physician and theosophist of the Middle Ages Paracelsus, said that he was able to discover the "world spirit", with the help of which the scientist could establish contact with people who were at a great distance from him.

It is known from history that one of the first theologians, Thomas Aquinas, could easily read the thoughts of the people around him. Scholars have repeatedly raised the question that Joan of Arc could convince the Dauphin that her mission is sacred, only because she repeated word for word the text of his prayer, which no one knew about.

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If we talk about the modern world, where people are accustomed to questioning everything, the existence of telepathy causes distrust and even a certain degree of skepticism.

It is quite obvious that the ability to read minds at a distance is of great interest to the military of all developed countries, since this would give a great head start in terms of strategic planning. So, even during the Second World War, the opposing sides used supersensible forces as a means of espionage. In Germany, special divisions were even created in counterintelligence that were engaged in conducting occult experiments. Currently, numerous special services, including the GRU and the CIA, maintain special training centers that train specialists for espionage based on supersensible perceptions.

Many people are absolutely sure that all their desires and thoughts depend solely on themselves. However, experts say that concepts such as telepathy, suggestion and hypnosis exist, and through the use of certain techniques and techniques, you can influence people, inspire them with your thoughts and impose desires.

Of course, this theory has a large number of opponents who do not want to believe in the existence of superpowers. But on the other hand, the possibility of mental impact on a person is fully proven from a scientific point of view.

So, for example, everyone knows about such a concept as hypnosis. But few people know that hypnotic telepathy exists along with it. The main difference between these two abilities is that in the case of hypnotic telepathy, the effect on a person is carried out remotely. According to experts, hypnotic telepathy is possible without eye contact. This effect is based on the transmission of thoughts in the form of signals from a person with the gift of suggestion to any other person who is not even aware of the impact and perceives the transmitted thoughts as his own.

According to one of the existing theories, thoughts are radio waves of a certain frequency. The brain in this case serves as a kind of radio receiver. Under certain circumstances, he can catch other people's thoughts and transmit his own at a distance. The most striking example of the existence of hypnotic telepathy is the famous hypnotist Wolf Messing.

He could effortlessly work with a person at a distance, suggesting his thoughts. This amazing ability made him famous all over the world. High government officials tried to get to him, trying to use his gift for their own purposes, because Messing could not only inspire any person with the necessary information, but also read other people's thoughts.

The hypnotist himself has repeatedly said that his gift is just constant long-term training and work on himself. Moreover, he argued that every person can develop such abilities, only willpower, great desire and belief in success are needed. If a person is not confident in himself and thinks that he will not succeed, there will be no positive result from training.

Currently, the technique of remote exposure to a person is widely used by psychologists in the treatment of many serious diseases. In addition, it is also used by narcologists for the treatment of alcohol, drug or nicotine addiction.

In addition, modern researchers have been able to fully prove the possibility of transmitting thoughts. So, in particular, in an experiment that was recently carried out by Western scientists, a person who was in India said a few words to three people who were in France at that time. The connection was made mentally. Thus, this experiment became one of the first attempts at real telepathy.

The international team included members of the Starlab Institute from Barcelona, Harvard Medical School and the French company Axilum Robotics. They placed the results of the research in one of the specialized scientific journals.

This research currently includes the use of computer technology. Initially, you need to install binary. Then the human transmitter with the sensors on his head should point to the selected number with a movement of his hand, which is sent to the recipient by email. He, blindfolded and with a system of magnetic transcranial stimulation on his head, perceives the code as a flash and pause. After that, the resulting numeric code is translated back into text. As a result, the entire procedure for transmitting information over a distance took more than one hour.

Scientists hope in the future to completely remove technology from the system and implement the transfer of information from one brain to another. But this will take years and even decades.

Thus, it can be argued with full responsibility that telepathy as a phenomenon being studied and finding practical application is not a fairy tale at all. It is really possible to master it with a great desire and perseverance. But how ethical is it in relation to others?..