Mindfulness Has The Greatest Power - Alternative View

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Mindfulness Has The Greatest Power - Alternative View
Mindfulness Has The Greatest Power - Alternative View

Video: Mindfulness Has The Greatest Power - Alternative View

Video: Mindfulness Has The Greatest Power - Alternative View
Video: Научная сила медитации 2024, October

Mindfulness is a state in which you understand what is happening in the present moment. If you dream about the future, you are not aware of yourself. If you remember past events, you are not aware of yourself.

Now, if you look at something, for example, at your hands, or notice how air fills your lungs and leaves them, you feel your body, listen to the sounds around you, smell the air, understand what you are thinking now, what emotions you are experiencing - then you become aware of yourself.

The deepest awareness will be when you can simultaneously see, hear, smell and feel, be aware of your thoughts or their absence, be aware of the emotions you are experiencing. Various sounds, smells, images and sensations are perceived by your subconscious all the time, but most of the time you are not aware of this information.

Mindfulness is the greatest power. Here are some of its manifestations:


When you are fully aware of yourself, you become invulnerable. Nobody can offend you. If he is right - so why be offended, you know that. And if you know that he is wrong, it does not offend you, because you already knew it. If you are partly right, you realize that it is true and that it is not.

If people always behaved consciously, then there would be no quarrels, misunderstandings. Behaving with awareness means being open. Talk openly. Act openly. You can allow yourself to be open because you are invulnerable. You can act for the highest good of others, or for your highest good - you choose. The main thing is that as a result of conscious actions, it turns out that everyone wins. We are all one, so deliberate action is most beneficial for everyone.

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In deep awareness, problems dissolve. Dealing with problems only makes them worse. Avoiding problems does not solve them, but leads to the fact that they only get worse and sooner or later manifest themselves (like a broken arm, sealed with a plaster). Mindfulness allows you to face the problem directly, look into its eyes, understand its true nature and dissolve it. Mindfulness generates action, if necessary. Moreover, the action that is most effective for solving the problem.


When you act with awareness, you feel like the master of your life. You are the creator of your world. Events, people who surround you - all this is available only to you. Only you see things in this light and in this order. It would be a shame not to pay attention to this, because no one else can understand your world for you, see it as it is and make it better. You probably already know that observation is constructive. What you pay most attention to becomes more and more a part of your life. Mindfulness allows you to tap into this creative power.


Developing awareness in the real world helps me to be more mindful of unusual details in my dreams. After analyzing my dreams, you can understand that there is very little awareness in them - and this is a direct result of what I experience in the real world. I can focus on one thing and devote all my attention to it, but at this time I lose control and awareness of the larger picture. I don't often listen to the sounds that surround me. I don't often consider objects, clothing accessories, people, nature.

The taste of food does not really matter to me at all, I often think about the benefits of what I eat, but also not always. It is not uncommon for me to not hear what I am told. My dreams are not very vivid, and so are my memories of the day I lived. Does this happen to you? These are all manifestations of lack of awareness.


Mindfulness helps you experience beauty more deeply. What a delight to look at something that the mind considers to be painted in one color, but which, with sufficient awareness of the present under the rays of the sun, acquires thousands of shades! Of course, it's easier to use your logic and say - this is white, this is dark blue, this is light blue. But what if you turn off logic and turn on consciousness? What will you see then?


Mindfulness allows you to experience a positive emotional state regardless of the circumstances. If you have enough awareness, it will not be difficult for you to live with a smile on your face and a straight posture, so that it does not happen in life. By the way, this can be used as a test of awareness: how long can you stay with a smile on your face and a straight posture? If this is not your default state, then as soon as you stop being aware of yourself, your smile will disappear and your back will bend.


For a person with a low level of awareness, the very idea of controlling your thoughts, forcing yourself to think about what you want, seems impossible. However, the skill of focusing all your thoughts on one thing can be developed - and it develops in parallel with the development of awareness.

It's good if you manage to do this within 5 seconds. But with the development of the skill, you can keep the thought for a minute, a few minutes. And now the question is - how long does it take to focus your thoughts on achieving your goal for it to be achieved for sure?


Being aware of your beliefs allows you to consciously choose what you believe in. Certain beliefs reinforce you, for example, “I have a unique gift that I can offer to the world,” “I have enough money to live,” “I always have a lot of time for important things,” “all people are one.”

Other beliefs make you weaker in this world, for example, “I am capable of nothing,” “I don’t have enough money,” “I don’t have enough time,” “Man is a wolf to man,” “I don’t deserve a raise.” etc. Your beliefs form your picture of the world. Note that it is not the world itself that makes you strong or weak, but your picture of the world. By recognizing the beliefs that make you weaker and replacing them with beliefs that make you stronger, you actually become stronger, increasing your personal effectiveness.


What a pleasure it is to talk to a person who is here in the present. Who does not fly in the future, does not delve into the past, but talks to you, fully aware of what you just said, what he said, understands where you both are now, understands what is happening around. If you like this kind of communication, you should stimulate it yourself. To be a person who is aware of what is happening, a real person. Right now.


To achieve a state of deep awareness, it is enough to concentrate on the depth of one feeling. You can focus on maximizing your body awareness. You can concentrate on maximum awareness of sounds, in the limit - hear the voice of silence, even in the presence of other sounds. You can focus on the present moment, letting go of all thoughts about the past and the future.

You can concentrate on being aware of your thoughts, at the limit - to be aware of the absence of thoughts. If you can devote at least 10 minutes a day to raising your awareness, it's already great. However, this is something that can be done throughout the day. You can do this at the peak of your mental and physical abilities, you can do this when you are very tired - it does not matter, because you do not need either the mind or the body. Consciousness exists behind the mind and body.

You can increase your mindfulness before bed to promote better relaxation and rest. Standing in line, waiting for something, wasting time usefully. During a conversation, listening as much as possible to the speech and intonation of the interlocutor, noticing the slightest gestures and eye movements, contributing to better understanding and empathy, the establishment of stronger and more trusting relationships.