Russophobia - Alternative View

Russophobia - Alternative View
Russophobia - Alternative View

Video: Russophobia - Alternative View

Video: Russophobia - Alternative View
Video: Daria Navalnaya: What It's Like To Be a Teenager in Putin's Russia | NYT Opinion 2024, September

Russophobia is when you do not know how and how your people live. You don't walk along the same streets with him, you don't ride in the same transport, you don't eat other food. When you rush with a motorcade along empty roads, and people because of you spend hours in traffic jams. When, before your arrival in the province, they lay a one-day asphalt and cheerfully paint squalid huts.

Russophobia is when you live in palaces while most of the population of your country is huddled in ruins. When you misappropriate the people's money, land, forests, water, factories, steamers in order to bathe in unthinkable luxury, depriving others of the essentials. When you are sure that people have to work for pennies for years, so that you wear a watch at the price of a high-rise building, and your dogs flew on separate planes.

Russophobia is when you are so afraid of your fellow citizens that at meetings with them you communicate with decoy ducks using pre-prepared questions and answers.

Russophobia is when you destroy everything that is domestic. Education - because the ignorant is easier to manage, and your children study at Oxford. Science - because you don't care about the future of the country. Culture - to grow ready-made gopniks for everything. Moral - because it is unknown to you personally. Manufacturing - because you only need an oil needle.

Russophobia is when you turn Russian expanses into giant garbage dumps. When you unnecessarily pump out the domestic mineral resources, without increasing the welfare of ordinary fellow citizens. When you cut down forests and take pride in the plastic trees in the capital.

Russophobia is when you shout about patriotism, while your family, real estate and capital have long been abroad.

Russophobia is when you do not respect your great and long-suffering country so much that you casually rewrite its history to your needs, reviving tyrants and reviving idols.

Russophobia is you when you despise your people so much that you replace their true merits with ridiculous surrogates, producing mummers.

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Russophobia is when you suppress any free thinking, do not value talents, trample on the best, contribute to the degradation of the nation and create a state system in which the worst flourish. When you put your incompetent and vicious friends-relatives in the warmest places.

Russophobia is when you take away the future of the children of your country, and rush the old people to the grave, depriving them of pensions and decent medicine.

Russophobia is when you quarreled with the whole world, plunging your people into wars and into even greater poverty.

Russophobia is when you do everything to make Russians dream of living in a foreign land.

Russophobia is when you consider all Russians to be fools and stubbornly and brazenly lie to them from screens and parliamentary tribunes.

Russophobia is when you do not notice what is happening in Russia today. Or you're lying that you don't notice.

Russophobia is when you call everyone who at least somehow tries to prevent all these outrages as enemies.

That's what Russophobia is.

Author Vera Vladimirovna Afanasyeva - Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Saratov State University. In different years she worked as a senior researcher at the State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Almaz", an associate professor at the Department of Mathematics, and now as a professor at the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science at SSU