Does Shambhala Exist? And How Is Shambhala Related To Kailash? - Alternative View

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Does Shambhala Exist? And How Is Shambhala Related To Kailash? - Alternative View
Does Shambhala Exist? And How Is Shambhala Related To Kailash? - Alternative View

Video: Does Shambhala Exist? And How Is Shambhala Related To Kailash? - Alternative View

Video: Does Shambhala Exist? And How Is Shambhala Related To Kailash? - Alternative View
Video: Unknown facts about Shambala, the mystery land in Kailasa 2024, May

Mystical Mount Meru and Kailash

According to ancient scriptures, at the center of the entire cosmic universe is the large Mount Meru. There are several references in Hindu mythology that Mount Kailash is synonymous with Mount Meru, or Sumeru.


There are also sources that state that Meru is located near Mount Kailash. The fact is that in this region there is an "ilavrita" or closed divine space in which the heavens and the abode of all the gods are located. Kailash, being located in the center, is also called the "navel of the Earth".


In many texts, Meru is described as the Golden Mountain towering over the whole world. At its top there is a large magic tree (pink apple tree) jambu with fruits the size of an elephant. The Jambu River flows from the juice of these fruits. It is said that the magical waters of this river confer immortality. Meru is also called Ratnasana (Top of the precious stone), Karnikachala (Lotus Mountain), Amaraparvata (Mountain of Eternity) or Deva Parvata (Mountain of the Gods).


It is also said that to the west of Meru lies Mandara Mountain, which was used by gods and demons as a whorl during the churning of the Ocean. Nearby is the abode of Bharma, which is called Brahmaloka.

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To the north of Meru lies Indraloka, the abode of the king of the gods Indra. This area is also called “antariksha” and is home to clouds, birds, nymphs and all heavenly creatures. Kamadhenu, a magical wish-fulfilling cow, lives here. Here also grows the magic parijata tree, which arose during the churning of the Ocean. Its golden bark and jeweled leaves are fragrant with a light near paradise … On the southern slopes of Meru, just above Kailash, is Vaikutha - the heavenly abode of Vishnu. Nearby lies Goloka - Krishna's paradise.

Near the Mandara Mountain lies Alka, the paradise of Kubera, the god of wealth, and many other "heavenly places" ruled by such deities as Surya, Varuna and Chandra.

According to some text sources, Kailash lies immediately east of Meru. Shiva and Parvati live on it together with Nandi and the army of ghosts and spirits belonging to Shiva. The mountain is so beautiful that it was nicknamed Hemakuta (Golden-Domed) or Rajatadri (Silver Mountain). In his Meghaduta, Kalidasa imagines that Kailash is formed from a sparkling crystal and, as the Kailasasye tridisha vanita darpanasye narrates, the celestial nymphs use it as a mirror. He also says that Kailash is one of the four places for Shiva's merrymaking (krida shail).


Mount Meru was wonderfully described in the Vishnu Purana (200 BC). This text says that the mountain rises thousands of leagues in height and is surrounded by worlds of seven cocentric rings. Its four facets are oriented in four directions: the eastern side is made of crystal, the western one is made of ruby, the northern one is made of gold, and the southern one is made of sapphire. At its top, the Ganges River falls from its divine source and divides into four great rivers.

The Indus River flows along the northern edge, which in Tibetan texts is called Senge Khambab (the river flowing from the mouth of a lion); the Karnali River, or Mapchu Khambab (flowing from the peacock's beak) flows along the southern edge; the river Brahmaputra, or Yarlung Tsangpo (flowing from the horse's mouth) flows along the eastern edge; and in the west, the Sutlej River, or Langchen Khambab (flowing from the mouth of an elephant).


Researchers believe that it is here that the myth merges with reality, since in the Kailash region there are rivers corresponding to these mythical stories. It is a stunning natural wonder when four rivers flowing into the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, at a distance of 2,400 km from each other, begin their incomparable journeys in the same region of the Himalayas!

In the theosophical tradition, Shambhala is "the location of the Great Teachers who advance the evolution of mankind; it is in the highest vibrations, therefore it is invisible and inaccessible to an unenlightened person." Shambhala is described in the works of Nicholas and Helena Roerich - "Teaching Living Ethics (Agni Yoga)".

According to legend, there are three entrances to the mysterious land of Shambhala: Tibet - Kailash, Altai - Belukha and the Gobi desert.

Tibetan texts say that Shambhala is a spiritual country and is located in the northwest of the sacred Mount Kailash. Mount Kailash (Kailash) is considered the center of the World, the Universe and the most energetically powerful place on Earth.


Theosophist, writer and traveler Helena Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled gives a legend about the “sons of God” and the “sacred island” - Shambhala. The source of the legend is the "Book of Dzyan" - the most ancient literary and philosophical treatise of earthly civilization.

According to Blavatsky, Shambhala is an invisible mystical country in which mahatmas live - the disembodied teachers of humanity. They communicate with the “chosen ones”, transmitting messages and secret knowledge through them. The Mahatmas are united in a kind of "world government", the so-called "White Brotherhood".


* Lev Gumilyov wrote: “the legend of the country of Shambhala in Tibet really exists and even received a special distribution there. Shambhala is the abode of bliss and is located somewhere in the northwest, the central city of the country - Barpasargad."

* Ossendovsky, in his book about his wanderings in Mongolia, describes the underground country of Agharti: "the innermost mystical center of the Earth", "the location of the King of the World."

* Nicholas Roerich, based on information received from the lamas, spoke about the reality of the location of Shambhala in the Himalayan mountains, north of Kailash.

* In the "Secret Doctrine" of Helena Blavatsky, Shambhala is identified with the White Island, located in central Asia. Shambhala is called the place where the survivors of Lemuria found their refuge.

* Edgar Cayce spoke about the existence of the Gobi country on the land of modern Mongolia, where "a city with a golden Temple is to be excavated."

* His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama says about Shambhala: “Shambhala is a place located somewhere on this planet, it is also a place that can be seen only by those whose minds and karmic inclinations are pure. That is why it remains closed to the everyday world."

The Akashic Chronicle contains information that the stone of Atlantis - Ipet Sout - "Mother of the Universe" was delivered to Shambhala from the Karnak Temple in Thebes.

In sacred Tibetan texts, the stone is called the "Treasure of the World". The gleam of the stone can be seen as celestial flashes that color the sky with stripes of orange, yellow, blue and milky white.


The Tibetans say that the mystical power of the stone connects three points of the world - three mountains: Kanchenjungu, Kailashi Belukha, united into a single space - the World Mandala.

Ernst Muldashev in his book "Golden Plates of Harati" writes that during an expedition to Tibet, he observed the phenomenon of the glow of the Shantamani stone, the history of which was described by Nicholas Roerich.

According to Tibetan Lamas, the stone is located on the Shambhala Tower. Perhaps Mount Kailash is the Tower of Shambhala?

Nobody has yet conquered the top of Kailash.

No one was holding the original Book of Dzyan in their hands.

Nobody saw the city and inhabitants of Shambhala …

Perhaps this mythical country exists in parallel worlds, or maybe - in the minds of people and you can see it only after reaching the Buddha's enlightenment?

If you are interested in the topic of Shambhala and its connection with Kailash, you can read more on the links.
