The Phenomenon Of "extended" Time - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of "extended" Time - Alternative View
The Phenomenon Of "extended" Time - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of "extended" Time - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of
Video: The Phenomenon (2020) | Trailer HD 2024, July

“Time, according to the postulates of classical physics, is constant and continuous, always and everywhere, it flows only in one direction, at one speed. However, the subjective perception of time can be different. This is confirmed by people who have found themselves in extreme situations and faced with the so-called extended time phenomenon."

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“Soldier Fyodor Nikolayevich Filatov, originally from Balashov, experienced several agonizing minutes in the instant of the explosion, as if spellbound as he watched fiery cracks run along the steel shell of the projectile, the metal cracks, and slowly, as in a dream, fragments (given to him war description exactly matched the later high-speed video)."

No less amazing are the stories of soldiers who have looked death in the eyes already in our time.

“When, in front of my eyes, a stray shell turned the driver together with the horse and the cart literally into dust, for me time completely stopped, how long I sat motionless: 20, 30, 60 minutes - I don’t know.”

"… I so admired the beautiful flight of a bullet flying straight at me that I didn't even know how to dodge, although I had plenty of time for that! (Pilot A. Markush.)"

… The black barrel of a light machine gun, which shot at me from 5 meters, seemed to me very large, even huge

"At any aerodrome, many stories can be told about what has long been called an inexplicable loss of orientation in time in medical language."

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“Test pilot Mark Gallay had a fire in the air while testing the La-5 fighter. Subsequently, he described this flight incident in the following way: From somewhere under the hood a long tongue of flame was knocked out … Acrid gray smoke crept into the cockpit from below … The time scale shuddered, shifted and went on some strange double counting. Each second has acquired the ability to expand indefinitely, as much as necessary: so many things a person can do in such positions. It seems that the passage of time has almost stopped!"

“Once, near the MiG-29 flying near the spectator stands, the engine suddenly failed, and the plane, nodding, went away from the stands with people, exploding on the ground. The black box recording subsequently proved that the pilot, a second before the ejection, had managed to do so many operations to control the faulty aircraft that under normal circumstances it could have taken minutes. And the story of the test pilot himself about this event, which took place at the air show, took several hours altogether!"

“But, unfortunately, pilots do not always properly use the saving time reserve that appears at a critical moment. A. Leonov and V. Lebedev remember. During the flight, the plane caught fire. The pilot ejected, two other crew members could not get out of the unguided aircraft and died … Before the ejection, the pilot gave a signal to leave the aircraft, however, according to his statement, he did not receive an answer, although he waited several minutes. In fact, the time interval between the moment of the command and the moment of the ejection was only a few seconds."

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In terms of the number of deaths, road transport, due to its massiveness, firmly holds the first place, so it is not surprising that ordinary drivers often encounter unexplained phenomena in critical situations.

"… I remember every little thing, every moment … A wheel burst, the car was suddenly thrown off the road, it hit the fence. I distinctly remember how the pickets were slowly breaking, how one of them suddenly arched and broke through the windshield, just opposite the driver. Her sharp end"

“Was aimed at his chest. I was stunned … However, my 16-year-old son Bob bent down abruptly and a sharp stake pierced through the seat! (Wheeler's mother and son, 1992, Coventry, England.)"

“Alexander Basov also nearly got into a car accident near Moscow in 1975. The speed is about 80 km / h. We drive around a hill, and suddenly, right in front of us, in the middle of the road, a Moskvich suddenly braked … And so I calmly sit and watch what is happening. Very smoothly, like in a slow motion movie, the hood of the car began to turn … Everything happens terribly slowly. But I turn my head to the driver and am surprised - his hands quickly, swiftly rotate the steering wheel! I was struck by this contrast. The hood of the car is already turning the other way. Now let's hit Moskvich - thought flows in normal time. But our car sails a few centimeters from the car and freezes, standing across the road. How long the driver and I stood motionless, I do not know. The way I described it took 58-60 seconds. In fact, it was only a few moments."

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Mountaineering is a sport associated with extreme situations, so those who make dangerous ascents also have a story to tell.

“In the summer of 1974 in Kyrgyzstan, in the Tien Shan mountains, mountaineer Sergei Ratnikov almost fell into the abyss - his brother helped. According to Sergei, he instantly covered several tens of meters and extended his hand."

“Another seasoned climber told an amazing story. Lightning in the mountains hit him in the hand, and he saw with horror how the electric discharge slowly charred the muscles, separating the skin from the tissues … The feeling was as if hundreds of hedgehogs had been driven under the skin."

“There is no doubt that time-stretching rules of behavior under extreme conditions can be taught. In any case, this is exactly what the followers of some martial arts do. The Russian school of martial arts, on the basis of which the NKVD-KGB combat systems were built, is no exception. As an example, we can cite the story of how in 1940 the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs N. I. Ezhov was shot. He thrashed (swung the pendulum) in a cramped cell so that not a single bullet would hit him!"

