Recently, not only theoretical physicists have spoken about the influence of Consciousness on the surrounding reality, who recognized that Consciousness in our world plays a huge role and not only regarding the "observer effect" related to the microworld (Pribram, Puthff, Targ, Bohm, Talbot, etc..). The Theory of Consciousness in recent years has become more and more popular among psychologists. One such scientist who speaks about the importance of Consciousness for our reality is V. Serkin, professor of the Northern International University and author of more than 80 scientific works, who notes that the theories existing in psychology do not explain the role of Consciousness and its altered states in the manifestation of extrasensory abilities. and parapsychological phenomena.
Thus, in one of his works entitled “The Activity Theory of Consciousness,” he writes: “Through his activity, man changes reality, that is, reality is partly dependent on our activity. Thus, “objective reality, independent of our consciousness” and our actions, does not exist, which, taking into account the consistency and interconnections within the Universe, redefines the problem of responsibility of the subject of the consciousness process. Different states of a person's consciousness are collected into a single integral self-consciousness with the help of his continuing and developing system of activities. New states of consciousness (and new knowledge) are generated not from consciousness itself, but from the development of human activity.
Joint activity gives rise to joint consciousness (an ideal attribute of joint activity) and joint corporeality (instrumentality, material attribute). The inclusion of various subjects in social activities determines the transpersonal (in the limit - noospheric) consciousness. The fixed parapsychological phenomenology that has not yet been explained by science can be studied according to the schemes of the structures of individual and joint activity as its processes and products, as a consequence of the processes of its transpersonality and continuity …
At present, millions of facts have been accumulated (transpersonal, religious and psychotechnical experience, unexpected knowledge of ancient languages by a person who has not studied them, predictions of the future, "out-of-body" (BT) and consciousness journeys, telepathy and telekinesis, etc.), many of which are objective recorded on the basis of strictly positivist requirements and supported by the testimony of reputable scientists. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of the "generally recognized" theories of consciousness published today in the world (Akopov, 2007; Allakhverdov, 2000; Bekhterev, 2001; Dennett, 2004; Searl, 2002; Chalmers, 2013; Velmans, 2009, etc.) can not explain such facts does not allow.
For example, a person is in a state of clinical death, in a period when all physiological and related neurocognitive processes are completely absent (indicators of an electroencephalogram and all other processes), in a state of HT, he observes what is happening and, after exiting the state of clinical death, reports what is happening in general, and about specific facts and details of the situation (Revonsuo, 2013). Further disregard for the numerous phenomenology of mental phenomena not explained by existing theories will not lead to the disappearance of these phenomena, but may lead to the loss of the scientific status of psychology itself.
In the methodology of science, the principle of abstraction of the cognizing subject (regardless of the results of the observer) has long been recognized as untenable, however, when constructing models and theories of psychology, many researchers still try to follow it. When constructing theories of consciousness, the principle of abstraction of the cognizing subject leads to complete absurdity - attempts to build theories or models of consciousness, independent of the subject of the process of consciousness. And it is these absurd theories that are generally accepted today."
Why absurd? Yes, because a person and his Consciousness is a part of the Universe, and not a completely isolated system. This means that within the framework of the Universe, a person interacts with all its elements and structures. Therefore, the "objective" reality, independent of our Consciousness, simply does not exist. And it is precisely with the altered states of Consciousness that all those "supernatural" phenomena are associated, from which the official science so vehemently denies, primitively trying to reduce everything to "hallucinations" or "fraud and charlatanism."
And such primitivism negatively affects the authority of science itself, which, instead of a serious study and research of yet unexplained phenomena and phenomena of Consciousness, diligently tries not to notice them. Or does it still study or even use it in practice, but only within the framework of secret research programs and in secret from all mankind? And if this is so, then the activities of various "pseudoscientific" commissions can be regarded not even as a delusion, but deliberate pharisaism and lies aimed at concealing knowledge "forbidden" for mankind.
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But who declared this knowledge "forbidden" for us? Yes, the very parasitic satanic forces that control the global banking system, media, governments and even official science itself. Because, while remaining "forbidden", all this knowledge allows them to continue to hold the power over the humanity they fooled.
From this we can draw a completely obvious conclusion: who are all these "fighters against pseudoscience" really are and how we can throw off the fog of the illusory darkness imposed on us by these forces from our consciousness. It is for this that “forbidden” knowledge must be made available. Since not the endless running after wealth, fame, power and pleasure, but the development of our own Consciousness, opens the doors of its phenomena to us and makes absolutely unnecessary "toys" many of the "crutches" of technocratic reality.