Will The Nature Of Telekinesis Be Unraveled? - Alternative View

Will The Nature Of Telekinesis Be Unraveled? - Alternative View
Will The Nature Of Telekinesis Be Unraveled? - Alternative View

Video: Will The Nature Of Telekinesis Be Unraveled? - Alternative View

Video: Will The Nature Of Telekinesis Be Unraveled? - Alternative View
Video: Как устроена IT-столица мира / Russian Silicon Valley (English subs) 2024, October

It is difficult even to imagine what incredible chaos would reign in our world if a person could massively master telekinesis - the supposed ability of a person to act on objects by moving them with the effort of his own thought.

Plates of food, precious necklaces, chic dresses, and trash cans would swirl through the air, colliding with each other. And in stadiums, balls and pucks would be imprinted into the opponent's goal without any game combinations that are so attractive to football or hockey. At the same time, it is even difficult to say whether there would have been a prototype of Patsyuk from Gogol, to which the dumplings themselves jumped into your mouth?

Telekinesis began to be studied in the thirties of the last century, but long before that in many magazines and newspapers, as a rule, in the heading "curiosities" there were reports of sometimes the most incredible possibilities of people. Eyewitnesses claimed that they saw with their own eyes people who, with the effort of thought, lifted and suspended in the air cups, matchboxes, ashtrays, bent copper spoons, opened the drawers of the table, stopped the clock and even the tram.

It was said that some can even disperse clouds or cause life-giving rain. Demonstrations of these incredible experiences have taken place in circus arenas, market squares and even the homes of many famous people. Many wanted to see such a miracle with their own eyes.

The atmosphere of chilling mystery, the expectation of the supernatural and the unknown in advance seemed to predict the success of such experiments, while the audience really saw for themselves how a book or a cigar rose into the air and hung there, the clock pendulum stopped or pencils moved on the tabletop.

That is why the phenomenon of telekinesis has been exciting human minds for a very long time. And although official science does not recognize this phenomenon, many enthusiastic researchers are sure: if the secret of the mechanism of telekinesis is revealed, then it is quite possible that it will be possible to find other - unconventional sources of energy so necessary for a person.

The word telekinesis comes from the Greek "movement at a distance", it is customary to denote the ability of people to affect certain physical objects without any direct application of muscle efforts.

The term "telekinesis" was first used in 1890 by the Russian paranormal researcher Alexander Aksakov. At the same time, it is interesting that such an ability to move objects without contact is only one side of this unexplored phenomenon - macrotelekinesis. The other side, no less intriguing - microtelekinesis - involves the impact on electrical appliances, heating water, destroying durable surfaces, creating images on photographic plates, lighting fluorescent lamps with one glance, and much, much more.

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Telekinetism was actively discussed at the end of the 19th century, when mediumship and spiritualism flourished. The most famous in this field was the Englishman "Hume" or Daniel Home, who in Russia was considered the prototype of the hero R. Browning "Mister Slack, medium". Hume is a unique person, he was born in Scotland, and his extraordinary powers and abilities manifested themselves at an early age. Hume amazed eyewitnesses with his incredible abilities: he acted simultaneously as a clairvoyant, and a psychokineticist, and as a demonstrator of levitation, etc.

The Home phenomenon was observed by a huge number of famous scientists at that time. For example, the President of the London High Royal Society, physicist, chemist William Crookes, who was considered an authority in the field of mystical phenomena, clearly and rather ambiguously defined that Mr. Home is a collection of factors unknown to modern science.

Then the popularity of telekinesis experienced a decline, and only in the sixties of the last century this phenomenon actively re-emerged. And this phenomenon was our compatriot Ninel Kulagina, an ordinary housewife from Leningrad. It is impossible to say with certainty when her gift was discovered, but by the mid-60s, the "Kulagina phenomenon" began to rapidly gain fame. In 1968, black and white films were shot in the USSR, which told about her experiments in telekinesis, which were perceived as sensational in the West.

Many academicians and professors participated in the experiments with Ninel. One of them, the founder of Russian radar, academician Kobzar, suggested that this phenomenon in Kulagina's work was the result of a very powerful electrostatic field inside her, which, in fact, moves objects. By calculating the parameters of a field that could theoretically move small objects, scientists were able to calculate the electrostatic value of the field, which can cause the necessary mechanical force. They were simply amazed by the result obtained: it was several hundred kilovolts.

Then the scientists tried to suggest that Ninel Kulagina interacts with the strength of the field, which has an acoustic nature, for which they prepared special equipment for experiments. A condenser microphone was attached to the box of matches, the most sensitive at the time. But as soon as the woman brought her hand closer to the matchbox and tensed a little, pulses suddenly appeared on the oscilloscope … and suddenly everything disappeared. The microphone was disassembled and saw that it was completely "punctured", moreover, its membrane was welded to the base. The microphone was changed to a ceramic one, which worked smoothly during the experiment. When the matchbox moved, it gave random impulses with very steep fronts. And it was a sensation: Ninel Kulagina's hands emitted … ultrasound.

The results of numerous studies and experiments on the Kulagina phenomenon were both positive and negative. On the one hand, scientists were able to make sure that Kulagina's telekinesis was not some kind of trick or sheer deception, so it was already impossible to deny the fact of its existence. But on the other hand, it was not possible to give any reasonable scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

In November 1973, on a talk show on the BBC, there was a man about whom the whole world spoke the next day. Uri Geller, a showman from a nightclub in Israel, said that he was able to change the physical properties, shape and state of material objects only by the power of his thoughts. As proof, he "bent" the teaspoon by rubbing it lightly with his fingers. Since then, the whole world has started talking about telekinesis. And Uri Geller during his more than thirty-year career of a professional "unique" thousands of times bent steel spoons and other objects in front of thousands of spectators and millions of TV viewers, stopped the running clock, started chronometers that had not worked for centuries … He even stopped the famous Big Ben.

In fairness, it must be said that in the history of Geller's performances, there were sometimes failures, when he could not realize his strength in front of a huge audience and failed. This happened, for example, on the air of the American show Johnny Carson. It was these facts that gave skeptics reason to talk about the presence in the phenomenon of trickery or trickery, which Uri passes off as paranormal phenomena.

However, the fact is that, like Ninel Kulagina, these phenomenal superpowers were not so easy for Geller. And the period of his sensational television and stage shows ended with a serious breakdown, exhaustion and a very severe form of depression. Today he lives in London and already very rarely agrees to demonstrate his supernatural capabilities in front of an audience. And just like with Ninel Kulagina, the authorities of science cannot explain its incredible power …

Various scientist-enthusiasts have long attempted to get close to the secret of telekinesis.

They have a fairly thorough and solid attitude towards research into human paranormal capabilities in the United States. For example, in the famous Princeton University in the seventies of the last century, the Center for Anomalous Research was created. This institution is closely engaged in the study of those phenomena that are deviations from the existing laws of nature, and those that appear as a result of the mental influence of people.

Telekinesis research is also carried out by the anomalous research laboratory, which is headed by Dr. Robert Jan. The researchers of this laboratory have proved that a person with the help of his psyche can influence certain material objects, although even in this very respectable institution they cannot yet give a clear and workable theory of explaining the mechanism of telekinesis.

Thus, modern scientists do not have an appropriate theory that would lead to the practice of mastering the capabilities and powers of telekinesis. Probably, it is precisely this kind of marking time, when the facts of the "miracle" are on the face, and no one has yet been able to find explanations for it, and even more so, the creation of technologies for its useful application, lead to the complete absence of any technological business. projects.

Maybe that's why on the website of the aforementioned Institute for Anomalous Research there is an announcement that the leading laboratories of this institute have been closed since 2007, and work on the study of paranormal phenomena has been curtailed …

And yet, what is actually the real mechanism of telekinesis? What is it: witchcraft or shamanism, yoga or the power of the energy of the spirit, or maybe these are physical fields?

Many believe that in this phenomenon lies a person's ability to regulate and control their non-biological energy flows and activate non-physical fields. Although such an opinion is contrary to the authorities of academic science. The latter suggest that the triggering foundations of the telekinesis mechanism, as well as other supernatural human capabilities, in scientific terms, “depend on a change in the profile of functional asymmetry in the hemispheres of the human brain, an increase in connections in the synapse of the nervous system, as well as on the special activation of all endocrine glands.

Some, however, suggest that the mechanism of this phenomenon lies in a special very powerful mode of operation of the entire non-physical energy structure of a person, which has the ability to influence the surrounding objects, and the world as a whole, with flows of its subtle energy with very high intensity. The correctness of this assumption, in their opinion, is indicated by the fact that in some cases it is possible for a person to learn how to influence, even on small objects, by the force of such energy, while their opponents are followers of the theory of controlled asymmetry of the hemispheres, etc., so nothing were able to demonstrate.

Although it seems that modern scientists often do not even try to master such forces, they are simply trying to explain from the perspective of an outside observer what others are doing in this direction….