Experiment With The Mirrors Of Time Interrupted On The Cusp Of Discovery. What Scared The Scientists - Alternative View

Experiment With The Mirrors Of Time Interrupted On The Cusp Of Discovery. What Scared The Scientists - Alternative View
Experiment With The Mirrors Of Time Interrupted On The Cusp Of Discovery. What Scared The Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Experiment With The Mirrors Of Time Interrupted On The Cusp Of Discovery. What Scared The Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Experiment With The Mirrors Of Time Interrupted On The Cusp Of Discovery. What Scared The Scientists - Alternative View
Video: Gene Editing: The Biotech Revolution of our Times | SXSW 2021 2024, September

In the course of the experiment, people placed in an installation called "Kozyrev's Mirror" felt the exit from their own body, broadcast thoughts at a distance, and acquired the ability to telekinesis. All this was recorded by scientists of the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences.

Kozyrev's mirrors are spiral-shaped mirror devices with a focus in the center. Nikolai Kozyrev designed them in order to empirically confirm his hypothesis that time is not an abstract quantity, but that it has direction and energy, that it is material and, therefore, it is possible to return to the past and get into the future. We wrote about this in detail in the article “One step away from the invention of a time machine. Kozyrev's Mirrors.

People placed in cylindrical mirror spirals experienced abnormal psychophysical sensations. Their supersensible perception intensified, some felt themselves to be participants in historical events, others saw the future. Also, cases were recorded when a participant in the experiment saw his body from the side and many other amazing effects. Two multi-day experiments were carried out, during which people, thousands of kilometers away from each other, transmitted information to each other.

Once, during the experiment, a plasmoid (ball lightning) flash occurred inside the installation, and before starting work with the mirrors, a glowing disk appeared several times over the institute building, which disappeared as soon as the work was stopped.

A participant in the experiments, Novosibirsk professor A. V. Trofimov said:


Amazingly, during experiments on the transmission of information (thought forms) over a distance, geophysical services on Dikson recorded a strong disturbance of the magneto- and ionosphere, as well as a bright aurora borealis. Scientists suggested that this is the reaction of the Earth's information field to experiments with Kozyrev's mirrors, since the aurora borealis began simultaneously with the beginning of the experiment and ended after its termination.

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One day, before starting the experiment, scientists smelled ozone and, as they approached the mirror installation, experienced a feeling of barely surmountable fear. A researcher who entered Kozyrev's mirror saw a stream of symbols. It seemed to him that they glowed like neon signs. Later it turned out that these signs correlate with the culture of Ancient Sumer. That is, these symbols have broken through in our time from the distant past.

Experiments are currently suspended. Scientists believe that the feeling of fear that has repeatedly arisen while working with mirrors is not accidental. Perhaps this is a warning of a real danger. Probably, concave mirrors, configured in a special way, are really capable of influencing the passage of time, and also open the door to an unfriendly parallel world. More research is needed before returning to experimenting with mirrors.