Project &Ldquo; Phoenix &Rdquo; - Alternative View

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Project &Ldquo; Phoenix &Rdquo; - Alternative View
Project &Ldquo; Phoenix &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Video: Project &Ldquo; Phoenix &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Video: Project &Ldquo; Phoenix &Rdquo; - Alternative View
Video: MS Project 2016 за 30 минут. (Microsoft Project) - календарное планирование проекта 2024, September

Philadelphia experiment

The problem with the Philadelphia experiment was human intolerance to changing the course of time, but the technical results were very successful. Naturally, it was very difficult to abandon such a promising technology. However, the immediate continuation of the "Rainbow" project was preceded by a series of separate projects in which separate tasks were solved. The combination of these projects later made it possible to implement the Montauk project. It should be noted that the Montauk project included not only the most advanced achievements of fundamental science, but also an esoteric component, which, of course, raises a number of additional questions. In fact, this meant an attempt to master the subtle energies …

Back in late 1940, the US government began implementing a weather management project. It was named the Phoenix Project. Theoretical developments in this direction were presented by the Austrian scientist Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Reich approached this problem outside the box. He realized that there is another energy, different from the electromagnetic known to us, which directly affects all living things. Reich called this energy orgone, which, in his opinion, represents the energy of life. His experiments showed that orgone energy is significantly different from electromagnetic energy, while he practically proved its existence by experiment. The findings of this scientist were published in various psychiatric and medical publications of the time. Reich did not stop there, but made extremely interesting conclusions. He proposed, on the basis of his theory, practical methods of influencing nature. In particular, he found out that “dead orgone” (DOR for “dead orgon”) is concentrated inside strong storms. According to the scientist's theory, “dead orgone” is associated with the accumulation of “dead energy”. Orgone and “dead orgone” affect both living organisms and the environment itself. Thus, active enthusiasts are full of orgone energy, while a disgruntled hypochondriac is charged with DOR energy. Reich found that the more energy a storm has in DOR, the more devastating it is. Through a series of experiments with various forms of DOR, Reich developed feasible electromagnetic techniques to mitigate the strength of storms. From now on, the government technology group, using Reich's discoveries,conducted a series of her own weather studies and created the so-called "radiosonde". In the late 1940s, when Wilhelm Reich approached the government, devices for observing the weather had already been developed. They were called radiometrographs. From the moment Reich took over, however, things took a different turn. He handed the government research team a small wooden box that was inserted into a balloon. According to eyewitnesses, the thunderstorm front, which was about to cover the researchers, suddenly split and bypassed the section of Long Island where the Reich device was tested. Thus, the measurement technology of the radiometer was combined with Reich's DOR-destroying device, and the resulting device was named a “radiosonde”. They worked on the improvement of the latter until then,have not yet achieved a confident effect on the weather. It should be said that storms can not only be stopped, but also caused. Since the 1950s, there have been massive launches of radiosondes, but their true purpose is classified: officially, these are only observation devices. Of course, the authorities completely deny any tests on weather management. But, most importantly, the principles of a radiosonde can also be used to influence humans. Harnessing the energy of orgone and DOR theoretically means that a government with this technology could program the inhabitants of a particular region, or even the general population. According to Preston Nichols, this technology has been applied to the population of Russia for many years. The press did not cover US efforts in this direction, but such activities were carried out. Thus, the Phoenix project opened the way to the management of natural processes and the human psyche, which became the next step to the next step …


Destroyer Eldridge

As mentioned above, at the end of the 40s of the XX century, it was decided to return to the "Rainbow" project, but at a higher technological level. It was decided to study the phenomenon that happened with the destroyer "Eldridge" in order to obtain more radical results. The scientists behind the Rainbow Project - John von Neumann and his research team - were brought back to work. The same project, but a different, more global goal. They had to find out what exactly had such a harmful effect on the people who were inside the "electromagnetic cocoon". Considering the positive results of the Phoenix project on the impact on the weather and the human psyche, in the early 1950s it was decided to combine the Raduga project with the radiosonde project under the general name Phoenix. This made it possible to concentrate efforts in one direction in order to study the human factor. The center of this research was the Brookhaven Laboratory on Long Island, and Dr. von Neumann became the director of the entire program.

Von Neumann is a mathematician and also a theoretical physicist who at one time left Germany for the USA. Became famous for his advanced concept of space-time. In addition, he is the creator of the first electronic tube computer. At the dawn of the Rainbow project, he worked on it with Tesla and Einstein. Von Neumann had the ability to translate advanced theories into new technologies, perhaps because it was he who was entrusted with such a difficult job. Having started the Phoenix project, von Neumann quickly realized that he had to penetrate into metaphysics, to understand the essence of personality from a non-materialistic point of view, since traditional science could not help in this case. The Philadelphia experiment turned out to be extremely destructive for the psyche and biological structure of a person. Von Neumann and his team have been figuring out for more than ten yearswhy the electromagnetic field that threw people through space and time had such a negative impact on the team. They came to the conclusion that a person from birth is inherent in what can be called the "standard of time." According to their concept, a person begins life with the fact that his energetic being (soul) falls into the stream of time, “attaches” to it. This time standard is the starting point in the universe and the means of its influence. Falling out of the usual standard of time and unbalanced the mental state of the crew members of the destroyer "Eldridge", causing them severe mental trauma. In the Philadelphia experiment, through the use of an “electromagnetic cocoon”, it was possible to literally remove both the ship and the crew from our universe. This circumstance explains the complete invisibility of the ship and the crew. The alternative reality obtained in this way has no standard of time at all, because it is not part of the general flow of time. The participants of the Phoenix project were faced with the need to create a sense of the usual time standard (corresponding to the planet Earth) inside the “electromagnetic cocoon”. Thus, once in an alternative reality, a person will have a certain fulcrum and retain the ability to be aware of himself and what is happening. A possible solution to this problem was to create a natural electromagnetic field of the Earth inside the “cocoon”, which would provide a sense of the continuity of the flow of time. To control the electromagnetic field, it was decided to use a computer, which had to take into account the individual characteristics of a person entering an alternative reality. Work on the implementation of this task began in 1948 and continued until 1967.

… The project was completed and a report on the results was sent to the US Congress. Congress funded this project and therefore carefully scrutinized the results. The report said that human consciousness is subject to the action of electromagnetic forces. The conclusions noted that with further improvement of technology, it is possible to control people's thoughts. Congress came to the unequivocal conclusion that the technology was extremely dangerous, and in 1969 the project was canceled. It seemed that this question was finished …

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