Matryoshka. The Concept Of Perception Of The Material World - Alternative View

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Matryoshka. The Concept Of Perception Of The Material World - Alternative View
Matryoshka. The Concept Of Perception Of The Material World - Alternative View

Video: Matryoshka. The Concept Of Perception Of The Material World - Alternative View

Video: Matryoshka. The Concept Of Perception Of The Material World - Alternative View
Video: Introductory lesson №1. Trainings "Vectors". The project of Viacheslav Yunev 2024, October

Movement, development is inherent in human nature. Evolution. We need to open new horizons for understanding the world. The mind is characterized by this quality. I tried to understand how the mind differs from the unreasonable, and who can be called reasonable, and who is just an intelligent animal? And I came to the conclusion that the mind is a tool of creativity. He who is intelligent creates new things. And whoever does not create anything new is nothing more than a biomechanical robot even with the most ingenious arrangement of life. Here are ants, how complicated they are, what amazing things they do, their social life is not communism? However, they did not add anything new to their construction - they are the same for millions of years. No new tools of labor, no more perfect means of production. Man is a rational being, he himself creates new ways of his development.

Depth of space

As a teenager, I saw in a dream something more than I knew, but I would like to know. I dreamed that I was in a round room, where mirrors like narrow tall windows hung on the walls, and there were no doors. Exploring the space of the room, I climb in the air to the very ceiling and from there I decide to fly out through one of the mirrors, as through a window - and I easily succeed. Once outside, I notice that I am now in a more spacious room with windows on all sides. And behind these windows is another room with windows, and so on ad infinitum. I get scared. And at that moment I see a lynx that quickly slipped past the window. At the same time, I hear a voice inside me, which says: "This lynx is not just a forest animal, it is a mother, that is why it moves so quickly." When I woke up, an amazing thought occurred to me. This Lynx is my homeland, Russia (one-root or even similar, and therefore still related words, because there are no accidents). I am in my material world according to the matryoshka mother principle. The worlds are somehow nested within one another, and there is no limit to this.

Much later, having become an adult, I found confirmation of my guess in the words of the famous American astrophysicist Carl Sagan: “Judging by what we know, there can be many universes. It is possible that they are in some sense nested within one another. There is an idea - strange, obsessive, provocative - one of the most sophisticated conjectures in science. It is completely unverifiable and will probably never be proven. But it excites. There is, as we said, an infinite hierarchy of universes, and it may turn out that if we were able to penetrate into an elementary particle, such as an electron in our world, it would itself turn out to be a whole closed universe. Inside it, collected in the local equivalents of galaxies and other, smaller formations, there are a huge number of even smaller elementary particles,which are themselves the universes of the next level, and so on - an endless regression of universes, nested one into another. And the same progression directed in the other direction. The familiar Universe with all galaxies, stars, planets and people may turn out to be one elementary particle in the universe of a higher level. I realized that this is not just a guess. This is one of those innermost thoughts that always exist in the world. For some reason, it is not given to everyone, and therefore remains an unproven truth. Like a dark legend.that this is not just a guess. This is one of those innermost thoughts that always exist in the world. For some reason, it is not given to everyone, and therefore remains an unproven truth. Like a dark legend.that this is not just a guess. This is one of those innermost thoughts that always exist in the world. For some reason, it is not given to everyone, and therefore remains an unproven truth. Like a dark legend.

It is interesting that the matryoshka is recognized in the world as a primordially Russian toy, therefore it is sold exclusively in the Russian version and is everywhere called in Russian, without translation into other languages. Everyone knows the traditional, special attitude of the Japanese towards dolls. They collect dolls all over the world, as the Ancient Greeks once collected images of gods for a philosophical understanding of the world. And matryoshka is no exception; it rightfully takes its place in the Japanese puppet pantheon. But she retains the Russian beginnings, remaining unchanged in her Russian sarafan and scarf even in Japan. The Japanese "mastered" the matryoshka because of their mystical perception of the doll's image in general, but kept its source code. As if she came to us from a more ancient northern people, from a now forgotten ancestral home. However, even there it did not appear suddenly. The model of the Universe in the form of a universal toy can exist in the world from the very beginning, like everything that exists. Reinforced by an old scientific hunch, my amazing dream became a theory.

Later, with the passage of time and in connection with the accumulated experience, this theory became more complicated, taking the form of a concept.

In addition to the well-known three dimensions of our material space (length, width, height) there is one more, for some reason not taken into account, but obvious dimension on the micro-macro scale. This dimension also refers to our material space, and it would be possible to travel in it if we studied the properties of movement along this scale.

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Let's try to figure it out. Our material space is measured in numbers. And the concept of numbers is due to the "rounding error". No number can be absolute, but is a conventionally accepted unit of measurement. Any point in space is a number, the approach to which, in principle, is infinite. For example, the approximation to the number "2" - from "one": 1, 999 … and so on; and - from the "troika": 2, … 001 and so on. And "0" is the conditional border of the transition from negative numbers to positive ones in a given coordinate system. Conditional because zero, as an absolute number, does not exist either. You can approach "0" from any side of the coordinate axis, even from the side of minus numbers, even from the side of plus numbers, we will approach it endlessly, and will never reach it. Thus,the concept of "infinity" (∞) refers not only to the oppositely directed values of the coordinate axis, but also to its "center". And in general to any point in the coordinate system. Therefore, we are forced to neglect precision, simply rounding numbers on the conventional scale of the calculus. This is what rounding error is in mathematics.

So, any arbitrary point in space of our three-dimensional universe may turn out to be a station to start traveling along the micro-macro scale. Consider a coordinate system on a certain X-axis, where everything that lies on one side of zero, in the minus value is “micro”, and on the other side of zero, in the plus value is “macro”. That is, we will designate the direction into microspace by minus numbers. And the direction to the macro space - by positive numbers. And let's try to prove that this movement is not fantastic for us, and in fact our world is not three-dimensional, but four-dimensional (length, width, height, depth). The micro-macro scale is the depth of space.

To do this, let's move from mathematics to physics and remember what a magnet is. A magnet is a body that has its own magnetic field. And, as you know, products made of ferromagnets have their own magnetic field. This word itself suggests that the main element for magnets is iron (Fe). Such magnets are called permanent, because they do not lose their magnetization properties for a long time. There are also electromagnets, the magnetic field of which is created only when an electric current flows through them. But the central part of these devices, called the core, is again made of ferromagnets (usually iron). The discovery of the interaction between electric current and magnet was of great importance. It marked the beginning of a new era in the teaching of electricity and magnetism. The simplest and smallest magnetaccording to the teachings of corpuscular physics, an electron can be considered. And from the point of view of quantum field theory, electromagnetic interaction is carried by a massless boson - a photon (a "particle" that can be represented as a quantum excitation of an electromagnetic field).

Our planet Earth is a big magnet, it has its own strong magnetic field. The magnetic axis almost coincides with the axis of rotation of the planet, although the magnetic poles, in accordance with the physical processes taking place in the planetary body, constantly change their location, however, only slightly. Therefore, in their ideas about the world order, people habitually combine the earth's southern magnetic pole with the geographic South pole. And the North Magnetic Pole is with the geographic North Pole. It is not right.

In a modern compass, the red portion of the arrow points north. Combining it with the letter "C" (or English N) we will see in degrees the entire horizon surrounding us. This color of the compass needle is used in our time. Previously, the compass needle was colored like this: half red, half blue. The magnetized blue part of the compass needle pointed to the north, and the opposite, red part, respectively, to the south. Because blue is associated with cold, and red with warmth. In modern compasses, red serves as a signal, that is, an attention-grabbing color. In this case, the southern part of the needle on a modern compass will simply be colorless or painted white. And this color is more correct. Because the north of the earth is actually the south magnetic pole of the planet. And in the southern part of the planet, where Antarctica is located, there is the north magnetic pole. In order to understand this, you need to know the effect of the magnetic field and the direction of the lines of force. For clarity, I will give you something from the course of the school curriculum.


The picture on the left shows an electromagnetic coil, on the right a permanent magnet. The North Pole is indicated here in blue and the English letter N (it has the value "+"). The south pole is marked in red and the English letter S, respectively (it has the value "-"). The letter I indicates the direction of the current in the coil.

The next two diagrams show the interaction of the magnetic fields of two magnets. The first picture shows repulsive magnets, where the letter N stands for north. In another picture, we see attracting magnets. This means that if the magnets are facing each other with opposite poles, then an attraction force will act between them. And if the magnets are facing each other with the same poles, then the magnets will repel each other.


Thus, the north (magnetized) part of the compass needle always points to the south magnetic pole of the planet according to the law of magnetic attraction. But according to the tradition in geography, that part of the Earth where the southern magnetic pole of the planet is located is called the Northern Hemisphere. And vice versa.


Now let's imagine our planet in the form of the X-axis in a certain coordinate system, where X is the dimension on the scale of spatial depth "micro-macro". The surface of the planet available to us is conventionally designated by the number "0". Then everything that is "south" of the South Pole will be expressed in negative numbers (with a - sign). And everything that is "north" of the North Pole - in positive numbers (with a + sign). After all, this is how the action of any magnet is drawn: the incoming "inward" lines of force of the magnetic field are indicated by the "-" sign at the south pole, and the outgoing ones - by the arrow "from the outside" and the "+" sign at the north pole. Just do not forget that the South Pole is the Arctic, and the North Pole is Antarctica. So it goes.

That's right: the "Pole of Cold" is the Russian station "Vostok", located in East Antarctica - 78 ° 28 ′ S. sh. 106 ° 48 ′ E On July 21, 1983, −89.2 ° C was recorded there, which is the lowest air temperature on the Earth's surface recorded over the entire period of observations. Antarctica is the real North, the lost Severnaya Zemlya with its amazing "mountain" Measure, on which the loops of the world are held …

Let's complicate the task. It is required to represent the depth of the earth's space and the surrounding space in the form of a diagram. Any surface is two-dimensional. Depicting a closed two-dimensional ("infinite but measurable") surface of our planet in three-dimensional space, we resort to using a diagram where the Earth is shown as a ball. And depicting the three-dimensional Earth, that is, the planet and the surrounding space (also infinite, but measurable, because it is also closed, although "open") in four-dimensional space, we get the following picture.


Let's call this drawing "Peace Loops". The figure shows a diagram of the Earth in the mode of curvature of planetary space along the micro-macro coordinate axis, where the dashed outer border suggests further movement in macro space, and the inner one - in micro space. In fact, the same matryoshka! Inside a macroplanet is a microplanet. In this case, another "doll" of the Earth - both smaller and larger - is connected, as it were, with an umbilical cord with our planet at the point of the pole portal. If we move "inward" of the south magnetic pole (in the Arctic of the northern hemisphere of the planet), we can find ourselves in the region of the north magnetic pole of Micro-Earth. And "stretching up" at the point of the north magnetic pole (in the Antarctic of the Southern Hemisphere) - to go out in the area of the south magnetic pole of Macroearth. Moreover,together with each “other” Earth, the infinite, closed around it, the Cosmos will change accordingly; it will also be an order of magnitude less or more on the micro-macro scale. For such a journey, you do not have to die, you will not even notice the change in space when crossing the umbilical cord. Admiral Byrd's diary can be cited as an example. You just need to know the entry point to the portal. And most importantly - the return exit.:)

And this is not fantasy. It's just science.

Maternal conservation principle

Considering that human blood is based on hemoglobin and ferritin, which include the element iron (Fe), we make a bold statement: a person has its own electromagnetic field, that is, it is a permanent magnet.

In the body of some creatures, the functions of hemoglobin and ferritin are performed by hemocyanin, which contains the element of copper (Cu) instead of iron. They do not possess their own electromagnetic field. Their life is supported by the energy of external static electricity. Like, for example, the Moon, which does not have its own magnetic field. That is, they have their own electrostatic field.

More specifically, along with warm-blooded species on Earth live and interact species of other, cold-blooded creatures that have a completely different principle of survival and, quite possibly, a different evolutionary chain. Other content. Another meaning of life. We live in a closed three-dimensional space, from where we have no access to the fourth dimension due to ignorance of the operation of the castle. And someone else, a stranger easily penetrates here and disposes of our living space, and our lives in their own interests. And he does not intend to share these interests with us. Maybe they put a "castle" on our world? And if not them, then who? We need to make an effort to understand what's going on. We need to realize reality as something more than what we know about our world. And then the space will expand, opening up new horizons for us.

In the previous programmatic article "Koshchei Immortals" I spoke in detail about the genetics of these creatures. And here, very briefly, in two paragraphs, I will explain what I mean by the expression "motherly principle" of matryoshka.

Genetics reports that one of the 23 paired chromosomes of a person is called a sex pair, that is, one that is responsible for the reproduction of sex. One is called the Y chromosome. The other is an X chromosome. The bulk of hereditary information is concentrated in chromosomes. Chromosome Y remains unchanged over time, that is, it is not subject to mutations. This chromosome is only found in males, it is not in females. Chromosome X changes its gene code over time, that is, it accumulates mutations, mutates. In other words, Y is an informative incentive program. And X is a material template, a matrix. She leads the program of metamorphosis in the process of evolution. That is why the Lynx in my dream was named a mother because of her fast movement. The mutational response must be instantaneous,to provide the material world with high survivability and the degree of necessary modification.

Let's emphasize. Eternal unchanging Spirit, and eternally changing Matter. If we are talking about the material Universe, then we mean the Matrix, which has as its basic law metamorphosis - the transition from one state to another, the transformation of forms and content with conservation of energy. If we talk about the spiritual Universe, then we mean the primary Energy, which fills the Matrix with content. We call the content information to make it easier to keep a logical account.

Well, in general, Spirit enriches Matter with information so that it gives birth to an animated form into the world. In our bipolar, bisexual world, it is established that a man fills a woman with information so that she becomes a mother. The same principle of species reproduction dominates the entire surface of our planet, where warm-blooded creatures occupy the highest stages of evolution. And man and woman are a single form of filling the earthly space with the process of endless creative renewal.

Let's imagine a person as a conditional "0" on a certain axis of coordinates Y, where Y is the personal space or "space" of a given person. But we will consider a person, of course, not as an inorganic body with its own magnetic field, but as an organic subject with its own magnetic field. After all, this is so. Then all its manifestations "south" of the subjective south magnetic pole and denoted by numbers on the Y-axis with a "-" sign will be represented in the form of copies (dolls) of this person indistinguishable to the ordinary human eye. Or - entangled quantum particles, where the spin of one particle is always opposite to the spin of another. Or - "demonic" doubles, that is, in the language of ancient people, "shadows". Basically, it doesn't matter how you present or name it. The main thing is to understandthat man is not something exceptional and absolute. It, like any number in the Universe, is inevitably due to the "rounding error". And all the manifestations of this person "north" of the subjective North Magnetic Pole and denoted by numbers on the coordinate axis with the "+" sign, we will represent in the form of copies of "angelic" twins that are also indistinguishable to the ordinary eye. For example, in the form of a guardian angel, relentlessly following a given person for the simple reason that this is his own manifestation of his subjective nature. Having traced this line on both sides of the Y-axis from the conditional "zero" to infinity, it is easy to understand that in the direction of plus values an absolutized image of God looms, and in the direction of negative numbers - the image of Satan. Both are reflections and extensions of human any number in the Universe, it is inevitably caused by "rounding error". And all the manifestations of this person "north" of the subjective North Magnetic Pole and denoted by numbers on the coordinate axis with the "+" sign, we will represent in the form of copies of "angelic" twins that are also indistinguishable to the ordinary eye. For example, in the form of a guardian angel, relentlessly following a given person for the simple reason that this is his own manifestation of his subjective nature. Having traced this line on both sides of the Y-axis from the conditional "zero" to infinity, it is easy to understand that in the direction of plus values an absolutized image of God looms, and in the direction of negative numbers - the image of Satan. Both are reflections and extensions of human any number in the Universe, it is inevitably caused by "rounding error". And all the manifestations of this person "north" of the subjective North Magnetic Pole and denoted by numbers on the coordinate axis with the "+" sign, we will represent in the form of copies of "angelic" twins that are also indistinguishable to the ordinary eye. For example, in the form of a guardian angel, relentlessly following a given person for the simple reason that this is his own manifestation of his subjective nature. Having traced this line on both sides of the Y-axis from the conditional "zero" to infinity, it is easy to understand that in the direction of plus values an absolutized image of God looms, and in the direction of negative numbers - the image of Satan. Both are reflections and extensions of human subjectivity. And all the manifestations of this person "north" of the subjective North Magnetic Pole and denoted by numbers on the coordinate axis with the "+" sign, we will represent in the form of copies of "angelic" twins that are also indistinguishable to the ordinary eye. For example, in the form of a guardian angel, relentlessly following a given person for the simple reason that this is his own manifestation of his subjective nature. Having traced this line on both sides of the Y-axis from the conditional "zero" to infinity, it is easy to understand that in the direction of plus values an absolutized image of God looms, and in the direction of negative numbers - the image of Satan. Both are reflections and extensions of human subjectivity. And all the manifestations of this person "north" of the subjective North Magnetic Pole and denoted by numbers on the coordinate axis with the "+" sign, we will represent in the form of copies of "angelic" twins that are also indistinguishable to the ordinary eye. For example, in the form of a guardian angel, relentlessly following a given person for the simple reason that this is his own manifestation of his subjective nature. Having traced this line on both sides of the Y-axis from the conditional "zero" to infinity, it is easy to understand that in the direction of plus values an absolutized image of God looms, and in the direction of negative numbers - the image of Satan. Both are reflections and extensions of human subjectivity.

Let's make a projection of the Y axis onto the X axis with the same scales along the axes and with the combination of all points. In other words, let us transfer the image of a person's personal space to the image of planetary space, which is the material environment for this person. Is this logical? Yes. What do we see? Subjective counterparts of the negative "demonic" nature will be projected onto the space of the Micro-Earth "inside" the South magnetic pole of the Earth, that is, somewhere underground in the Northern Hemisphere. And the subjective twins of the positive "angelic" nature, accordingly, will find themselves in the heavenly space of Macro-Earth somewhere above Antarctica, on the top of the hypothetical Mount Meru or even "above" it, depending on which positive number you take - less or more - to infinity. The higher, the closer to God. And God is a conventional incomprehensible Absolute. Conditional becausethat the concept of the absolute is just as conditional as the concept of infinity. The same can be said about the opposite direction of the coordinate axis: the lower, the more terrible the personified image of the Abyss.

We examined the interaction of one person's personal space with the earthly space of his habitat. And they came to the conclusion (so far also conditional, not confirmed by scientific formulas) that man in his material manifestation is infinite on the scale of measuring spatial depth, just like the Earth, with which he shares his fate. A provocative question involuntarily arises: are not ALL people on Earth - living or ever born and yet to be born - copies of the same human primordial being, that is, his "dolls"? After all, this multiplicity may turn out to be a banal precaution of nature in the face of the danger of the disappearance of the human essence due to some kind of mistake or energy tension? For example, associated with the penetration of other beings into our world,who don't belong here? Well, how would you handle a file on your computer in the event of a possible power outage? Of course, we would create a copy of the file. Or - many files, if there is a specific need for it. Or, if we could, run the file self-replication program in replication of all copies. Isn't that how the network creates "mirrors" of sites subject to the threat of destruction? Moreover, if the file is infected with a virus and arbitrarily launches the self-removal program. But it is precisely this misfortune that occurs with the material program called Man. Isn't that how the network creates "mirrors" of sites subject to the threat of destruction? Moreover, if the file is infected with a virus and arbitrarily launches the self-removal program. But it is precisely this misfortune that occurs with the material program called Man. Isn't that how the network creates "mirrors" of sites subject to the threat of destruction? Moreover, if the file is infected with a virus and arbitrarily launches the self-removal program. But it is precisely this misfortune that occurs with the material program called Man.

Take a closer look at the world around you. Why do trees need so many branches? Why do all earthly creatures duplicate body parts, senses and internal organs? Why does natural selection exist when it still doesn't lead to perfection? Everything in this world inevitably disintegrates into elementary particles with the onset of death. What is death?

We think about things we don't remember

We have no way of proving anything for sure. We don't remember anything when we are born. And we die without understanding anything.

We always fix something, restore something; we assure ourselves that it is necessary, although we do not know how it should be. We have been doing pretending all our lives.

Because we are afraid of realizing the meaninglessness of life and death.

As if in a stupid television series, new and new characters appear in our lives, and all of them, like us, suffer from deep amnesia.

Nobody remembers anything.

We have nothing for our souls. Only myths, an endless number of believable stories. Some of them are short-lived and quickly disappear. Others appear in their place and, perhaps, will disappear just as quickly, or perhaps they will last for centuries, but they will also leave, leaving no traces behind … Like sand or water flowing between your fingers …

But we have something important!

Each person can feel when in front of him is an absolutely unfamiliar thing, a stranger. And sometimes it feels like you know … or knew. As if I forgot something. Have we met before?.. Deja vu.

Some people believe in reincarnation, rebirth. That is, in your next birth after death. This means that before birth they had lived their lives in other bodies, in a different image. This is encouraging. This is more and more pleasant than scientific atheism, which is elementary calming: "We all die."

I remember the first time the realization of death occurred to me when I was five or six years old. I haven't gone to school yet. The adults watched a movie with the lights off. I sat in another room under my father’s desk, watching the flashes of TV light on the wall. Suddenly I realized that I would die, it is inevitable. And everything that I now see, hear, feel, will disappear. Nothing will be like it was not before my birth. I won't be here. Never. And every day, every minute brings a senseless terrible ending. I fell into a terrible panic.

I rushed to my mother so that she could explain what I did not know, did not understand. She said, "We are all going to die." I burst into tears. "Why live, why, if we die anyway!" I shouted. Then the father got down to business. He authoritatively explained: “If a person has lived well, then a good memory will remain in people. Live with dignity and you will not die in the memory of people. Maybe they'll even write a book about you or shoot a film. " I have had an experience in which an adult is close to suicide.

But I was a child and therefore I started looking for a way out of this borderline situation.

I didn't find it.

Reincarnation does not suit me - there is a lot of ridiculousness in it. The most important question remains unanswered: why don't we remember anything? What is the point of being reborn if life each time begins with an inadequate infant period, during which the newborn again learns to walk, speak, understand, teaches for years all the same basics of algebra, geometry, physics, biology. Great again: 2x2 = 4, multiplication table (for the hundredth or thousandth time?) Okay, if only a different language, which I did not know before. But the arithmetic is the same everywhere. A good half of life is wasted, and the other half is distorted by disease and old age. And all this without the slightest memory of the past!

Studying the history of the world, I came to the conclusion that there have never been social conditions on Earth that would meet the requirements of a high spirit and ideas of justice. On the contrary, everything seems to be initially set up so as not to educate, but to punish a person. Even if good once triumphed on earth, it was for a very short time, and it was so unnatural for human nature that it left no memory. However, in general, nothing leaves a trace in human memory. Everything falls somewhere like an abyss irrevocably. One even gets the impression that we come to this world not to learn and develop, but to suffer.

It's kind of like a prison. After all, they put in jail not so that the prisoner finds happiness there, but in order to serve time or die, right? Just as prison does not correct, so nothing changes life. We can believe in God, we can not believe in anything - the situation does not change. Any movement loses its meaning: a step to the left, a step to the right - death. Experience does not accumulate, because people do not hear each other, and do not even try to listen. Too little time for life, too much pain. So it turns out like in the old English proverb: "God gives pants to the one whose backside has already rotted (in the grave)." Late.

Life would make sense, and would give a lesson if every person was born on earth, knowing why he suffers. For example, a situation: a young son steals sweets, disregarding the prohibition. The father understands that if you leave him unpunished, he will begin to steal money, first from his relatives, then from strangers. And it will still be punished, but more severely - according to the law. For stealing sweets, the father puts his son in a corner. He, of course, asks: why? The father must explain. I must tell him: son, I warned you, but you did not listen to me, so I decided to move from words to deeds. He will ask why? And the father will answer like this: because I love you and cannot leave you unpunished. I will not punish someone else's child, why do I need him, he has his own father. And I have to show you how to live, and how - not to, so as not to make mistakes, at least the stupidest ones. Then you will grow up, and you yourself will teach your child, as I taught you. I don't know of any other option. Do you know? Not? Not…

It is clear, it is impossible without punishment. Punishment is education. Therefore, it is accompanied by explanations. It makes no sense to punish without an explanation of guilt, because it is not clear what exactly needs to be corrected. The convicted person, at least, is announced the verdict. But what is the use of punishing a child if he was not explained what he should change in his behavior? And yet children are born and begin their lives in agony, absolutely meaningless, like animals. Why do animals suffer? Does someone need this?

In general, if the point of reincarnation, as they say, is to come to perfection through the impersonal and impartial universal law of karma, memory must remain. Without memory of the past, a person not only finds himself in the state of an innocent convict, but does not even have the opportunity to assess the situation. If personality does not play any role, why are we conscious of ourselves at all?

Other religions claim one birth and one death, and then judgment. After the judgment - eternal heaven or eternal hell. It makes even less sense, just insanity. If God is a Teacher, then it is not clear why he punishes with the eternal torments of hell? Well, let's say the student is slow-witted. But he doesn't want to go to hell! In their right mind, hardly anyone will wish for themselves eternal torment without the opportunity to correct a sad situation. But … Bo does not know what he is doing, and for this to destroy him, by canal! A stunning picture. Instead of getting the student to correct the mistake, the teacher kills him.

Formally, by right of the parent, the father has some kind of excuse, killing his son for some act that entails dire consequences. "I gave birth to you, I will kill you!" We take into account the imperfection of human nature and the inability to correct the consequences of human actions. And how to understand God the Father, who plunges his half-blind, half-witted children into hell? Even a person cannot experience absolute paradise peace, knowing that at this very time someone's soul, and even more so half of human souls somewhere endure monstrous, inexorable torment, which, according to some sophisticated sadistic idea, is never good. run out.

And in general, what kind of a world is this in which everyone lives only by devouring each other? If you ate your own kind, you will prosper, but if not, you will starve to death. Okay, people can avoid this, but how did all the predators “sin” before the Creator - they have no choice at all?

In this world, everything is always insufficient: funds for food, opportunities for realization, health for life, love for loved ones, happiness and joy for peace of mind. Everything is always bad here. Some people try to justify this eternal poverty that is a hallmark of our world. They say that failure stimulates development. Of course, this is an excuse.

How can a lack of materials stimulate construction? How can you build a house without funds? A good builder is doing well at any stage of construction. Workers receive normal wages for their work, working conditions are met, and labor protection is at the proper level. There is no downtime or disorder, everyone is in high spirits. The object is delivered on time and without any quality defects. And a bad builder has only promises of the best, and relations between people are corroded by greed, resentment and envy from lack. What will they build? Will they add a new ruin to the old ones?

It is not necessary to go far into the history of the world to understand that the second option is being realized on earth. I cannot find a more suitable explanation for all this than the fact that in any religion of the world, God was created by man in the image and likeness of man …

And if the Creator is not fictional, but exists in reality, then he is frankly bad. Conscience compels us to admit it. For example, it seems that somewhere there, Upstairs, a teenager is sitting at the Computer and amusing himself with the software game "Create your own world" …

It is clear that an empty person will not create anything. Conversely, the richer a person is mentally and spiritually, the more opportunities he has for creativity. And, of course, what's on your mind is on the style. A good person will do something good, a bad person will do something bad. What he is filled with, then he will put into business.

Any intelligent and observant person sees and understands: our world is guided by the principles of parasitism. It’s unpleasant to realize, but it’s true. Power was and remains in the hands of social parasites.

Why is that? Why are there so many parasitic species in nature? Didn't the One Who created our world have a fantasy to come up with something more worthy? Is it because his mind and soul are filled with such unworthy content, or has he borrowed this idea from another unworthy creator?

There is a creator. Evolution can only be called a chain of coincidences that are not observant people who are indifferent to life. In nature, everything is natural, and, according to the logic of things, everything has its own meaning. And, of course, the creator is not insane. A rational being cannot be created by one who has no reason. Well, that is, a blind person cannot invent a camera, a deaf person cannot invent a radio. This means that the intelligent world was created by a highly intelligent being, the personality was created by the superpersonality. But if the creator is immoral, and therefore the world is on a vicious foundation, where does honor come from?

We know that the Bible and some other sacred texts say that once a person was immortal and happy. Nevertheless, we see that both human society and the entire evolution of species are built on the principles of parasitism, which means it is vicious, not self-sufficient, not viable. The parasite lives only until it devours its donor. Then he either dies or is forced to look for another donor. This is as long as there are still those who serve as food for parasites. And if the world is dominated by parasites, then this world will inevitably perish, because it will be devoured.

We believe and hope that someday we will become free and happy. But what happiness if we are inevitably prone to disease, old age and death? What freedom if we are biologically dependent on food and sleep, as a robot depends on feeding and resting its system? All conversations about "freedom and happiness of people" are political speculations. And that's not the point.

The important thing is that we think and talk about things that don't exist in life.

We are talking about immortality, about truth, about measure … How do we know about this?

Reason tells us that we should remember more. For example, where we came from to this world, and what happened before birth. Because the great and the small are parts of a single whole. The universe could not live if each of its particles did not carry all the information - from the beginning … Let's say the customer has the right not to reveal the reason for the construction, yes. But the workers will not build anything if they do not remember how and why they ended up in the forests, otherwise they will simply scatter in different directions, as if insane. And the construction site will freeze before it starts.

It is the same in the Universe: every thinking creature bears its own responsibility for the universe, and for a normal evolutionary process, memory of the entire path is necessary. Children are born into a world with personal talents, as evidenced by their personal experiences before being born into this world. One person has to spend half his life, or even his whole life, in order to achieve the slightest results in some skill, and the other, without unnecessary training, easily does what another is given with incredible difficulty. Hands themselves usually do the work, although there is neither experience nor practice - does this not raise questions? It would be reasonable to multiply memory for further development, and not fall into unconsciousness, slowing down the natural life process.

So why is humanity suffering from amnesia? Is it profitable for someone to stop our development? Someone wants us to forget about everything? Forgotten so hard that you never remember? What had to be done with a person in order for him to become the miserable creature that he is today? And who are the monsters who are leading this process?

You just have to look at the facts to understand. Amnesia affects not only individual people, but also entire civilizations that die in due time, and then are born again without any memory of the past.

At first glance, this seems logical: since a person does not remember anything about himself, then the whole society too. However, there is a suspicion that after the cataclysm there is someone or something reminding of the past. Not just in general terms, but almost according to the drawings, everything is restored as it was. All the achievements of modern civilization in a strange way find their confirmation in the artifacts of deep, antediluvian antiquity hidden from people. But these artifacts do not help in the development of science and technology. On the contrary, they seep by accident, as if gradually and are immediately declared profanity. They prevent us from understanding the situation.

This suggests that humanity is plunged into a cataclysm and is destroyed precisely when the discovered artifacts accumulate enough, and it becomes impossible to hide them from people.

In order to hide information about past civilizations, some Unknowns use the means of oblivion, genetically inoculating humanity with a certain limitation of mental activity, as a result of which the human brain works only 4%.

In essence, a well-known fact. However, it is misunderstood. For example, Wikipedia calls this fact a myth. Science is generally silent. And in the artistic, mostly fantastic genre works, clearly made to order, it is explained that a person is still developing, and someday the time will surely come when the human brain will “develop” to “one hundred percent”.

In fact, that which has not yet been developed has a simple organization that becomes more complex with development and breaks down into the simplest elements after death. And when we talk about the human brain, we are talking precisely about the fact that it works at only four percent of the volume that should work, because it has already developed, but for some reason is limited in its capabilities.

I once read an article by an American scientist about this problem. So he assured that in the temporal lobe of one of the hemispheres of the human brain there is a certain biological block that turns off consciousness in a person if, for some reason, he goes beyond 4% of mental activity. Subsequently, I searched for this article on the Internet, but I did not find either it or the name of that scientist …

I suspect that there are people who know and remember everything. But they are carrying out some kind of criminal plan of their own. According to this plan, they keep humanity in a state of unconsciousness and weak mental activity.

Every time over time, when knowledge is accumulating in the world, civilization enters the phase of its prosperity, and the artifacts of the past become understandable and explainable, these powerful “keepers” arrange another cataclysm. They themselves sit in specially built bunkers. And the remaining surviving handful of people again begins to develop "from the plow." Coming out of the bunkers into the white light, the "creators of cataclysms" appear to the surviving people, turned into a wild state, as gods, because they use technologies that no one remembers …

You can hardly envy them, because this is just the case when "the living will envy the dead." The villains imprisoned in a confined space, who call themselves gods, will start a showdown among themselves for power and means. Accustomed to living at someone else's expense and senselessly increasing their material wealth, knowing nothing else in life, they will arrange a massacre in the Ark. And their children will be the most unfortunate hostages of their parents' parasitism. To have better food, more medicine … water … air! It was good for them when they were free. We shit in one place, moved to a clean place, not thinking about the fact that someone needs to clean up. And in a confined space …

Yes, I know, they have prepared not just bunkers, but entire cities underground. I was told by people, one of whom worked as a builder of such a city, and the other was an atomic physicist with a special pass. There are houses and streets where electric cars drive, a huge space with artificial sun and real trees and birds. And for intercity communication, they use the ancient intercontinental tunnels, built by someone long before our civilization.

But this does not change the essence of the matter. If they are cramped under the open sky, the holes will be even more cramped. When, after two or three generations, the rest will emerge from their captivity, which their unworthy ancestors made them hostages, they may be different. But for how long? Their tainted genetics will guide them.

And everything will happen again. The "invention" of the wheel, plow, paper … gunpowder … "Discovery" of electricity, radio waves, X-rays … the splitting of the atom … Terror and controlled chaos … democracy, speculation, corruption …

And a new cataclysm.

If the Creator is having such fun, then he has a bad sense of humor! Or like this: an awkward teenager there, Upstairs, again did not pass the level of the game … And there is no one who would suggest the way.

The path … I imagine a plain lying far below me in front of me, slightly hidden by a light, first morning, and then evening haze. I feel a huge sky above me. I slowly raise my head, staring at the horizon. For some reason, it turns out to be too high, much higher than necessary. This is so strange. As if the planet is very large, many times larger than the Earth … I bring my hands to my face and look at my fingers. I connect the pads of my fingers, feeling the pressure of very small objects on my skin, like balls from the rods of a writing pen …

"Where are you looking?" This is mom. She sits on the edge of the bed next to me. "I dreamed … big and small messed up …" - "I know." Oh, how it pisses me off! "You do not know anything!" She makes stupid eyes. Then he says: “Big balls are rolling on the walls. You want to hug them, but they are small, like grains of sand on the shore. They prick their fingers … Yes? " I don't answer her. What's the point, she will deny everything and at the same time say: I know. I once told her that I remember the first time in my life she showed me a rainbow. It was a warm summer evening. Mom was sitting on the porch of the house, and I was lying in her arms. I didn't know how to speak yet, I just looked. And suddenly I saw a rainbow in the sky. She followed my gaze and said, “It's a rainbow. You see how beautiful she is, all the colors in her! " Of course, she didn't remember it now. But she said: “You cannot remember this,you were very small. This porch was converted into a veranda when you were only two years old. " - "But I remember!" - "I know. Of course you remember, but something else. You just messed up. " - "I have not confused anything!" - "Don't make it up."

She was afraid that I would be teased and ridiculed if I told everyone about my emotions. I should have learned to keep my mouth shut, like everyone else.

Big and small got messed up

There is a theory of Everett's branching universe with its parallel worlds. It consists in the assumption that at the moment when a person enters into interaction with the observed object, a branching of reality occurs, and then doubles continue to exist each in its own exclusive version of its causal branch. This is called the probabilistic tree of the universe. Everett confirms his theory with complex mathematical calculations. And in general, people like it, more and more new works of art are constantly appearing on this topic. And since there is no smoke without fire, then, probably, there is a truth here.

However, the theory of a branching universe as an ideal concept of the universe raises my doubts in connection with one important issue. Since the manifestations of the mind and its interaction with the outside world are not interrupted for an instant, the branching should occur continuously, the number of branches will increase exponentially, like an avalanche. At the same time, according to mathematical logic, theoretically, you can get to any branch of the universe tree - the one that branched off an hour ago, a minute ago, a second ago … and the one that branched off in the first seconds of the manifestation of the human mind. Just put a point in the coordinate system. Nevertheless, according to Everett, the branching of the image does not occur everywhere, not always, but only where and when the subjective prerequisites for manifestation have accumulated. That is, mathematics in this case turns out to be subordinate to a personal factor. And, therefore, Everett's mathematical conclusions are not correct, because this is no longer science, but religion.

I'm talking about something else. The concept of one absolute God can be created by the human mind in the process of evolution. A person develops, and the more perfect his nature, the further his location is from the center on the positive coordinate axis - closer and closer to the ∞ sign. This movement of his development is endless. On this path he becomes more and more like God. And it will never reach the end of the path, because there is no limit to the evolutionary chain. The image of God is a conditional unattainable Absolute. This is not a real being, but a convention, a sign. However, the world was created by someone. And he was not created by man. It's another matter that we can be similar to the Creator in our creativity. But to create oneself … is nonsense. Our Creator, who created us and our Universe, our World, is not a man, even if he was at a very distant distance from the center of coordinates. He is outside,outside of our matryoshka planetary chain. He, like us, is also not an absolutely perfect being, he is just an order of magnitude higher than us in his physical capabilities. Maybe he's a bad builder. But he's not insane. Mathematics is his law of the universe and does not obey the chain of cause and effect of created contacts. Or you have to admit that the tail twists the dog.

Yes, earthly trees have many branches. This indicates the manifestation of self-preservation of terrestrial nature in conditions of energy instability or external danger. But this is not a mathematical law. This is a personal factor. Copies do not multiply according to the mathematical law, they multiply from fear of destruction. Therefore, the phenomenon of branching or multiplication is subject only to that part of the space that we designated by the Y-axis. This is a person's personal space: consciousness, psyche. And not the planetary space, which is the human habitat. The universe cannot branch, because it does not have the consciousness and psyche of living organisms. So what is happening to our world?

When the Y axis is aligned with the X axis, that is, when the image of a person's personal space is transferred to the image of planetary space, which is the material habitat of this person, subjective psychological manifestations take place: 1). self-esteem in relation to the environment; and 2). purposefulness in accordance with self-esteem, that is, vector movement in one direction or another along the coordinate axis. Towards the progression of the macrocosm or towards the regression of the microcosm. The position of a person depends on his subjective assessments. The main thing here is not the point of actual location, but the direction of the vector of movement of subjective development. If a person moves "from below", then his mood and assessment of reality will be positive. And if "from above", then, of course, negative. Manifestations of human dolls can occupy points in space,not corresponding to their natural position when the Y and X axes are aligned. In this case, copies from negative space are in the same place with copies of positive space (microcopies with macrocopies, "demons" with "angels"), and a person can see both, communicate with them.

To understand this difficult psychological situation, let us give an example of the triune Vedic school of the world order Nav - Reality - Rule, where Reality is our earthly world, Nav is “that world”, that is, the world of the dead, Rule is the world of spiritual rulers or gods. In fact, what I am talking about easily fits into this pagan teaching, if we match Yav with the value "0" of our coordinate axis Y = X, Rule will be reflected in positive numbers on the micro-macro scale, Nav - in negative numbers on the scale. But let's change the religious meaning of the teaching for a closer and more understandable to modern human society. Sleep - Reality - Superreality as two poles of a person's psychological state. We will present reality as earthly reality and conditionally take it for "0"; sleep, accordingly, will shift to the "minus" of the microcosm, superreality will shift to the "plus" of the macrocosm. We represent superreality as a lucid dream. Then an ordinary dream will be called a gross reaction to lived moments of explicit reality. And sleep as such, as a necessary accumulation of spent energy by the body, will be considered a disadvantage, a minus of human nature, requiring a skillful parasitic form of survival.

What is lucid dreaming? This is an altered state of consciousness, in which a person realizes that he is dreaming and can, to one degree or another, control its content. In the process of lucid dreaming, it is possible to simulate any situations that are impossible in ordinary life, which opens up a wide range of human capabilities. For example, if a lucid dream is a dream in which a person realizes that he is sleeping and can act consciously based on this understanding, and leaving the body is an experience during which a person, while maintaining a clear consciousness, feels himself to be outside the physical body, then any lucid dream can be considered as an exit from the body. Or maybe even purposeful movement with the body, that is, teleportation. In this context, the reasons for the "confusion" of subjective dolls can be understood,located not in their corresponding places of earthly space. This is how the “angel” dolls move into the microcosm by the power of their subjective will. And dolls "demons" adapt to parasitize on the energy of other creatures to move to the "higher" areas of the world.

I saw my first lucid dream when I was over forty. I began to develop hyperopia, so I started wearing plus glasses, but I still hadn't gotten used to the idea that I couldn't see well, and I was very worried about this age-related change. Perhaps I instinctively looked for a way out in my psyche, so I hoped for a fair popular comment that “all diseases are from the nerves,” and it is quite possible to find a recovery tool in myself, you just need to know how.

And now I have a dream, as if I was standing in thought in front of the entrance to some building on a large and strange square, deciding whether to enter or not? I come in. There is no one in the foyer but me. Quiet. Soft light of unusual origin burns. Neither electric nor natural. No sources of this light are observed. I go up to the coffee table with a selection of magazines and newspapers, but I don’t sit in an armchair, thinking with annoyance that I forgot my glasses at home - without these "eye crutches" I will still see nothing. At this time, unexpectedly for myself, I start thinking about home. And I understand quite clearly that I remember in which city, in which house I live. I remember my name and where I actually work. I understand that at the moment I am lying in my bed and dreaming. This fact makes me absolutely delighted! I look around and notice that people have appeared around me. Some stop next to me and take brochures or magazines, absentmindedly leafing through, as if in anticipation trying to keep themselves busy. I again draw attention to the fact that I am without glasses and decide: everything is possible in a dream! In a dream, I can fly whenever I want, I can breathe under water, which means I can read any text. I take the first newspaper I come across and read freely, even the smallest print, and I see the font color if it is highlighted in a different color. I bring it to my eyes, touch my eyelids with my fingers, examine my hands and fingers! Everything is very natural, bright - color, texture of the material. From the surging joyful feeling, it even seems to me that I have never seen so clearly in my life. It occurs to me that it is evening now, the twilight is gathering in the city, which means that the stars are lit in the sky. I never saw stars in my dreams, and now that I wear glassesthen in real life the stars seem to me to be ugly blurry specks. But now I will go out and see! I almost run away from the building, find myself in a strange square - and right above me, in the bottomless purple sky, I see large, radiant stars.

What was it? Projection of my thoughts, spontaneous movement along the X axis, or something else? Probably happy are those who give an unambiguous answer. And I am still looking for a solution, because I feel that there is more behind this than a dispute between science and religion. This is reality itself, but not the kind we are used to. Its horizon is incomparably wider.

There are rumors that talking babies were hunted under Tsar Peter the Great. Interestingly, on the one hand, Peter did not hesitate to make a Kunstkamera show for the whole world out of human ugliness. On the other hand, he wanted to hide the facts of an altered consciousness. It's not that simple with babies. It seems that the newborn has a memory of the past, but cannot tell, for natural reasons, of physical underdevelopment, as it were, inability to speak. And when he gets the opportunity to turn his thoughts into words, this is where the memory is erased. Maybe it is the WORD that plays the role of a key that opens the door to this world? But the same key closes the doors of the past? Perhaps this state of affairs is necessary in order not to knock down the tuning of this planetary space doll. If we all remember everything, then our material world in which we live will fall apart. Or not? After all, it is supported by the general opinion that there is no other world. Some people die, others are born - and together we by our conviction create an indestructible material image of our world. Here he is as we imagine him. If there were enough people in the world who would remember a different reality, then their thoughts could violate the integrity of this world, interference, blinking, image and sound failures could appear in space … This happens, but only those who themselves notice it is the cause of such failures. They are few, not enough to achieve a certain critical mass that would serve to change. Children remember something, try to say, ask, but adults, following their unshakable convictions, explain to them how to think and perceive reality correctly. Parents react to any strange remark of a child as to a child's fantasy and say: you dreamed about it. Over time, the child himself begins to think correctly, as is customary in human society, as it should. He becomes the heir of this world, and with his “correct” ideas about this world, he maintains the uninterrupted operation of the mechanism of earthly space.

When I was seven or eight years old, I asked my mother what kind of transistor I had and where did it go now? For a long time my mother could not understand what I was talking about. At that time, transistors were called household portable radios on transistors, powered by the electricity of disposable charged batteries. It was a fashionable musical innovation among young people. They were worn on a bent elbow or simply in the hand, like a small bag, demonstratively listening to broadcast music radio programs. But such radios cost a lot of money at that time, and not many could afford them. Moreover, the statement of a seven-year-old child was strange. I began to explain, as they say, on my fingers that I remember such a non-opening box, smooth, bright blue, the size of a palm … where did it go? This is my thing! Mother, of course, stopped talking,convincing me that it was only a dream. I still remember this "box" and the fact that it was mine. A very distinct feeling. But now I know that transistor receivers of this color, especially of this size, simply did not exist in nature. Then what was it? It doesn't look like anything.

Confusion with large and small, mixing of subjective copies from different spatial dolls of the Earth or their movement along the micro-macro scale is not something forbidden, it is natural for human nature from the very beginning, “from the creation of the world”. Objects that fall into the wrong place and at the wrong time are not accidental either. Maybe even entire sections of space can disappear from one planetary doll and appear in another.

Here it is required to cite the well-known history of the creation of the world from the Bible. The very first episode of the most widespread and influential religion in our world has a much more ancient origin than is commonly believed. It was written by a different people, who, as you can see, have completely different goals of the story. I will not go into inappropriate details here, I will only note that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are copied from the Sumerian-Akkadian book about the creation of the world "Enuma Elish" (literally "when above", "on the day when high above" - with these words begins the story), dating back to the 2nd half of the 2nd millennium BC. For comparison, let me remind you that the first set of the Bible (the Old Testament) dates back to the middle of the 1st millennium BC. That is, the Bible appeared more than a thousand years later.

Perhaps the original text has been corrupted during rewriting and adjustment to current political needs. But the picture of an unknown historical distance is still impressive. Regardless of what is preserved in this picture from the original image, and what is spoiled, it reflects our reality. Because if there is a lie in her, then only the one that lives and reigns. Only the ruling lies have the right to be on the pages of the program book, which is the Bible. And the ruling lie is the very truth of life. This is a program, and from it you can determine what is happening.

In short, the point is that a certain Serpent - not a representative of the reptile class, a squad of scaly ones, but a cunning Devil with intelligence and speech - appeared in the divine garden, which God himself planted for the Man created by him. The serpent did not ask the permission of God to appear in the garden, and God, it seems, did not particularly care about protecting the Man from meeting the Devil. We see that the garden was not a closed place. And in it, as in any other place on Earth, God, and Man, and the Devil could dwell, at will. In other words, we see the Y = X coordinate axis not divided into certain zones with difficult-to-pass portals. Everything is free. The only thing that is unusual for us is that Man exists in a single copy. Man and woman. Eternal. Not giving birth, not producing copies of their own kind. And that means they are not afraid to disappear, to be removed, erased. Safe world. BUT. For some reason, God has already created a being in his image and likeness. Was he afraid to disappear himself and therefore decided to copy himself in order to survive? He created not one man, but also a woman, as a helper for man. Just in case? Did he suppose that Man would also have to “be fruitful and multiply”? Obviously, God was not afraid of the Devil, since the road to the divine garden was not closed to the Serpent. The danger appeared BEFORE the appearance of the Serpent. I do not condone the Devil or blame him. I just don't want to play the role of either a lawyer or a prosecutor. I draw your attention to a certain third provision of choice, which for some reason remains unaddressed. But in vain. This is probably the whole point!to save? He created not one man, but also a woman, as a helper for man. Just in case? Did he suppose that Man would also have to “be fruitful and multiply”? Obviously, God was not afraid of the Devil, since the road to the divine garden was not closed to the Serpent. The danger appeared BEFORE the appearance of the Serpent. I do not condone the Devil or blame him. I just don't want to play the role of either a lawyer or a prosecutor. I draw your attention to a certain third provision of choice, which for some reason remains unaddressed. But in vain. This is probably the whole point!to save? He created not one man, but also a woman, as a helper for man. Just in case? Did he suppose that Man would also have to “be fruitful and multiply”? Obviously, God was not afraid of the Devil, since the road to the divine garden was not closed to the Serpent. The danger appeared BEFORE the appearance of the Serpent. I do not condone the Devil or blame him. I just don't want to play the role of either a lawyer or a prosecutor. I draw your attention to a certain third provision of choice, which for some reason remains unaddressed. But in vain. This is probably the whole point!I just don't want to play the role of either a lawyer or a prosecutor. I draw your attention to a certain third provision of choice, which for some reason remains unaddressed. But in vain. This is probably the whole point!I just don't want to play the role of either a lawyer or a prosecutor. I draw your attention to a certain third provision of choice, which for some reason remains unaddressed. But in vain. This is probably the whole point!

What happened next? The serpent showed Man to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the fruits of which are "good for food, because they give knowledge," but they cannot be eaten "for you will die by death. I have a simple question. Why are the deadly fruits in the garden that God planted for man “good for food”? Why the hell did this tree grow there at all, if its fruits are deadly? Is this such a divine joke? Or such a subtle punishment for disobedient slaves? Whatever one may say, it turns out that the Creator himself organized this whole story with death. And in order to prevent a person from disappearing (after all, he did not create a person so that he would immediately disappear) he programmed a copying system. Thus, our whole world is knitted together not at all because of some incomprehensible "sin", but because it was originally created that way. But why?

I have another explanation for this sacred picture. As I said, God and the Serpent (Devil) are absolutized personified images of subjective human thinking. The real Creator is not God, but a real highly developed being who created our Earth and us, that is, as we now say, our Matrix, the space of which exists in four dimensions and continues to remain free for travel. And in this regard, the biblical dispute between God and the Serpent reflects man's doubts about himself (the subjectivism of Descartes). And, of course, problem solving.

Actually, solving problems is precisely the meaning of human existence. A person learns to think reasonably, completely, safely. However, in the process of our development, we will not come to safety all of a sudden, but over time. This requires copies. Many copies. Until we come to an understanding of real security, that is, immortality. If we are talking about changing human consciousness in order to solve the problems of modern mankind, then we must talk about how to defeat the parasitism that is devouring our world. And we are engaged in the selection of parasitism. Are we out of our mind? We need to visit “below”, in one of the spatial dolls of the microcosm, in order to understand the horror of the consequences of our mistake. And it is also useful, for comparison, to visit one of the "higher" spatial dolls. And our memory is cleaned, so that we do not understand what is good and what is bad.

We came up with the image of God and the image of the Devil. But the chain of negative and positive puppets of real planetary space, which is endless in both directions from the center of coordinates, was not created by people. Planetary dolls with real human copies living in them are not fiction, not a dream, but reality. And the angels in the crystal skies, and the demons in the underground hell - all of this is we, people, copied, born and dying, and reborn. Memory does not fail us. We remember our lives here, in a real doll of space, in other dolls of Macroearth or Microearth. Where we are born again depends on where our heart grows and where it strives. For some people, life seems boring and devoid of the thrill of the criminal parasitic world. It is not surprising if after death they will be reloaded "lower" on the negative scale of the coordinate axis. To others, life seems to be a disgusting disgusting nightmare, in which rare thugs rule the ball, and there is no satisfaction of the high aspirations of the soul. After death, they will move "higher".

It is also true that one can not wait for death and travel in puppet spaces with the help of an altered consciousness that arbitrarily changes the physics of the body, the Creator created our world just like that. But first we need to figure out who is stopping us in this? Of course, we interfere with ourselves, because there is no one but us who so enthusiastically intrigues each other. Although we also know how to help each other, if we want. In general, we are hindered by our copies that have emerged from microspace. They are deprived of their own electromagnetic field and are fed by us. Man has his own electric field, and creatures from microspace are electrostatic, with the same polarity as the human field. It is beneficial for them to keep us in the dark, as energy donors, as slaves. Raise like cattle in a herd. And so they lie to us. They confused the image of the real Creator with the image of an abstract and incomprehensible God. God was put in the place of the Creator. As a result, there is no real Creator at all. And now the ruling parasites are speculating in the image of God for their own selfish purposes. And why, then, the real Creator is inactive, does he not see that a jam has occurred in the area of our planetary doll, which, given the living nature of the world, can be called a thrombus? And if this blood clot "comes off"?can be called a thrombus? And if this blood clot "comes off"?can be called a thrombus? And if this blood clot "comes off"?

The problem of the Creator

Our Creator, the one who created us and our Earth with all its spatial dolls, is a superintelligent being outside our four-dimensional doll space. It is similar to how you sit at a computer and create a certain file in a certain program. Your space is one thing and your computer space is another. And your computer is also in your world on the basis of the matryoshka mother principle. This is logical: you create "in the image and likeness" of the world in which you live, because you know and understand it. But you want to create something new, something that doesn't exist yet …

“In the beginning was the Word. And the word was with God. And the Word was God "(these are the first lines of the Gospel of John, which is called" teaching "). A key word for collapsing one space and expanding another. Of course, by the word God one must mean the real Creator. And so, you enter a keyword on the command line. Your computer's operating system starts creating new images. Of what? Out of nothing, with one of your command words. After all, the electronic world of a computer is immaterial, well, at least semi-material, since this is exactly what the electron is. The team acts instantly, simultaneously in all corners of the operating system, and some kind of speed of light has nothing to do with it.

Will explain. The speed of light is the fixed speed of propagation of a quantum of light (photon) in space. In this space. Considering that the universe has the shape of a matryoshka, the speed of light in different spatial dolls micro and macro will be the same only in accordance with their space. And for an outside observer? For an external observer, the motion of a photon in the solar system and in the system of one electron of the interplanetary space of the solar system will be different. The speed of movement of a photon inside an electron, which is an independent universe with clusters of stars and galaxies, will be an order of magnitude less than the speed of our solar photon. This means that in a small particle called an "electron" the photon will move as long as it takes for the solar photon to move from one edge of the universe to the other. Can you imagine the difference of the same order?

So that's it. For the dissemination of information in the universe, not the material speed of light is used, but the command word launched in the operating system of the Creator's computer. And it works instantly.

Another point that you need to know in order to correctly understand the phrase "in the image and likeness" is the limited capacity of the command word. This limitation concerns, first of all, the power of the power supply unit and the volume of the hard drive of the computer on which the operator (Creator) creates a new image. Any sufficiently religious person understands the meaning of the phrase "what's above, what's below." This is the doctrine of similarity. Any sufficiently learned person understands the meaning of the term "similarity of Euclidean space". And I'll just make a clarification. Our computers are made in the image of the Creator's computer. What he has - such are ours. And if complex 3D games freeze when the computer does not have time to process all the necessary information, then this is only because the power of the Universe is limited. Our Creator does not have very great opportunities. In the most critical areas, the Universe works according to the iron laws of corpuscular physics. And where it is thin, there it breaks - the particles take the form of quantum abstractions, vague and unstable, so long as the work of the universal operating system is not interrupted and the integrity of creation is not violated. The impression is that it is difficult for the Universe to calculate too large, unbearable amount of information for it. And in simple areas, she uses simplified schemes. Similar to the background of 3D games. There is a 23-minute video on the Internet “Proofs of the virtuality of our world”. Very clear. The delayed choice experiment is especially interesting.if only the work of the universal operating system is not interrupted and the integrity of creation is not violated. The impression is that it is difficult for the Universe to calculate too large, unbearable amount of information for it. And in simple areas, she uses simplified schemes. Similar to the background of 3D games. There is a 23-minute video on the Internet “Proofs of the virtuality of our world”. Very clear. The delayed choice experiment is especially interesting.if only the work of the universal operating system is not interrupted and the integrity of creation is not violated. The impression is that it is difficult for the Universe to calculate too large, unbearable amount of information. And in simple areas, she uses simplified schemes. Similar to the background of 3D games. There is a 23-minute video on the Internet “Proofs of the virtuality of our world”. Very clear. The delayed choice experiment is especially interesting.

At this level of development (I mean the level of development of our Creator), copying is probably a necessary condition for the creative process. How does any computer program work? It creates copies of images at regular intervals in order to ensure security. In the event of a power outage, the last saved copy will be working. Others, the previous ones are archived in the registry. This is how our Matrix works, creating many elementary particles to ensure smooth operation, and this is how we work.

Yet this knowledge is not enough. We still do not know how to distinguish between good and evil. We are confused in definitions and remain unaware of why we die, for what … Our Creator is also not sinless, since it is written: "God repented that he created man." Where did he go wrong? Was he the only one mistaken or all "they", like him, super-beings? They know the nature of good and evil, but they do not die. They do not give us the opportunity to be immortal, that is, to live in safety. “No matter how Man stretches out his hands and takes also from the tree of life in order to become eternal like us”. Is this true or false? Good or evil? Man is scattered in multitudes throughout the whole earth. The serpent is cursed. He lost the magnetic field, that is, the creative principle, having lost the "image of God", and now "crawls on the ground", in other words, is forced to parasitize on human energy. And we knowthat the Serpent (Devil) is a generalized image of a person striving to parasitize on life processes. And the image of God is a generalized image of a person striving to create new things with his own strength and skill. It turns out that a person cannot forbid himself to develop. And it means that those of our copies that parasitize us are forbidden to us. They are afraid of our insight. Because then we will understand who actually prevents us from knowing the nature of good and evil and becoming immortal.who actually prevents us from knowing the nature of good and evil and becoming immortal.who actually prevents us from knowing the nature of good and evil and becoming immortal.

Something tells me that our problem is the own problem of our Creators, or gods. They created us in this format precisely in order to solve the problem of immortality using the example of our Matrix. Perhaps their divine immortality is achieved with the help of some forced technologies unknown to us. And they would like to know the very nature of immortality, to learn to LIVE forever, and not to take pills that slightly extend the life span. Therefore, they created us in their image and likeness, initially subject to death, but with the goal of moving upward. And if this is so, then are we, humans, not gods on the path of evolution, not heirs? God is one, and we are gods. “Is it not written in your law: I said, you are gods” (John 10: 34-35).

But those of us who crawl on the earth, who have lost the desire to create and only parasitize, spending the last forces of the Matrix, must clear the way for us. Do they want to "go home" (ama, to the mother, ama-ha)? You are welcome. Let them go.