The Frankensteins Of Our Time - Alternative View

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The Frankensteins Of Our Time - Alternative View
The Frankensteins Of Our Time - Alternative View

Video: The Frankensteins Of Our Time - Alternative View

Video: The Frankensteins Of Our Time - Alternative View
Video: In Our Time: S21/35 Frankenstein (May 16 2019) 2024, July

Modern technologies allow people to live in comfort and forget about incurable diseases in the past. In addition, if earlier, having lost a limb or an eye, a person remained a cripple for life, and his fate was unenviable, today you can put on a prosthesis and continue to enjoy an almost full life. At the same time, modern high-tech prostheses have already become so perfect that they react to human nerve impulses and an artificial hand or leg acts almost as easily and naturally as a native one. But instead of rejoicing, many fear such progress, believing that this could lead to the emergence of a synthetic man, which will soon completely replace living people.

Artificial organs and limbs

Today, the danger of cyborgs conquering the planet seems to be invented by science fiction writers, but such a possibility exists, and it is rather big. Scientists have already invented technologies to grow artificial organs and transplant them to patients instead of damaged ones. This made it possible in many cases not to depend on donors and to save people in time. The same can be said for dentures. The latest invention of scientists is an intraosseous transcutaneous prosthesis, which is fused directly with the skin and inserted into the bone through a special pin. In the future, such a connection will even make it possible to control an artificial limb with the help of nerves, and today this invention is the last hope of many crippled people for a full life. Moreover, there is also such a type of prostheses as augmentation. He meansthat with the receipt of a prosthesis, a person not only regains lost functions, but also receives new opportunities. Therefore, we can say that the heroes of films with superpowers are already becoming a reality.

Today, there are hand prostheses that are activated by sensors that read electrical signals from the muscles of the stump. This does not allow performing complex movements, however, it is quite possible to squeeze and unclench the artificial hand. Artificial legs allow you to walk, get up and sit down.

Exoskeletons are a more advanced option for hand and leg prostheses. These devices, equipped with a large number of sensors and sensors, are capable of providing much more possibilities. For example, with the help of an exoskeleton, a person with paralyzed legs can do without a wheelchair. There are exoskeleton models that allow you to lift heavy weights and even fly at speeds of over 100 km per hour.

People who have lost their eyesight can count on the use of eye implants, which make it possible to clearly distinguish the faces of people near them. There is also a project of bionic lenses, with the help of which a person will be able to restore sharp vision, and in the future even display an interface from a smartphone to the retina. As a result, many see the future as one where people can connect to the network directly through their senses and have implanted connectors for connecting various devices. In Finland, for example, there is already a person who has a flash drive instead of a finger. Having lost his finger, this young man put himself a prosthesis, in which a memory card is embedded, as a result, it is now impossible to lose it. There are also such implants that look like a tattoo and are applied to the skin. They can be used to measure pressure and body temperature,and even enjoy some of the smartphone's functions. According to many, this can significantly simplify people's lives and make them more comfortable. Science goes further, scientists are currently working miracles. There are already working prototypes of neurocomputers made on the basis of the synthesis of rat brain tissue and a microchip. According to some, this is the beginning of a new era, when microchips can be implanted into the human brain, which will make it possible to cure many diseases and do without computers and smartphones. In addition, if necessary, for example, in case of severe damage to the human body, it will be possible to download its memory onto a chip and transfer it to the donor body. And coupled with the fact that medicine will soon allow the creation of completely artificial bodies, this will allow people to become immortal and get rid of diseases.

But there is another opinion regarding the cyborgization of people. Many people think that this is evil, as it will only bring trouble. People will gradually be replaced by synthetic humanity with artificial perfect bodies that work flawlessly and computer brains. These creatures will no longer be real people, they will be closer to machines, and will already be devoid of a soul. As a result, this will lead to chaos and the gradual disappearance of man as a species.

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The problem of cyborgization of mankind has been standing for more than a year, and there have been disputes about its benefits and harms for just as long. Many aspects of this are ethical. But, despite the fears, developments in this area continue, inexorably bringing the era of artificial humans closer.