Dulce Base. USA - Alternative View

Dulce Base. USA - Alternative View
Dulce Base. USA - Alternative View

Video: Dulce Base. USA - Alternative View

Video: Dulce Base. USA - Alternative View
Video: Satellites found ‘secret’ U.S. military bases 2024, June

There are many places on earth that, for one reason or another, can be dangerous to humans, and therefore become forbidden. There are also those whose visit is prohibited by the authorities of the countries in whose territory they are located, although there seems to be no reason for this. Most often, this means that events are taking place there, information about which, in the opinion of governments, should be kept in the strictest confidence both from their own population and from humanity as a whole.


The most famous place of this type is the so-called Dulce secret base in the USA. Sometimes called Dulce, the base is located in the state of New Mexico, on the northern border with Colorado, about 25 miles west of Cham, in the Navajo Indian Reservations.

The only thing that is reliably known about her is her location and the fact that she is carefully guarded by the authorities. The mystery surrounding this place has served as the basis for various incredible theories about what is happening behind the walls of the secret base. Immediately after its creation, local residents who lived nearby in a small town were resettled. Subsequently, the Dulce base was closed, but it is still inaccessible, despite the seemingly complete absence of people on its territory. But why is this happening?

Eyewitnesses say that the mysterious base is still functioning, sometimes in the middle of the night you can observe strange phenomena, such as lights and flashes. Some argue that Dulce's Laboratory is a landing site for alien ships. Of course, this theory has not received official confirmation. But the number of its adherents increases with each city.

It is also believed that an organization for the study of the paranormal has settled here. There is some resemblance to Area 51. There is no doubt that this place is by no means abandoned. In recent years, many incomprehensible structures have been created on this territory that cannot be identified in any way. Recently, a new road was built here, which for some reason breaks off right in the middle of the path, and then only uninhabited places follow.


Dulce is a joint underground base, people with aliens, this is what all supporters of conspiracy theories and conspiracies think.

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In 1987, documents, photographs, and a video appeared about this very base, located near the city of Dulce in New Mexico. All these testimonies passed on to ufologists were called the "Dulce Papers", they told about genetic experiments and the creation of hybrids from aliens and humans (how can you not remember Agent Mulder)

These documents contained data on the base itself, according to stories it consisted of seven levels, from the first to the fourth floor, it was owned by people, and from the fifth to the seventh there were reptilians.

What is actually located at Dulce Base is not clear, but as the famous Agent Mulder said, "The truth is out there."


According to the researchers, the structure of the Dulze base is as follows:

The base's multi-level underground building slopes down at least seven known levels, which have one central hub operated by the base's security service.

There are over 3,000 surveillance cameras and over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. Many around Mount Archuleta, others to the south around Lake Dulce and even far to the east. Deep sections of the complex are connected by natural systems.

Level 1 - parking garage. All vehicles of the Dulze base are parked here. Nobody will drive a car inside without permission from the security service. On the roads near the garage, there are magnetic sensors similar to those located around Area 51.

Level 2 - contains a garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel cars.

Most of the tunnel systems lead to large underground alien bases: Site 19, Area 51, Plant 42, Green River, Dugway, Edwards AFB, Denver International Airport …

Level 3 - Housing, workers' complexes and testing laboratories are located here. This level is the main control node where most computers are concentrated.

Level 4 - includes laboratories for the study of the human aura, all aspects of telepathy, hypnosis. According to some researchers, aliens know how to separate the astral body from the physical body in order to place the life force matrix of the "alien object" within the human body after the removal of the human soul.

Level 5 - Housing for the "Grays" and "Reptoids" alien species is located here.

Level 6 is a confidential level known as the Hall of Nightmare. There are genetic laboratories here, where experiments are done on animals and humans. The aliens gave people a lot of knowledge about genetics: knowledge, both useful and dangerous. Cloning is also carried out at this level.

Level 7 - at this level, it is possible that refrigerators contain human embryos, and cells contain living human "material" for conducting experiments.

Apparently, the Dulce base continues to operate secretly to this day. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out about what it consists of, as well as about the true intentions of the authorities and secret services in relation to it. People can only create theories, one more incredible than the other. which seem to be able to explain some changes, but contradict others. It is also possible that some terrible and illegal experiments on people are being performed here in order to create super-soldiers. Therefore, some facts of missing people are directly linked to the Dulce base. But what its employees are actually doing, if they are, of course, is still a mystery.