Childhood Fantasies? - Alternative View

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Childhood Fantasies? - Alternative View
Childhood Fantasies? - Alternative View

Video: Childhood Fantasies? - Alternative View

Video: Childhood Fantasies? - Alternative View
Video: Childhood Fantasies 2024, June

Children and adolescents have witnessed the appearance of UFOs and aliens more than once. Unfortunately, not all such cases ended up in the annals of ufology, since such stories are often mistaken for children's fantasies. But there are also documented incidents.

UFO in the playground

In February 1977, a group of schoolchildren from the Welsh village of Broad Haven played in the playground. Suddenly they saw literally above their heads a silvery cigar-shaped object with a dome in the center. After hanging for some time over the site, as if observing, the object jerked abruptly from its place and disappeared behind the horizon.

The children told the teachers of their school about what they saw, but they did not believe them. True, the director asked to draw what the children saw. They all drew about the same thing, with minor differences.

Subsequently, it turned out that not only schoolchildren became eyewitnesses of the unusual phenomenon. Two months later, an interview appeared in the press with Rosa Granville, a hotel manager in the nearby town of Little Haven, who said that she saw an object that looked like an "inverted saucer" in a nearby farm field, and next to it - two "humanoid creatures with pointed heads ". At the same time, heat emanated from the "saucer", which even burned the woman's face. For a while, Rosa passed out. When she came to, she saw only an empty field with a burnt circle.

Talking "porcupines"

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Several episodes involving UFOs and aliens have taken place in children's camps. One of them happened in the middle of the summer of 1978 with a certain resident of Hillsborough County, located in the US state of New Hampshire. Then he was nine years old. The boy rested in a summer camp and lived with other children in one of the tents.

Waking up one night, he heard someone's footsteps and a conversation. Two people were talking. They cast strange shadows on the tent curtain. After listening, our young hero realized that these were not people: the sounds that came to him were not human speech. But they were not animals either: they were undoubtedly intelligent creatures - judging by the intonation, one asked and the other answered.

The boy woke up his friend who was sleeping next to him. Together they listened to strange voices for a while, then the strangers seemed to leave. The next morning the boys told the counselor about everything, but he said that porcupines most likely approached the tent.

A week later, the boy received a letter from his father. Attached to the letter was a clipping of an article from the Boston Globe, which stated that a hundred point UFOs had been observed over New Hampshire that very night. Could these events be related?

The giant and the "mirror"

On July 6, 1989, at the Festivalny pioneer camp near the town of Rakov (Belarus), a fourth-grader Ruslan Lutsky went into the forest to pick blueberries. He returned frightened and said that he had seen a huge monster in the forest.


“More than three meters tall,” the boy said. - All covered with thick gray-brown hair. The head is large, human-like. There is no neck. There was definitely no nose. I didn't notice the ears. The eyes are very small.

The rest of the children also wanted to look at the monster and ran to where Ruslan had returned from. The guys came running back, shouting that they had seen the monster and now they would not go into the forest. Soon a reporter from one of the Minsk publications arrived at the camp. He interviewed eyewitnesses and published interviews with them.

A group of children claimed that they had met an "alien." Someone claimed that they saw him in full growth, someone - only his head, which protruded from the trees. But everyone agreed on one thing: the monster was gigantic, overgrown with blond hair, it had no nose, and it also roared like a bear.

The respondents also said that something “squeaked” in the sky and a black “plate” appeared over the monster's head (some described it as a round mirror). The "mirror" was shining with yellow lights, smoke was pouring out of it …

Invasion in "Solnechny"

In the same July 1989, unusual creatures were repeatedly seen in the Solnechny pioneer camp near Perm. Here is the story of Ivan Moshkin from the third detachment.

- On July 18, we went with the guys to wash our feet before going to bed. At the fountain near the first detachment, they saw how a transparent creature about two meters tall was sitting on a high tree (nine meters) below the top, bending its legs, and looking around. And it bowed down to us! It was in a green cap. Oval face. Nothing else could be seen - too high.

Not only children, but also adults were eyewitnesses of anomalous phenomena. For example, Elena Filatova, a teacher of the second detachment of the Solnechny camp, said:

- On July 18, late in the evening, together with the guys, we observed a dark silhouette with luminous round eyes near our building. We decided that someone was playing a trick on us. The two boys walked in that direction, and we watched from the veranda. And then the silhouette moved in our direction. There were more than 30 of us on the veranda, and we all fell like trees blown down by a hurricane.

We also saw classic flying saucers over the camp, as well as a strange glow over the forest. Creatures similar to Bigfoot, as described in the literature, sometimes entered the chambers of the junior squads. In addition, there were poltergeist phenomena. For example, Rodik Zavyalov from the third detachment woke up at night because an unknown force lifted him and put him on his feet in bed. In the girls' ward, drawers in the bedside tables were automatically pulled out. On an empty playground, someone's invisible hand was swinging a swing, spinning sports equipment …


On the morning of July 19, a certain one and a half meter transparent creature with red eyes suddenly appeared next to Arseniy Sandu.

- He had a cap, about six centimeters long, on the forefinger of his right hand, - the boy recalled. - Then he pulled out from somewhere out of himself a black thing that looked like a comb. The comb began to shoot sparks in my direction. I ran - the grass under my feet burned like a black flame.

And here is the story of Arseny's neighbor in the ward, Vadik Ragel.

- In a quiet hour, a creature just under a meter came into our room. His legs were black and his hands were black, and his body was slightly yellowish and transparent. It approached Arseny, who was lying on the bed, put a black pipe on the index finger of his right hand and began to lead the pipe over Arseny. I looked at him for two minutes. And then she moved five steps away from the bed and disappeared in front of the door.

The local press wrote about the incidents in the camp. What happened next with these guys, whether the mysterious events were repeated later - there is no information about this. Although ufologists confirmed then that there was an increased UFO activity in this place.

Girl on a bike

Many researchers believe that aliens often abduct people, but then erase their memory. Hence - amnesia and time lapses.

Recently, a 47-year-old Vermont resident told reporters about an incident that happened to her on July 1, 1980. Then she was 10 years old, and she lived in the city of Bennington.

At about 10 o'clock in the morning, the girl went on a bicycle to visit her friend. On the way, she stopped to look at a horse grazing in a field and then noticed a massive black triangular object flying low above the ground. The eyewitness remembered that the bottom of the object was made of very dark brushed metal and completely smooth. The object did not have any built-in or attached elements like windows or wheels.

“I remember that when he passed over my head, I felt such coldness from him that chills went all over my body, especially along the back of the head, neck and shoulders,” the woman recalls. A few minutes later, the UFO disappeared behind the trees.

After that, the girl felt weak and dizzy for some time. When she arrived at her friend's house, it turned out that it was already afternoon. Several hours from her life disappeared somewhere, as if they were not there …

Teleporting a teenager

And here is a very recent case. On the evening of May 22, 2017, a 13-year-old teenager from Hernandarias (a city in southeastern Paraguay) went to visit his relatives, whose house was located 50 meters from his own on the other side of the street. The boy was unable to open the gate, his 25-year-old cousin came out to help. Opening the gate, the cousin saw that the boy was gone, and decided that he had returned home. But after a while it turned out that the teenager disappeared.

They began to look for him. Only 10 minutes later, the boy got in touch by mobile phone and told what happened to him.

Trying to open the gate, the teenager heard a strange noise above his head, then saw a bright flash of light - and then he did not remember anything. He woke up in a taxi stand a few blocks away. Parents hurried to take their son to the hospital, where he underwent a full medical examination. It turned out that he was healthy. An investigation by the police has clarified nothing. But ufologists believe that, most likely, the teenager was kidnapped by aliens for some kind of manipulation.

Source: "Secrets of the XX century"