Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 2 - Alternative View

Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 2 - Alternative View
Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 2 - Alternative View
Video: Explained | World's Water Crisis | FULL EPISODE | Netflix 2024, September

- Part 1 -

I will continue the topic of changing the poles on planet Earth.

New and very interesting information has appeared. If we accept the version that the change of the poles is a frequent and therefore carefully hidden phenomenon, then there must be material evidence right under our feet or in front of our noses that the poles were changing. And they really are right in front of their noses, millions of people pass by them and do not even know what they are looking at. What kind of nonsense I'm talking about, the good (or evil, as you like) half of the readers will probably think now.

Nevertheless, I will continue. Let's look at the famous "ancient" structures, such as, for example, the pyramids in Teotihuacan, Mexico. Coordinates 19 ° 41'11.76 ″ N 98 ° 50'44.30 ″ W. More specifically, let's pay attention to how they are oriented to the cardinal points. This is how it looks on the map:


The whole pyramid complex in Teotihuacan is oriented towards Greenland.

If we assume that this direction was chosen by the builders not by random poking, but because it corresponded to the cardinal points at the time of construction, then it is likely that the pole was somewhere in the direction of Greenland.

Let's try to figure out the exact position of the poles. For this, as in the first part, we will use other "ancient" buildings that are oriented in a similar way. Let's start with Baalbek, Lebanon. Coordinates: 34 ° 0'21.41 ″ N 36 ° 12'17.81 ″ E. Scientists still cannot clearly explain who, when, how and why built this truly grandiose structure. Even at the current level of development of civilization, it would be necessary to strain and not the fact that it would be possible to build something like that. So what we see: Baalbek is also oriented not to the cardinal points. He also looks at Greenland with his axes.

Promotional video:

This is how it looks on the map:


The next object is Parthenon in Greece, coordinates 37 ° 58'16.91 ″ N 23 ° 43'39.80 ″ E. You will laugh (or cry, whichever you prefer), but he also looks at Greenland.

This is how it looks on the map:


By tradition, I'll drop by China. Well, of course, there is also a pyramid at 34 ° 21'44.45 ″ N 108 ° 37'47.28 ″ E, which also looks at Greenland.

This is how it looks from the satellite:


Just out of curiosity, I looked at the Great Trans-Volga Wall, coordinates 53 ° 26'4.47 ″ N 50 ° 25'52.19 ″ E. And - lo and behold - she also looks at Greenland!

Here is a satellite image:


If someone thinks that this direction of the Great Trans-Volga Wall is accidental, I can suggest to look at the map of the United States, where the state borders are drawn, oddly enough, along or across the meridian, probably, also absolutely by chance, and in no case need to look for connections between the cardinal points and the direction of these boundaries.

And now a general view from space of all these objects and their orientation. The red lines are the lines along which the corresponding buildings are oriented.


All these lines converge on a circle with a radius of no more than 150 kilometers, while the distances between them are tens of thousands of kilometers! The center of this circle is approximately in the area of the point with coordinates 77 ° 20'10.58 ″ N 33 ° 50'16.43 ″ W. These are the coordinates of the pole before last. Accident? Come on. It is obvious that the next pole position has been found. Based on the condition of the buildings, it is older than the pole in Nebraska, USA. Just compare St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg and Baalbek with Parthenon. St. Isaac's Cathedral in comparison with them was built almost yesterday. Well, or all the columns were dismantled during the restoration, machined and polished again, which in my opinion is an incredible event. I will not post photos for comparison, so as not to litter the post, those interested will easily find them on the net.

That is, if the version of the frequent change of the poles is correct, then some conclusions can be drawn. If you look at the distance between the current pole and the other two found in the previous and this post, you can see that the pole is wobbling. The period of the oscillation is unknown, but judging by the structures, it is something within 400-500 years. The oscillation amplitude is known and is about 5000-5500 kilometers.

You can also notice one interesting feature: the pole is shifted in a zigzag, then first it is in America, then somewhere in the region of Greenland or its current position. This is how the zigzag of the previous two pole offsets looks like and the version with the next pole:


If this version is correct, then the readers can draw their own conclusions. As a hint - isn't this a natural phenomenon causing so many wars of conquest in the United States?


Another incomprehensible action is explained with the help of the version about frequent pole shifts.

China is building ghost towns in Inner Mongolia, that is, in the desert.

Why is China building large, well-designed ghost towns that are completely empty?

Quoting from here:

City by city images from Google Earth show huge complexes of office skyscrapers, government buildings, residential buildings, residential towers and homes, all connected by a network of empty roads, with some cities in some of China's most inhospitable locations.

Images of these ghost towns (after countless billions of dollars in design and construction) show that no one lives in them.

The photos look like a giant movie set prepared for the filming of some apocalyptic film in which a neutron impact or an unknown natural disaster destroyed people, leaving skyscrapers, sports stadiums, parks and roads completely untouched. One of these cities is generally built in the middle of the desert, in the inner Monogoly."

Business Insider has posted a series of photos of these Chinese ghost towns.


None of them show any cars, with the exception of about 100 cars parked in a large vacant lot near the government building, and another, which shows a beautiful park, and people added in the photo editor.

In China, there are now, according to some estimates, about 64 million empty houses. China is building up to 20 new ghost towns a year in its "vast swaths of free land."

End of quote.

Another article about Chinese ghost towns is here.

Someone says that the Chinese have nowhere to put their money. But if we discard nonsense, pranks and show-off and try to understand this strange in all respects fact? Why are EMPTY ready-made cities built in the middle of the desert? Has the roof left the Chinese Communist Party?

I put forward the version that the Chinese elite knows about frequent changes of the poles on Earth.

Moreover, she also knows that the next movement of the poles will be in such a direction when the coast of China will move towards the ocean, that is, will be flooded. Namely, such a movement is expected if the pole moves back to America. America will travel with its coast to the north, like Siberia at one time, while China will travel with its coast to the south, that is, to the ocean, which will naturally roll onto this very coast (recall the example of a sharply moved bucket of water). It would be much more logical to build cities in the south or not on the coast, where you can create ports and thus develop trade. But the Chinese stubbornly climb into the desert and build up cities in which few people live. Absurd?

If this version is correct, then the Chinese are doing everything right. This version is confirmed by the location of the cities, they are all removed from the southern coast, but not from the eastern coast, which, according to the version under consideration, is relatively safe. The satellite map shows the estimated direction of movement of the lithosphere and places of construction of empty cities


All of them are located exactly so that the wave coming from the specified direction would not affect them.

Where did the Chinese elite get this information? Let us recall the fact that there are about a hundred pyramids in Shaanxi Province. As the reader is already convinced, the pyramids of China are a chronicle of the change of the Earth's poles. That is, the Chinese know and very carefully record all these events in stone.

Moreover, it became known about their existence only during the 2nd World War. The first information about the existence of the so-called. White pyramids were delivered in 1945 by US pilots, further exploration confirmed the existence of pyramidal hills north of the ancient Chinese capital Xi'an. The Chinese knew how and know how to keep their secrets.

Another indirect confirmation of the considered version of the displacement of the poles can be seen by comparing the state of the Great Trans-Volga Wall as well as forts in Siberia. You can see the state of the ancient fortifications in Russia here. Only the foundations remained. Can anyone suggest something not fabulous to explain why people had to demolish ALL forts on the foundation? For me, the version that they were washed away by the tidal wave looks more logical. Then it is immediately clear why not even the fragments of the walls remained.

And again, the considered version of the poles move remarkably fits with the places of finds shown in the article at the link:

1. Near-Irtysh (almost on the 80th meridian - the extreme left position of the axis of displacement of the poles. As the reader remembers, on the axis of displacement of the poles the height of the tidal wave is maximum.).

2. Ukraine - the place where the water of the Arctic Ocean poured into the Black Sea, simultaneously washing away under the foundation all the forts indiscriminately and by the thickness of the walls.

The Chinese wall, on the other hand, was not subject to the impact of the tidal wave, as it was far to the south and is now a tourist attraction. There are many tales about the “antiquity” of the Great Wall of China. It is not possible to answer the question without twisting, as in a frying pan, why at the present time the Great Wall of China suddenly began to rapidly collapse. If it were destroyed at such a rate all those supposedly thousands of years that are attributed to it, horns and legs would have remained from it.

In general, the Chinese confirm their reputation as secretive and cunning Asians:)

It is now clear why the Chinese are the most numerous nation on the planet. They simply were not washed away every few hundred years, since they know both the time and the dangerous places from which the population is withdrawn in advance. Thus, the population grew continuously, unlike, for example, Russia or Europe.

Here you can read about Ordos, coordinates 39 ° 36'16.63 ″ N 109 ° 47'39.69 ″ E, the largest ghost town in China, By the way, it is located not only in the desert, but also at an altitude

1307 m above sea level. Ideal location for China for a city destined to relocate "the right people" during the pending pole shift.


In Paris, for example, burials have been found in which more than 6 million people may be buried. Isn't it strange where so many corpses came from? More details here.


Failed to add the following thought to the first part, LJ said that the entry is too long), so I add here.

Another interesting fact: according to one of the versions, Scandinavia is the land where the Skandan people lived, who went to the world of Navi, that is, they became incarnate or died. How we represent is not specified. Within the framework of the version under consideration, everything is extremely clear - the Skandan people were completely washed away by the tidal wave, traces of which can be observed on the coast of the North and Baltic Seas in the form of a thick layer of silt - the soil washed away from Scandianvia and everything that was on it. And also looking at the Hermitage and St. Isaac's Cathedral covered with soil.

The fact that amber is found on the shores of the Baltic Sea is quite naturally explained. All vegetation from the territory of what is now Scandinavia and Finland was washed away, including conifers containing resin. That is why pieces of hardened resin are still beaten to the Baltic coast.

And the question also arose why well-preserved mammoths were not found to the left of the 8th degree of east longitude, although the permafrost begins already from Arkhangelsk, that is, from 40th degree of east longitude. Within the framework of the considered version, this is very easy to explain - the axis of the displacement of the poles did not pass here, which means that there were no strong inertial winds, which are necessary for shock freezing of such large animals as mammoths. And not at all because there is no permafrost.


St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, coordinates 45 ° 26'2.95 ″ N 12 ° 20'24.24 ″ E is also oriented not to the cardinal points, but where do you think? To Greenland. And exactly at the same point where Baalbek, and Parthenon, and the Chinese pyramid are aiming.


All these objects are built in the antique style, with columns, antique statues, arches. All are oriented towards the same point in Greenland. Is anyone still sure that this is all an accident?

If you look at St. Mark's Cathedral up close, it is obvious that it is much older than St. Isaac's Cathedral, traces of time are present everywhere.

I will not post examples, as this will overload the post with pictures, everyone who is interested will easily find pictures on the network.

Which again fits perfectly with the fact that there was a pole before last in Greenland, that is, St. Isaac's Cathedral was built between the two last and last pole movements, and St. Mark's Cathedral was built between the two poles before last and before last, that is, it is older.

By the way, the date of its foundation according to Wikipedia is 820. This is most likely the actual start date of construction. Who built it, of course, is now very difficult to find out, but in time in 820 the pole was on the territory of Greenland, where this cathedral is oriented. The version of the "timetable" of the pole shifts will be in the next parts of the article, this is a separate long topic.

As a half-delusion, I will express the idea that sounds heard all over the world are like these:, perhaps, are the harbingers of an imminent next change of poles. Well, just the grinding of a poorly smeared surface is recorded in the video. By the way, a video was recorded in British Columbia, exactly where, presumably, the axis of displacement of the poles from modern to new should pass.

Of course, the authorities came up with a logical explanation that, like this, a bulldozer bucket was sharpened or leveled. But why, in 2012-2013 all over the world they began to sharpen and level the buckets of bulldozers:, I personally believe with great difficulty.

It is also possible that it is the upcoming polarity reversal that explains the many times increased seismic activity around the world.

And also the fact that the “Doomsday Seed Vault” has been created on the territory of Norway is the original name. Read more on the website of the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture here. The granary was opened in early 2008.

And here is another one on the territory of Yakutia, more details here.

If you consider the locations chosen for these repositories, it is striking that they are both located in the far north, one in the Svalbard archipelago, coordinates 78 ° 13'41.49 ″ N 15 ° 28'14.49 ″ E. Another is somewhere in Yakutia. Tellingly, there is not a single storage facility in the United States or Canada. According to our version, everything is logical - America and Canada will be flooded and frozen, as it travels to the north. And both of the above storage facilities are built in places that will move to the south (in the northern hemisphere, this means warming) and most likely will not be flooded. Although I wouldn't be so sure about Norwegian, an island in the middle of the ocean can catch a tidal wave or even go under water. Isn't that why in 2012 they urgently make another storage facility in Yakutia? And Yakutia is what you need, it will go from the ocean and will not be flooded, just as it is frozen. It will even thaw and the seeds will just come in handy.


Another object that is completely unrelated to the city's layout, coastline and cardinal points is oriented to the past North Pole in Nebraska, USA, namely, the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in the city of Lomonosov near St. Petersburg, coordinates 59 ° 54'56.21 ″ N 29 ° 45'59.43 ″ E. This is how it looks from the satellite.


Machu Picchu, Peru, coordinates 13 ° 9'48.79 ″ S 72 ° 32'43.69 ″ W, also oriented towards the past north pole in Nebraska, USA. Confirmation below in satellite photo.


Again we observe "miracles" in the history of the Incas. For example, that the Inca empire grew in an astonishingly short time, less than 100 years, from a small area in the south of central Peru to a vast region encompassing present-day Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and parts of present-day Colombia, Argentina, and Chile. The expansion and development of the Incas into one of the great civilizations of the world for such a short time remains one of the unsolved mysteries of modern science. If the goal of historians was to hide the pole shift, then everything is clear: it is necessary to prove that the Incas were not before the Europeans and, accordingly, a version is written about the rapid conquest of vast territories by the Incas, contrary to common sense. Another amusement was the invention of scientists that the processing of stone during the construction of Machu Picchu was allegedly with the help of the sap of a certain plant that softens the stone. That didn’t prevent us from producing huge stones, dragging them up a high mountain (probably with the help of chariots drawn by birds, not otherwise) and adjusting stones in the masonry with the highest accuracy. Well, just wild natives built the city, not otherwise. And the fact that the masonry in the Kronstadt docks in St. Petersburg and in Machu Picchu is almost identical, despite the fact that no wonderful Peruvian plant grows in St. Petersburg, and there are no birds either:).

Interesting information about the similarities of many European, Egyptian and American buildings here.

Wikipedia says "in the western part there is a main temple with an altar for sacrifices." And it is the buildings in the western part that are most accurately oriented to the past North Pole in North America, which is quite natural, religious buildings are most often built with an eye to the cardinal points.

This city was founded by archaeologists in 1440 and functioned until 1532. This data can be used to narrow the interval of the pole shift, which, according to archaeologists, should have occurred between 1440 and 1532. If we also take into account the map of Piri Reis, then between 1440 and 1513, since on this map dated 1513 there is already an indication of the direction of both the old and the new poles.


Another interesting observation: all the buildings that belonged to the past civilization in America are located either in South America or in Mexico. In North America, there is not a single ancient structure that was built by people who allegedly lived here. If we take into account the fact that there was a pole on the territory of North America several hundred years ago and therefore a glacier 2.5-3 kilometers thick covered its entire northern part (the reader remembers that all of North America was inside the Arctic Circle), then it is understandable that in North America there can be no ancient buildings. If you look again at the world map from the Britannica encyclopedia of 1771, then it is the territory of the North

America is not completely mapped, namely - the northwestern part of North America is marked as "unopened part".


While the territory of South America, Africa, Europe and Asia is displayed on the map in full detail.

On the map from Britannica 1771 in North America, we see four powerful water streams flowing into Hudson Bay. If you compare how such rivers as the Amazon in South America or the Volga in Russia are displayed on the map, or even the Mississippi, which passes through Louisiana on the same map, you can see that the flows flowing into Hudson Bay are indicated by much thicker lines. which means that they were very wide and deep, which fits perfectly with the North American version of the pole. On the territory of North America in the 16th century, a huge ice cap was actively melting, left over from the times of the old pole, and melt water rushed into the Hudson Bay in stormy streams. Then the cap melted and the streams dried up, now in those places on the map of Canada no rivers can be seen that would be comparable to the Amazon, everything is much more modest, as it should be,if there is no longer a huge mass of ice that, melting, feeds these streams.


It is impossible to explain all these facts within the framework of the traditional version of history / geography. If the pole was in the same place as it is now, technically there should have been no obstacles to drawing North America in every detail, like other continents. And if we assume that America by 1771 still had not completely freed itself from powerful glaciers, then everything becomes clear: it was the ice that prevented sailors from passing along the northwestern coast of North America. And it was the melted glaciers that were the sources of water for the lakes and swamps of northwest Canada. Indeed, it is in the northwest of North America that the Cordillera Mountains are located and it was there that the ice melted last.


I already thought that I had finally found a weak point in this whole story with a change of poles, namely, on the territory of the Sierra Nevada mountains, California, USA, sequoia trees grow, whose age reaches one and a half thousand years. And the poles were supposed to change no earlier than the age of St. Isaac's Cathedral, and it doesn't look like 1500 years at all. But looking more closely, you can see that the oldest trees were found as one at a distance of more than 2000 kilometers from the pole in Nebraska, USA. And now, at such a distance from the North Pole, you can find trees, both in Russia and in Alaska. And the second point is that all these old trees are, firstly, in the mountains, and secondly, in the southeastern United States, just where there was no tidal wave during the shift, it was coming from the northeast. That is, these trees were neither flooded nor frozen,as they were in the mountains, where the inertial wind sweeps away vegetation only from the tops, while the valleys remain untouched. So so far this fact, with difficulty, but without much exaggeration, fits into the version of the change of poles in the recent past.

Another fact in catching up: sequoias live both at sea level (and in California it is quite hot), and up to an altitude of 900 meters above sea level, in winter it is very cold there. That is, theoretically, they could well live beyond the Arctic Circle, when the North Pole was in Nebraska. And they also have a bark up to 30 centimeters thick, and even a fibrous, straight woolen coat on a tree. This is nothing less than protection from the cold weather that sets in California every few hundred years. Here is a quote from here: “The bark of trees is thick, fibrous, not amenable to combustion. When touched, the palm sinks into the wood, creating an unusual sensation. The conclusion suggests itself: in order to survive for thousands of years, trees need a spacesuit that protects from both fire and cold.

In addition, they were well above sea level. Satellite photographs show the riverbeds that flowed from the mountains at the bottom of the ocean in front of the California coast.


That is, the ocean was much lower than its present level. And the oldest trees grow in the mountains of Redwood National Park.

And one more interesting observation about redwoods: the movements of the poles go, if you look at the current position of the pole, from east to west. That is, the pole the year before last was in the eastern United States. And there no ancient trees under 2000 years old are observed. The next time the pole moves to the northwest of the United States, these beauties in Redwood, unfortunately, will disappear, since no tree, most likely, can survive right at the North Pole, although sequoias may adapt, but that would be aerobatics for survival.

The northernmost forest in the world is Ary-Mas, coordinates 72 ° 30'5.14 ″ N 101 ° 37'3.58 ″ E. It is located at a distance of 1953 kilometers from the pole. That is, even ordinary larch trees can adapt and survive at such a distance from the North Pole, and even sequoias with their bark up to 30 centimeters thick, which feels like felt and seems to be specially designed to protect from the cold, are also likely to survive in such conditions. As they say, you want to live - not so raskoryachishya.

Looking at the satellite image, the question arises: where did so much water suddenly come from that all those mountains that are now under water were saturated with violent mountain streams, traces of which are visible even from space and even through a thick layer of water. If this is not water from a melted ice cap in North America, then what is this water? And where has she gone now, because now there are so many mountain rivers on the west coast of America?

Another fact that indirectly confirms that pole shifts on Earth are a phenomenon that takes place, moreover, quite regularly.

We all know from the official version of history that the Battle of the Ice took place in 1242. If the pole shift version is correct, then there could be no ice on Lake Peipsi at that time, since the pole was in Nebraska, USA. And what do we read in the Ipatievsky Chronicle: and there it stands in black and white: "In the summer of 6750 nothing will come." That is, according to the chronicler, there were no important events that year. And 6750 is exactly 1242 according to the new chronology. Could the chronicler have missed such an important event as the Battle of the Ice, if it really happened? A rhetorical question, of course, could not. Could he not have known about him? He couldn't either. It means that he was not in that year. If it was, it should have happened after the change of poles, when the Europeans rushed to conquer the dilapidated country,which was located on the territory of modern Russia.

- Part 3 -