UFO Over Western Siberia - Alternative View

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UFO Over Western Siberia - Alternative View
UFO Over Western Siberia - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Western Siberia - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Western Siberia - Alternative View
Video: UFO spotted over Aurora! 2024, June

In 1991, archival materials about UFO sightings and encounters with aliens on the territory of Western Siberia (the so-called "West Siberian UFO Archive") came into open use from the special storage of the KGB of the USSR. After a short time, all four weighty folders with protocols, reports, letters and expert reports were, according to the official version, stolen. However, researchers believe that they have been classified again. We offer three episodes of them to the attention of our readers.

Zombified by aliens

In July 1969, an airship similar to an airship, emitting a violet glow, landed at about midnight in a field near the village of M. in the Tyumen region. Several local residents saw this. A pilot in a spacesuit emerged from the apparatus. Two young men, cousins, walked towards him. The alien invited them to the ship, and all three disappeared into the hatch.

A crowd gathered, in which there was a policeman. An hour later, the hatch opened and both brothers got out. The ship took off and disappeared at high speed.

The brothers' behavior seemed strange to the villagers. They were clearly not themselves: constrained movements, frozen eyes. The policeman turned to them with questions, but they were silent. All the people the brothers passed by felt weak and dizzy.

The brothers went into the house. When several of the most daring fellow villagers entered, it turned out that both contactees were standing motionless in the corner, while their eyes and skin glowed faintly. Their family members are lying on the floor unconscious. It was not possible to provide assistance to the victims: everyone who approached them felt nausea and dizziness.

For a time, the brothers wandered aimlessly through the village. The crowd followed them. Then the contactees went to the forest, and they walked without making out the road: the river was forded, although there was a bridge nearby. They were lost in the forest. The village was visited by the military and police, the forest was combed several times, but the brothers were not found. It was not possible to revive their relatives either.

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"Freaks" attack

In the summer of 1949, a strong fire broke out in a village in the upper reaches of Malaya Sosva (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug). People built temporary huts at the edge of the forest. It was there that the "freaks" - as eyewitnesses called them.

At night, people woke up because someone was crawling on the roofs of their huts. One of the men, taking a gun, went outside, and then a "freak" jumped onto his shoulders.

The "freaks" were described as follows: creatures similar to people about a meter tall in dark brown bubble clothes (some eyewitnesses claimed that it was skin), on the back something like a ridge, the head "snake". The man with the "freak" on his shoulders froze, dropped his gun. Then, without making any attempts to throw off the creature, he entered one of the huts. The people in the room rushed out. Those watching from nearby huts noticed the creature holding a small metal pipe to the man's head. It seemed like it was sucking the brain out of a person.

Two or three more "freaks" appeared. They moved fairly quickly and could jump high. People scattered in horror.

Those who ran into the forest were out of luck. There were at least a dozen "freaks" sitting in the trees. They jumped on people and, grabbing them, inserted pipes into their heads.

Those who ran to the river or to the burnt ruins of the village were saved. From there, they saw people with creatures on their backs wandering around the empty huts. Some of the "porters", unable to bear the weight of the "freaks", dropped to all fours or even lay down on the ground. Nobody tried to throw them off.

Those who hid expected that the "freaks" would reach them too. But suddenly an orange glow appeared behind the trees, as if a large fireball had flown low above the ground. The "freaks", leaving people behind, rushed in that direction and disappeared from sight. For some time, people did not dare to leave their hiding places, and then they approached those on whose shoulders strange creatures had been. The victims were alive, but did not understand what had happened. They lived without showing signs of any illness for about ten more hours. And then one by one they began to die.

A subsequent autopsy revealed that their brains had turned into a jelly-like mass. There were no holes on the head, but all had a crack in the back of the head or temples. No mysterious "freaks" were found. The dogs refused to take their trail.

Maybe it's a chupacabra?

A strange creature, according to the description, similar to the "freaks" from Malaya Sosva, appeared two days later, in the evening, in the courtyard of a house near the village of Sergino, which is almost 120 kilometers from the place of the above events.

At first the mistress of the house thought she was seeing a dog. But when the creature got up on its hind legs and jumped into a large empty barrel, the woman thought it was a monkey. She was not taken aback and kicked the "monkey" out of the barrel. The creature ran into the house, causing a commotion there. Such creatures have never been seen here. It was about the size of a small dog, moved on all fours, often jumping, but could walk on its hind legs, like a man. Moreover, her growth did not exceed a meter. The head is hairless, the body is covered with warts, and a double hump was visible on the back.

In the house, the creature huddled under the bed. She was kicked out of there, and she disappeared into the attic. We went up there, but she disappeared from the attic somewhere …

The hostess woke up in the middle of the night from a strange rustle. I went into the room where my brother was sleeping, and found that the creature was sitting on his chest. My brother lay with open eyes, but for some reason did not move. According to the woman, with a tongue like a pipe, the creature touched the head of the lying person.

The woman began to throw at the "unclean" everything that came to hand, chased him with a stick. Finally, the creature jumped out the window and disappeared. She was never seen again. This case is described in the report of the local policeman. There was no suggestion of what kind of creature it was.

It is curious that the dogs living in the courtyard of the house ran away in the evening shortly before the appearance of the creature and returned only in the morning. The hostess's brother had a square spot on the top of his forehead that looked like a burn. Since then, his head began to hurt. He died a year later. He was a little over thirty years old.

We got there with a breeze

September 1952. In the evening, an open truck drove out of the gate of a correctional camp on the banks of the Chulym River. In the back sat convicts and escorts, in the cockpit - a civilian driver and the foreman of the convoy. We went to the construction site 60 kilometers from the camp with the expectation to arrive before dark. When we passed half the way, suddenly clouds thickened and lightning flashed.

On the side of the road, far from settlements, the driver and the passengers of the special vehicle saw two short men. The suspicious citizens were dressed unusually for these places - in "tight sports leotards in dark gray." Both are pale, with bald heads, similar to each other like twins. The foreman ordered the driver to stop, got out and ordered the strangers to show their documents. The "athletes" did not have them. Then he ordered them to get into the back, saying that they would be dealt with. They obeyed in silence. Later, some eyewitnesses said that the "athletes" did not utter a word at all, others that they supposedly heard their monosyllabic answers. All, however, claimed that they immediately felt something wrong.

During the trip, a small low cloud moved above the car all the time. Lightning struck nearby, but none hit the truck. And then something quite amazing happened: the car took off and flew over the road! The strangers also rose into the air. For a while they flew next to the car. The people in the back sat numb with fear.

An unknown force lifted the truck to a rather impressive height, carried it almost 35 kilometers further than its destination and lowered it onto the road. The strangers disappeared, the cloud cleared away. Then, though not immediately, the engine started.

As a result, people arrived at the place not from the direction they were supposed to come from, but from the opposite side. The foreman of the convoy wrote a report in which he told everything as it happened. His words were confirmed by those in the car. There were witnesses who saw the truck driving along the road on which it could not be in any way - considering the time it left the camp.

A non-disclosure agreement was taken from the participants in the incident. Of course, the strange "sportsmen" are gone.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №34. Author: Igor Voloznev