Annunaki: Tyrants Or Saviors Of Mankind - Alternative View

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Annunaki: Tyrants Or Saviors Of Mankind - Alternative View
Annunaki: Tyrants Or Saviors Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Annunaki: Tyrants Or Saviors Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Annunaki: Tyrants Or Saviors Of Mankind - Alternative View
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Despite the fact that the Sumerians lived supposedly 3-4 thousand years BC, they were a surprisingly advanced race of people.

But how did they get their advanced knowledge and technology? According to recently discovered ancient texts, the Sumerians describe a group of deities known as the Annunaki who passed on this knowledge to them.

The question arises: were the Annunaki just a subject of Sumerian mythology?

Who are the Annunaki

Modern knowledge begins with Sir Austin Henry Layard, an English archaeologist who discovered cuneiform tablets (one of the earliest writing styles) in the 1800s. All that is known about the Annunaki is taken from these tables depicting Sumerian epics and myths. However, even today, with thousands of such clay tablets in the British Museum, many of them remain untranslated.

Judging from the cuneiform writing, the Annunaki were deities living in ancient Mesopotamia, which encompassed most of the present-day Middle East and Holy Land.

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In which epics are the Annunaki presented

Enuma Elish is a myth, similar to the story of Christian creation, in which humans were created by the gods. Epic of Gilgamesh is a description of the Great Flood, when the gods delivered instructions to selected servants to build a ship to save a small group of people and animals.


Obviously, the epic has a striking resemblance to the biblical story of Noah's ark. It is possible that at that time a group of beings known as the Annunaki were using some kind of ship to rescue people from flooding, who later recorded this information. However, what were the creatures, and what ship did they use? Whether it was a large wooden ship, like the Bible, or a more advanced vehicle like a spaceship.

Where and why did the Annunaki come

Ancient tablets give little information about the origin of the Annunaki. While living in Mesopotamia, they spoke a different language than the indigenous dialect. So they came from another place.

According to Sitchin, a well-known skeptic of official tales and stories, the Annunaki were an "alien" race that came to Earth and controlled civilization for thousands of years. They came from the planet known as Nibiru. However, its existence in our solar system has not been proven in the scientific community.

There are several theories as to why the Annunaki visit Earth

They came to Earth to search for gold in Africa. There is evidence of very early mining of the precious metal in parts of the African continent, which may lend little support to this theory. Perhaps the Annunaki created the modern human race to their advantage. An additional part of this theory suggests that our race may have been formed as a hybrid of the inhabitants of the Earth and the Annunaki. Finally, some say that they are sent to observe people in order to transmit even more power or consciousness in the future.


The Sumerians have always been known for their advanced abilities in astronomy and mathematics, far superior to other civilizations of their time. In addition to astronomy and mathematics, they had a deep understanding of energy fields, which would be very strange for a group of people living in the desert. It seems that the Sumerians had some special need to study the energy fields, as if they received a hint from more intelligent beings.

It is clear from the texts and legends that the ancient Sumerians had deep respect for the Annunaki. They praised them as gods and thanked them for their advanced knowledge. Perhaps these intelligent beings did indeed come from another world, as described in the ancient texts. But why?

Why did they feel the need to give us such powerful knowledge? Was it a generous gift or were they manipulating people to their advantage. And in general - have they ever left? Is it possible that they are still present on Earth, watching our young civilization, continuing to use us for their own purposes?