A UFO Flew Over The Cave Of The Penza Hermits - Alternative View

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A UFO Flew Over The Cave Of The Penza Hermits - Alternative View
A UFO Flew Over The Cave Of The Penza Hermits - Alternative View

Video: A UFO Flew Over The Cave Of The Penza Hermits - Alternative View

Video: A UFO Flew Over The Cave Of The Penza Hermits - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

A strange celestial phenomenon appeared in the night sky above the cave, where part of the Penza hermits, led by Vasily Prokofiev, remain

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A certain bright luminous object moved chaotically across the sky for some time, making the policemen open their mouths from the cordon, and plunging reporters and villagers into a slight shock.

- This is the soul of Peter! - Sister Anna, one of the most authoritative sectarians, explained, leaving the house of prayer to specially look at the unusual sight. - His darling is toying, tossing! The scripture is coming true, the Apocalypse is coming …

According to sister Anna, the events taking place in the cave located between the village of Nikolskoye and the village of Poganovka exactly correspond to one of the chapters of the Gospel, or rather, to the 11th chapter of the Revelation of John the Theologian.

"And there was given me a reed like a rod … And I will give to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy … And if anyone wants to offend them, fire will come out of their mouth and devour their enemies …"

The quote from the New Testament made an ambiguous impression on everyone who did not sleep in the village that night.

- From this spark, - said Sister Anna solemnly, - the flame of the sacred fire will flare up, which will incinerate all the enemies of our community!

“Nonsense,” said the sergeant from the cordon. - They are testing a new satellite, probably …

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- You will burn in hell! - the unfriendly recluse promised the cheerful policeman.

- It won't be worse than standing in a cordon near your cave! - answered the cheerful boy, but he never entered into a religious dispute with his harsh sister Anna that night.

Under a cane, similar to a wand, fanatics, as it turned out, are inclined to see the butt with which someone hit Pyotr Kuznetsov on the head. By the way, Kuznetsov, a former patient of a psychiatric hospital and spiritual mentor of hermits, is still in intensive care. The blow of the butt-cane crushed his skull, so much so that Peter was in a coma for three days.

“Two witnesses of God are Peter and Vitaly,” the educated sectarian continues. - Kuznetsov and Nedogon suffered a lot from people, they took offense at people and did the right thing.

If you believe sister Anna and her interpretation of the Bible, then in the very near future "the beast coming out of the abyss will fight with them, and defeat them, and kill them." Judging by the fact that Kuznetsov almost died in the hands of reanimators, Vitaly Nedogon should join the battle with the “beast” deftly wielding a butt and other peasant utensils. Bearing in mind that Nedogon was still a regular soldier in the Russian army, in this duel, perhaps, one should not have given victory to the mystical "beast" in advance.

- In the 11th chapter everything is written point by point! - finally, sister Anna shouted and disappeared into the prayer house, where her "cave" friends were already sleeping peacefully in the coffins.

And here is how numerologist Mikhail Kalyuzhny commented on the celestial phenomenon in the Penza sky:

- What they did in the cave is unknown, but this place is rather dubious. From the point of view of the church, UFOs are nothing more than a manifestation of the infernal world, and those pilots that are observed in UFOs are demons. The sixth of April was the new moon. The period three days before and after the new moon is considered a time of special rampage for these demonic forces. The UFO appearance time is very characteristic in this case. After all, UFOs often appear in anomalous zones, in places where there were graves of sorcerers, barrows. It is possible that the Penza cave is also an anomalous zone. They probably chose their place for a reason. In addition, the cave collapsed, and before that everything was fine. Once a collapse has occurred, then this place is energetically unclean. It is quite possible that the UFO therefore appeared to them …