Are The Implants Made By Aliens? - Alternative View

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Are The Implants Made By Aliens? - Alternative View
Are The Implants Made By Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Implants Made By Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Implants Made By Aliens? - Alternative View
Video: Case of the Week: A Straightforward Implant Case on Tooth #30 2024, September

Ufologists tell stories about how aliens implant objects of unknown purpose into the bodies of people. Is there some truth in this? And what does the representatives of extraterrestrial civilization have to do with it?

It will resolve itself

Several years ago, Igor Arshinnikov, a 57-year-old resident of Tula, turned to doctors with a complaint of a strange tumor. At first, the seal on the hand did not bother Igor Vitalievich too much. It was white with a tiny black dot in the middle. But then the "pimple" began to grow. The doctor did not even listen to Arshinnikov: "Nonsense, it will resolve itself!"

But in a couple of years, the diameter of the "pimple" has reached one centimeter. Moreover, it has become hard. And recently he suddenly became inflamed. And then Igor Vitalievich noticed that something sharp was sticking out of the seal. With the tip of a pair of tweezers, he pulled out a tiny, flat object.

Arshinnikov showed the find to his brother, Evgeny Denisov, who offered to examine it under a microscope. The object turned out to have a rough surface, and it was most likely made of metal. The scalpel could not scratch the "thorn", but she herself easily left marks on the glass, like a diamond. At first, the find was coal black, but after a few days it changed color to reddish.

Evgeny Denisov, who is fond of ufology, suggests that it was an implant, with the help of which representatives of a different mind received some information from Igor Vitalievich.

After the object was removed from the body, Arshinnikov's health improved. The pains in the spine disappeared and the nightmares that had tormented the man for several years now. But more recently, he noticed that he had another pimple on his chest, an exact copy of the previous one.

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Moscow ufologists, having heard the story of Arshinnikov, asked to give the implant to them in order to analyze the material. We will probably find out about the results of the study later.

The Adventures of Vasiliev

The case with Arshinnikov is not an isolated one. A resident of the Volga region, Alexander Petrovich Vasiliev, is convinced that he has undergone operations to implant implants several times.

At the age of five, Sasha had a dream. He runs from someone along the hill, below is a steep slope. He jumps off the hill - and plans down. At the foot of the hill, he is greeted by a dark-skinned man and a woman with lush white hair. On this the boy woke up.

Three days later, Sasha got a painful blister on his thigh. His right leg was so cramped that the boy could not walk. He was taken to the hospital. There the abscess was opened and a bandage was applied to the leg. But there was no improvement. The child has a fever. Deliriously, that strange pair from a dream appeared to him. Then - like an explosion. It turned out that Sasha's father burst into the room. Having wrapped his son in a fur coat, he took him to Volgograd, to the regional hospital. There the bandage was removed. The leg has already begun to rot, it is very swollen. And for some reason she was covered with black hair. The little boy was put on the operating table, all the pus was pumped out from the wound, and soon the patient went on the mend, only a rather large scar remained.

Years went by, Sasha was 16. Suddenly a lump the size of a pigeon's egg grew on his neck. She was not sick, but it was unpleasant: it’s obvious! The teenager tried to pierce the lump with a needle, fluid came out from there, and then the tumor swelled again.

At the same time, Sasha began to sleep a lot - 12 or more hours a day. His parents became worried and took him to the healer. She whispered spells and gave the text of a prayer that had to be read every evening before going to bed, while holding the bump with her left hand. As soon as the young man fulfilled the prescription of the healer once, his temperature rose sharply. His parents gave him aspirin, after which Sasha fell asleep. And the next morning the bump disappeared. Only a bloody spot remained on the pillow, and on the neck there was a white spot at the site of the tumor.

He passed all the tests

When Vasiliev was over 30, he took up farming. Once he was mowing hay for cows and suddenly felt something prick him in the leg. Soon an abscess formed in that place. He risked making an incision with a razor - and suddenly removed from the wound an object that looked like metal shavings. After that, blood oozed from the wound for three days. And since then, Alexander's blood clotting has been disrupted, and any cuts, abrasions festering, not healing for weeks. In addition, the man became seriously ill: he was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, chronic tonsillitis, heart problems, skin diseases - a whole bunch!

Once after work, Vasiliev climbed into the bathtub and, having relaxed, dozed off. And either in a dream or in reality those two from childhood came to him - a black man and a white-haired woman. The aliens talked to him telepathically and reported that they had arrived from the planet Centuria, and their base was on the asteroid Ceres.

Once Alexander had a high temperature for several days. He decided to meditate in the bathroom, hoping it would help him heal. And at night I had a dream: around - people in white coats, similar to doctors. They said about him: "He passed all the tests …". They did something to him, cut him with a scalpel. The last thing that I remember was the words of one "doctor": "I put the brace." And - oblivion. I woke up in cold sweat, with aching bones, but the temperature subsided.

Alexander Petrovich claims that he has long been the object of attention of representatives of another civilization - highly developed, but soulless, using people for their own purposes. Three times they tried to install an implant in him, sucking energy from the body. That is why the contactee was constantly ill. Vasiliev believes that there are also etheric implants, but they are much more difficult to detect.

Microchips in the brain

According to Western research, most implants look like beads with spines or wires with a loop at the end. They are usually found in the right nostril or behind the contactee's eyeball. There have been cases when, after being removed from the human body, foreign bodies self-destructed.

Contactees who claim that they have an alien implant in their brains often behave inappropriately, perform some meaningless actions, and suffer from strange visions. The unfortunate say that someone is controlling them.

However, is it worth blaming the aliens? Technologies allowing to introduce computer microchips into the body and even into the human brain have long been developed on Earth. Officially, this is intended to improve our lives.

So, scientists from Cornell University on the basis of nanotechnology managed to create mini-cyborgs the size of a virus. Theoretically, these micro-robots can be injected into the bloodstream, which will undoubtedly be useful in medical practice. An army of cyborgs will conduct research on each cell of a sick organism and not only analyze the cause of the disease and diagnose it, but also synthesize the necessary medicine from chemicals inside the human body.

Invisible robots will have heightened intelligence and sensory sensitivity, as well as the ability to recreate themselves, including in an improved form.

And now - the fun part! As some ufologists suggest, the mystery of implants allegedly implanted by aliens into their "experimental" is connected with nanotechnology. It was noted that usually people do not remember about such operations, although other details of the contact remain in their memory, as evidenced by their stories under regressive hypnosis. This is how the hypothesis arose about microcyborgs, imperceptibly (for example, through skin pores) penetrating deep into the human body and collecting the implant right "in place".

In theory, it is very simple to introduce a microcyborg - this procedure is easy to perform during a patient's regular visit to the clinic, using hypnosis methods so that a person does not have any memories of something like that.

So can we today be 100% sure that there is nothing extraneous in our brain?

Dina Kuntseva. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 32 2011