Scientists Suggest Treating Alcoholism With Laser Brain Stimulation - Alternative View

Scientists Suggest Treating Alcoholism With Laser Brain Stimulation - Alternative View
Scientists Suggest Treating Alcoholism With Laser Brain Stimulation - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Suggest Treating Alcoholism With Laser Brain Stimulation - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Suggest Treating Alcoholism With Laser Brain Stimulation - Alternative View
Video: Scripps Researchers Say New Discovery Targeting Brain Cells Could Help Alcoholism 2024, September

Anyone who has abused alcohol or cigarettes at least once knows that getting rid of this kind of addiction can sometimes be extremely difficult. Unfortunately, cravings for harmful substances cannot yet be simply turned off with the push of a button, but researchers at Scripps Research Medical Center are a little closer to creating such a device. They found that by targeting a specific area of the brain with a laser, it was possible to subdue the urge to drink alcohol and even eliminate shaking. The technology really works, and this has been proven in an experiment with alcohol-dependent rats.

According to Professor Olivier George, they have found a specific population of neurons in the mouse brain that are activated during withdrawal from alcohol. The site is located quite deep, so to get to it, the researchers had to implant fiber optics in the rat's head. By turning on the laser, they were able to significantly reduce his cravings for alcohol.

It is noteworthy that the exposure not only led to a weakening of dependence, but also reduced the tremors that occur when quitting alcohol. Unfortunately, when the laser was turned off, the desire to drink returned to the rats again.

It is believed that the new discovery will create new drugs for alcoholism, or even a method of treatment at the genetic level. Moreover, in the future, scientists may well create a brain implant to control addiction. Unfortunately, its creation requires technologies that are not yet approved for use on humans, so the release of such devices will have to wait at least 15-30 years. But researchers can develop drugs that affect a specific group of neurons - if funding is available, they can be released in 10-15 years.

Do you want such drugs or devices to be used in medicine sooner?

Ramis Ganiev