On November 17, 1968, at the National Theater in Washington, the performance HELLO, DOLLY! Went to a full house. About 15 minutes before the final scene, the lights went out in the hall. After a short pause, backup electricity generators went off, but the administration announced the cancellation of the event. When disappointed spectators went out into the street, they immediately froze from an unprecedented sight …
This incident was included in the archives of the CIA's special department dealing with the investigation of anomalous phenomena as "The Pennsylvania Avenue Incident" - at the address of the street on which the theater is located. As follows from the documents, more than a thousand (!) People simultaneously observed unidentified flying objects in the sky.
From the testimony of an eyewitness: “… When I ran out into the street, there was a fuss, panic. A lot of people crowded at the doors of the theater, and the street was partially blocked by them. Everyone was looking up. I also raised my head and saw that there are 7 bright luminous balls at a relatively low height. All of them were white, but had slight color shades: one was slightly pink, the second was slightly yellow, the third was greenish … They followed each other, maintaining a distance of about a third of a mile, while depicting various figures in flight. First they drew a square of the correct shape, then they began to spin in a circle. Then they began to outline a triangle in the sky. This lasted for about half an hour, after which all the balls went out simultaneously …"
Another eyewitness adds details to the story: “… I was in such a hurry to run out into the street that I did not have time to hand over the theater binoculars to the closet, and therefore could see the balls in detail … They were spheres, in a chaotic order, studded with holes from which light was pouring. If we talk about associations, something like that happens if you put a colander on a table lamp Without binoculars from afar it seemed that the ball was glowing by itself, no dots were visible … At the bottom of each ball there were four protrusions, which probably served as legs. I suppose if the ball landed, it would lean on them and be stable …"
The CIA agents involved in the investigation managed to collect testimonies from several hundred spectators (a total of 1,500 people observed UFOs - that is how many people were at the play, but not all agreed to testify), as well as eyewitnesses from among the guests of nearby hotels. But the investigation did not progress further - it was not possible to explain the origin of the flying balls, as well as their connection with the power outage in the theater building.
By the way, the power supply was restored immediately after the disappearance of the UFO. And the devices at the electrical substation did not register interruptions and accidents, as if the supply of electricity did not stop.