The Ultimate Weapon Of The Gorgons - Alternative View

The Ultimate Weapon Of The Gorgons - Alternative View
The Ultimate Weapon Of The Gorgons - Alternative View

Video: The Ultimate Weapon Of The Gorgons - Alternative View

Video: The Ultimate Weapon Of The Gorgons - Alternative View
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The tragic events, which will be discussed below, evoke the names of three heroines of mythical antiquity: Sfeno, Euryapa, Medusa. They are sisters, they were also called Gorgons. The youngest, Medusa. died at the hands of Perseus. They were winged and flew: their body is covered with scales: instead of hair - snakes. The look of any of the sisters turned all living things into stone. That is why the brave hero of the myth decapitated Medusa, not looking at her, but using a copper shield like a mirror. The elder sisters of the Gorgon Medusa - Sfeno and Euryale - are immortal and continue to fly and turn all living things into stone to this day. Although it is impossible to believe in this, the eldest of the Gorgons apparently participated in the transformation of Lot's wife, the biblical hero, into a pillar of salt. Euryale, if she did not take a direct part, then watched how her secret weapon was used in a tragic conflict,when twenty-three soldiers of an anti-aircraft missile battery in Siberia were turned to stone after a missile strike on a spaceship.

Naturally, references to ancient sources cannot be found in documents and testimonies of our day. They have one more feature: the events described in them were not subject to publicity. When the situation changed, the Canadian newspaper The Weekly World News published sensational news from its Washington correspondent Nick Mann:

“In 1987, Soviet troops shot down a UFO flying low over Siberia. The aliens from Space took revenge by destroying 23 Soviet soldiers. - said Nick Mann. - This information was obtained from the CIA, which has access to many documents on the activities of the Soviet secret services …

The UFO case contains 250 pages of eyewitness accounts of two soldiers who miraculously survived an alien attack. A stunning photograph of the crash site and drawings of aliens complement the report, which one staff member called the most terrifying description of alien revenge available."

“These documents opened our eyes to the intentions of the aliens and their power. - said one of the knowledgeable CIA officers. who turned over some KGB classified materials to trusted reporters in Washington. - There are known cases of UFO sightings and encounters with aliens. But we have not yet heard of aliens killing people. If the KGB reports are accurate, the incident is truly terrifying. It proves that aliens from Space are not as benevolent creatures as we would like to think.

Their weapons and technology are vastly superior to anything on Earth."

“This eerie event shows. - gives his assessment to Nick Mann. - that the aliens, if driven into a corner, use the means at their disposal to protect themselves. According to KGB documents, Soviet soldiers, during combat duty on October 13, 1987 at 8:35 am in the morning, spotted a low-flying saucer-shaped ship. Air defense soldiers fired a surface-to-air missile at the UFO. The missile hit its target and the alien ship crashed about 25 meters from the point of fire. He hit the ground with such force that his body shattered. The appearance from the wrecked ship of tiny humanoids with large heads, large black eyes and trunks-noses made of links took the military by surprise.

According to the surviving two witnesses, the creatures quickly moved away from the crashed ship, pressed against each other for a moment, and then merged into a single globular formation. It is difficult to understand what happened next, but the soldiers claim that this globular formation began to hum and rumble, then turned to a sparkling white. In a fraction of a second, the ball doubled in size and exploded, according to the description of witnesses, with a dazzling flash of light, as if splitting

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"Soviet researchers have never been able to establish what this means," the correspondent concludes. - When it was all over, the aliens disappeared and 23 Russian soldiers were dead. The surviving two soldiers, terribly frightened by what had happened, looked in surprise at their comrades lying around the bodies. The blast of light had no effect on these two, which is another mystery.

The incident report states that the remnants of the UFO and the dead soldiers were transported to the research center near Moscow for study. The UFO had no control levers and no visible engine, its study remained unfinished. Experts concluded that an unknown source of energy changed the structure of the soldiers' body, turning living tissue into a substance that does not differ in chemical composition from minerals such as limestone or apatite: the bodies were completely petrified.

A photo remains to my mind: a "saucer" -type ship crashed into the ground with an edge, next to the wreckage of its lower edge, twenty meters away - two surviving soldiers, one of whom is sitting on a caterpillar tractor, the other is standing.

Everything related to the weapons of aliens is surrounded by mystery, a conspiracy of silence, and even the most talkative of aliens, who easily chat with earthly women, have never revealed this secret. At one time, the author of these lines had a chance to talk about this with Felix Siegel, a leading ufologist in Russia. Effective UFO weapons are based on principles unknown to our physics - we have come to this conclusion. And these principles returned to the theory of ether, seemingly rejected at the beginning of the century simultaneously with the formation of the theory of relativity. True, voices were heard that subtle matter and ether were reality. But it was too late, everyone had already run past this reality, and physicists, often unable to understand even the theory of relativity, still experienced euphoria, replacing all subtle worlds (including etheric ones) with mathematical formulas and matrices,although Einstein himself in 1924 again paid serious attention to the ether theory.

In turn, no occultist seems to have thought to study the theory of relativity, since all the answers regarding subtle energies have already been obtained in a different way. This path, in brief, boils down to the recognition of parallel worlds - the dense to which we have grown accustomed, then the subtle and superfine (fiery). The professional occultist naturally considers the theory of relativity to be something like a steam locomotive, which moves with the help of a horse team - not otherwise.

And yet the most discerning of the occultists can hardly imagine how the energy of the invisible, more subtle worlds than ours, is effective if it is "tamed."

The famous French physicist Louis de Broglie created the theory of the double nature of matter - corpuscular and wave. This was a small part of the truth, although it still did not fit into the heads of some of his colleagues. No connection with "subtle" energies was noticed.

Aliens, however, are well aware of this connection. They. apparently, not only use artificial gravity. but they also rely on a theory that correctly reflects the physics of the universe. In their performance, gravity, caused artificially, is not an accidental find, but an element of their system of knowledge, gravity arises outside the world we see, at the level of the first floor of the subtle world - this is a moving ether. Moreover, gravity is created by the ether, moving randomly, like plasma in thermonuclear devices; it is a cluster of unimaginably small particles, which, despite the prohibition of the theory of relativity, still move at speeds greater than the speed of light, just like de Broglie waves.

The next striking step that the aliens have been able to take is to bring order to the movement of the ether. On this path, they developed methods of converting ether into atoms and molecules of ordinary substances in our world. A substance from the ether is their result.

Finally, it was the subtle world that gave them the opportunity to influence material objects with flows of ether and “subtle energy” so that it became possible to change their structure and even composition - to change chemistry!

The easiest way in this last process is to reduce the composition to the most stable "building blocks" - calcium atoms.

What happened in Siberia? It seems to me that the rumbling ball and the light that killed the soldier have to do with subtle energy and parallel space. The awakened astral, in which the Gorgons live, sometimes shows its extraordinary properties. Does this mean that aliens can, unlike us, control this energy? Apparently, this is so. Worlds are much more complex than physicists think. Astral space is saturated with plastic substance, the secret of which is sealed with seven seals. But UFO crews not only possess the secret, but can also cross, penetrate into the astral world. This, most likely, explains the disappearance of the pilots of the alien ship.

In this connection, I was interested in amazing incidents from the collection of journalist V. Kondakov. Here's what he writes, citing sources:

“At first glance, an absolutely incredible story was told, for example, by the American magazine“Daily World News”. According to his Austrian reporter, two hundred dead people rose from their graves and marched in a column through a nearby village near the town of Brook. All this could be taken as a grim prank, if not for the testimony of sixty witnesses - local residents, which they gave to the police.

The event is stunning. It is hardly possible to explain it using the regularities known to us. In my opinion, it adjoins the accidents with the alien ship shot down over Siberia, and if you use the image, it is to some extent a mirror image of it. There - an unexpected death, here - a kind of resurrection from the dead. And the reason is similar. Let's take a close look at it:

“I don't understand what happened and why,” the police captain admits. “But we have questioned all the witnesses, and their testimony completely coincides. They say a large bright meteorite fell from the sky into a lake on the eastern edge of the village. After 15 minutes, all the graves of the cemetery on the western side of the village were empty: the men, women and children who were buried there entered the village. This does not sound like the truth, but looks like a hoax. but that's exactly it."

A meteorite … Or, more precisely, a bright fireball … More precisely: people saw the light. If it was a meteorite, it probably wasn't quite ordinary. We must draw a parallel with the alien ship that split after falling to Earth. In that case, the ship was wrecked, but the reason was, so to speak, man-made. In this case, the fireball could be, for example, a burst of light from a ship that did not die at the behest of earthlings. The difference is obvious. The similarity lies in the very fact of the impact on a person, on his body. One of the witnesses, Georg Graber, says:

“When I saw the dead entering the village, I thought I was going crazy. There were corpses in various stages of decomposition.

Their clothes turned into rotten rags, and they all struggled to move their legs like zombies. When I saw my wife who died two years ago, I burst into tears: she looked like a clumsy mummy. But my wife didn't even notice me. None of them noticed anything around. They just walked until they reached the lake where the meteorite fell. Then they disappeared into the water - literally disappeared into the waves."

An incomprehensible effect, presumably, was the reason for the contraction of the muscles of the deceased. But how to reconcile this with the fact that tissues and muscles could practically not be preserved? We must be prepared for something else: for the recognition of the activity of subtle bodies - astral or etheric. It is the energy of the astral plane that can set in motion even the deceased.

And what was found in the graves in this provincial Austrian cemetery? Imagine they were empty. This is recorded in the protocol of the commission, which included, in addition to investigators, also doctors. In mythological language, all this means that the eldest of the Gorgons could already learn over the past millennia and raise the dead, at least for a short time.

Five hundred dead people once passed in India to the place where two meteorites fell at once. The path of this strange column ran through the village into the forest - it was there that the heavenly stones crashed. And this journey was long - several miles over rough terrain. The disappearing effect was observed. Nobody could find a single dead person in this forest.

One can swear on the Bible that the situations of myths are repeated. The wife of the already mentioned Lot violated the prohibition - not to look back at the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by the heavenly fire - and turned into a pillar of salt.

And here is a similar story … On the eve of 1956, at the Christmas post, to Zoya in Samara … the groom came. Zoe's devout mother begged her daughter not to have a fasting party. Zoya could not be convinced; mother goes to church, and Zoya meets girlfriends with young people, a total of fourteen. Nikolai, the groom, should appear fifteenth, but he is not. They wait about an hour and start having fun. They dance. Zoe has no one to dance with. And so she declares:

- I have another Nikolai! - and removes the icon of St. Nicholas from the wall.

The girl is dancing, holding the icon in her hands. Friends persuade: return the icon to its place! Zoe exclaims:

- If there is a God, he will punish me!

A few moments - and the incredible happened. The roar and noise completely drowned out the music. The light flashed dazzlingly - as if lightning flashed, and as if a tornado passed through the room. In a dazzling column of light, Zoe with the icon froze. The rest were seized with fear. They did not yet understand what had happened; but everything seemed to be returning to its place. Someone smiled tightly. And then it got even worse. Everyone saw something for which no words can be found.

Zoe stood like a marble statue. They approached her - and were convinced of the impossible: her body became a stone. Although many of the guests were blown away even earlier by the wind, the rest left to spread the news of what had happened throughout the city. Zoe's mother fainted when she returned from church and was sent to the hospital for several days. So the girl stood in the room for 128 days and nights. Her heart was beating under the stone, his beats were bugged. Doctors tried to inject, but the needles of the syringes broke: they could just as well try to inject a marble column. Many onlookers flocked to the house, others entered the room. Soon the police appeared and stopped this "pilgrimage". Day and night policemen kept watch, changing three times during the day. Zoya did not eat, although there were attempts to feed her. She just couldn't eat. It's hard to imagine what her mother went throughpraying at night. The youngest of the policemen could not stand it; this was considered the most difficult duty, and difficult nights left many of them with an early gray hair as a keepsake, because the girl screamed at night. During the day - deathly silence, at night - heartbreaking screams. Gradually, the content of the girl's cries-requests became clearer, gained stability:

- Pray, pray for our sins! The world is perishing in sin! The earth is burning in lawlessness!

So many nights in a row.

- He who punished will have mercy! - the Patriarch allegedly answered when he was asked to take part in the fate of Zoya.

The influence of unearthly forces on events was obvious. And neither mother, nor compassionate people, nor priests - no one could return the icon of St. Nicholas to its place: the girl's petrified hands did not give it to anyone. Only on the feast of the Nativity of Christ did Father Seraphim manage to free the image of St. Nicholas and return him to his place. Before that, he sanctified the entire room.

Metropolitan Nikolai of Moscow came. I give him his due and attach great importance to the coincidence of his name with the name of the saint. The Metropolitan served a prayer service and consoled:

- We must wait for the great holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.

Another significant visit: an elder came to the girl. Where he came from - no one knew and does not know. He asked her:

- What, tired of standing?

The militiamen twice refused the elder, did not let him into the apartment. Only the third time, on the eve of the Feast of the Annunciation, he was admitted and uttered these three words. No one heard what Zoya answered, who was usually silent during the day. But if she had answered him, it would be exactly what he expected to hear … The police entered the room to escort him to the exit, but did not find the elder. He disappeared.

On Easter, Zoe returned to her usual state. Her body was freed from the stone bonds, became elastic and soft. Zoya was put to bed.

- Who fed you? they asked her.

- The pigeons fed me! - answered Zoya.

Not the third day of Easter, the girl died.

Many people in Samara know about this.

I wrote about this in more detail in my book "Meetings with the Mother of God". The Fiery World is not exclusively the abode of the gods. Forces of a different nature operate in it. Father Seraphim consecrated the room, it helped. The astral cliché was destroyed, albeit in part. However, this case is much more complicated than the one analyzed earlier. The fire of the gods and the fiery world remain a mystery to us. Sodom and Gomorrah - Samara … Consonances in the names of cities coincide. And the magic of consonants plays a very important role. The repetition of words, especially fatal ones, in a new setting, leads to the action of forces from parallel spaces. Likewise, the crew members of an American plane who died in the 1972 Florida disaster could freely appear to passengers of other airliners "from the other world", but they appeared only if these airliners were equipped with instruments and components from the deceased."Their" aircraft. The connection of consonances and the appearance of people near the objects used by the deceased causes the effect of convergence of parallel spaces with ours, creating a "magic channel".

And you need to pay special attention to the following detail: during the incident in Siberia, the aliens formed a circle, pressed against each other. This magical figure allows you to concentrate the energy of biological objects together. Complex mechanisms are triggered, and parallels with the experiments of Mesmer and modern magicians involuntarily come to mind.

Author: V. Shcherbakov