UFO Sighting In Russia - Alternative View

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UFO Sighting In Russia - Alternative View
UFO Sighting In Russia - Alternative View

Video: UFO Sighting In Russia - Alternative View

Video: UFO Sighting In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Mikhail Gorbachev: World in ‘colossal danger’ - BBC News 2024, September

It has already happened that America is considered the birthplace of modern ufology. Many publications on this topic mention the 1947 Roswell incident, the Project Blue book, Project Sign, Project Grudge and others. Any research into the actions of aliens on our planet has always been carefully hidden from the public, and it is already difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish truth from falsification in them.

Pioneer - Russia

And yet it turns out that in fact the pioneer in the field of observing unidentified flying objects is not the United States at all, but the Russian Empire. In its declassified archives, there were many documents from the period 1914-1916, where invaluable evidence of the appearance of UFOs over the territory of Russia was registered (we will clarify nevertheless that the term "UFO" was introduced in 1952 by Captain Edward Ruppelt, head of the Blue Book project), In archival papers, this phenomenon is described reliably and truthfully, without any inventions or embellishments. As for America, such studies began there 33 years later than ours.

Documents from the archives of the gendarme administration, military department, Cossack formations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were classified as "Secret", are devoted to flights of luminous objects of various shapes and sizes. Disks, balls and other geometric shapes were observed over many areas of our vast country, including the location of military factories and strategic stockpiles. Unknown devices were perceived by the military as a threat to security and intrigues of enemy forces, alarming the country's leadership. From the telegram of the Minister of War Mavrin to Orenburg, date - July 21, 1914: “… Please take measures to detect airplanes. If possible, order troops to fire at aircraft. Please suggest that the guards do the same. Arrest pilots when descending. The order is to notify the population. "In August, the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a similar circular to all governors: “… The appearance of such apparatuses was observed in the Kazan, Perm and Vladimir provinces. There is reason to assume the presence of secret enemy aeronautical stations, workshops and gas storage facilities within the empire. I ask you to take the most energetic search measures. Anything that is important to facilitate the search, immediately report to the police department and military commanders. "notify the police department and military authorities immediately. "notify the police department and military authorities immediately."

Eyewitness accounts

Systematic observations began behind the mysterious celestial lights. The office started working: valuable instructions from above, reports and memoranda, reports of police and military personnel. There are a lot of such cases. According to eyewitness accounts, it was unlikely that UFO flights were carried out as a result of any human activity. Spacecrafts and rockets had not yet been invented, it was not possible to write off everything for testing new secret military equipment, for the appearance of the planet Venus in the sky, mirages, or for the flight of meteorites. These unique documents about UFOs still amaze ufologists.

The head of the police department of the village of Tokmak, Semipalatinsk province, in his report dated September 20, 1914, wrote: - … The devices either slowed down, then increased and during flight had a wave-like motion, then increasing the distance above the ground, then decreasing … - And on September 28, 1914 at nine In the evening, residents of the same village saw a fireball flying across the sky - the peasant I. Z. Makhankov described it as a luminous object "egg-shaped" the size of a cart, and the three girls compared it to "a large oval-shaped table."

And here is another observation recorded on paper: “S. K., a peasant in the village of Mikhailovsky, Petropavlovsky district. Wild on the evening of December 30, 1914 noticed a cone-shaped pillar of fire of yellowish-red color, belted in the middle with a black ribbon, five vershoks wide. After a while, this fire disappeared, and three fireballs appeared in that place. This fire was moving away to the village of Yavlenskoye, and then, having risen much higher, changed direction ….

Lieutenant Colonel G. F. Putintsev from the Pishpek district reported on the same occasion as follows: "… Going to the window, I noticed that the light of the star in the northwest is special, and at the same time had a forward movement downward, then to the sides …"

Promotional video:

The size of a peasant hut

Fireballs, cigars and discs, from which emanated bright, like from spotlights, the light that flooded everything around, was seen by many. The luminosity of UFOs changed, they were divided into parts or merged into one figure. Some of the plates could be comparable in size to a peasant hut. Sometimes they had an elongated shape and metal parts sparkling in the sun. There were eyewitnesses who supposedly took a good look at the pilots who controlled the facilities. UFOs had unusual characteristics and very strange properties that were not inherent in the aircraft of the time: airplanes, airships and balloons. The reliability of such observations is confirmed by their coincidence among different witnesses, and even in details.

The ambushes of the gendarmes in the places where the "fires" were supposed to land did not bring any results. The flights of luminous objects continued, but no material traces were found, and gradually the excitement of spy mania faded away. The Minister of War canceled his order to fire on "enemy vehicles".

Versions, versions …

In pre-revolutionary Russia, all incoming information on UFO flights was not only systematized, but also strictly objective and thorough. As can be seen from the documents, descriptions of fiery "wanderers" by semi-literate peasants are basically identical to what modern eyewitnesses tell about them. Unless they, more educated and informed, no longer compare objects with a hut, vat or cart and operate not in fathoms and vershoks, but in meters. But flying lights, as before, cause only bewilderment and fear among observers, and the purpose of UFO flights remains a mystery to everyone.

The opinions of experts on which category to classify these phenomena differ. Some consider them to be purely natural formations, natural energy structures that arise in the atmosphere during geophysical processes. But how, then, can one explain the sometimes almost reasonable actions of "balls" and other things? Others see them as extraterrestrial spaceships. There are other versions, and yet it is still too early to put an end to this issue.

But one thing is clear: this is a great mystery of a nature unknown to us.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №8. Author: Valery Kukarenko