Project "Blue Ray" - Alternative View

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Project "Blue Ray" - Alternative View
Project "Blue Ray" - Alternative View

Video: Project "Blue Ray" - Alternative View

Video: Project
Video: completed Blue Ray laser project 2024, September

Not so long ago, large-scale laser shows in Southeast Asia caused a wave of unexplained mental disorders. A kaleidoscope of multicolored moving figures projected onto the sky caused severe dizziness, disorientation and bouts of unmotivated aggression. At the same time, the effect of quick addiction with long-term easy suggestibility was noted … Conspiracy theorists believe that it is the US intelligence services that are conducting experiments as part of the top-secret Blue Ray project.


In the early 20th century, Nikola Tesla, an outstanding American inventor of Serbian origin, embarked on the most ambitious project of his life. With the financial support of one of the richest men of that time - the "robber baron" John Perpont Morgan, he acquired a vast plot of land near New York. There, the great experimenter began to build the city of his dreams - "Radio City", the center of which was the 57-meter tower Wardencliff, called by journalists "Tesla Tower".

This first-ever "technology park" was never completed due to the outbreak of the financial crisis. At the very end of 1904, Tesla conducted the last series of experiments, making the most of the capabilities of the remaining equipment. The New York Times correspondent wrote that a storm was approaching from the Atlantic, bringing a rare winter thunderstorm. Along with the peals of thunder, the toroidal emitter of the Tesla Tower was enveloped in a blue flame of discharges that resembled small lightning, and then winding lines of colossal flows of electricity stretched to the heavens. There was a crash like a salvo of hundreds of guns, and a white and yellow glow blazed over the nearest cloud. This continued several times until the storm moved inland.

Conspiracy theorists suspect that experiments on the Wardencliff tower and other developments of the brilliant inventor served as the basis for the MK-ultra global program of enslavement of human consciousness.


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If you try to put together all the information about the top-secret programs "MK-ultra" and "Monarch", you will get an absolutely incredible and contradictory theory. According to most conspiracy theorists, a monstrous plan for managing mass consciousness on a planetary scale has been brewing in the bowels of the US intelligence services for a century. It is completely unclear how Tesla's electrical inventions can be used here. Nevertheless, the name of the inventor is invariably mentioned in the "urban legends" about the weapon of "electronic Armageddon".

First of all, we are talking about the factors of mental influence, when a holographic image of a UFO unexpectedly dives at a person, or people unexpectedly find themselves in pulsating luminous labyrinths. It is difficult in the first moments not to believe in the reality of such light illusions. The pulsation of colored lights, which coincides with the biorhythm of the brain, can generate very strange and still poorly understood effects of perception of reality. Together with the acoustic effects, this can cause an explosion of emotions in the crowd, channeling its unbridled anger into atrocities and pogroms.

Initially, ufologists believed that the Blue Ray project was intended to take advantage of the hype around UFOs since the 1950s. At the same time, secret government organizations could try to repeat something like the famous "Martian panic" of 1938. Then the director and actor Orson Welles made a radio show based on the famous novel by H. G. Wells "War of the Worlds." The direction and acting of the actors were so naturalistic that at least a million radio listeners believed in the reality of the attack of the Martians. This caused traffic chaos, panic and an outbreak of heart disease. Is it possible today to repeat such a success of influencing the broad masses with the help of electronic technologies?


Ufologists have long complained that they are closely guarded by one or even several mysterious organizations, which conspiracy theorists call "men in black." These unknown agents are the first to get to the scene of "UFO incidents" and destroy all traces of the "alien presence". Some "independent researchers" believe that the "men in black" are, in fact, the organizers of numerous ufological falsifications, which they use for unknown purposes - a striking example is the "crop circle".

Certain critically-minded ufologists have long suspected that the whole story with countless UFOs is a grand cover operation for the Pentagon. During the Arnold Discs and the Roswell Incident, rumors of flying saucers hid the testing of stratospheric balloons (Operation Mogul) and all sorts of new jet technology. Then the information cover included aerospace tests ("the Soccoro case") and the search for foreign missile technology ("Keksburg acorn"). The flourishing of unmanned reconnaissance vehicles at the end of the past century and the development of "stealth technologies" gave a new impetus to the ufological fever. Now "alien saucers" began to frequent the conflict regions in the Middle East and Iranian nuclear facilities.

Recently, the vector of using the "alien cover" has again changed its direction, and the conspiracy theorists started talking about the return of the Blue Ray project.


The first mentions of some completely incomprehensible experiments in the field of electronic parapsychology appeared 30 years ago, when the quite respectable publication "The National Herald" published a short note with a sensational headline: "The Philadelphia experiment, begun in 1943 with a destroyer, continues at the abandoned air force base in Montauk. Eldridge. Soon several publications on this topic followed, in which quite respectable publications took part. Even the New York Times posted a note that the Office of Naval Research never stopped the secret Rainbow Project, conducting some very strange research on the Phoenix Program for more than three decades. At the same time, in the most recent years, experiments have taken a completely new direction in the electronic "irradiation of the brain" and programmed impact on the human mind.

According to various sources, the implementation of "Phoenix" began in 1948 and lasted until 1967. When the project was completed, the corresponding final report was sent to the US Congress. This lengthy document said that human consciousness is exposed to electromagnetic radiation and, in principle, this phenomenon can have a defensive value. This statement puzzled the majority of Congressmen, and after a short consultation with experts, it was decided to abandon further research.

Then, in search of funds, the project management turned to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense (DARPA). This highly secretive engineering organization, as its name suggests, is responsible for developing new military technologies, ensuring the technological superiority of the US military. The calls of the Phoenix participants to continue working with the aim of staying ahead of other countries in the development of radio wave means of influencing the human brain were fully understood by the responsible DARPA employees who carried out the project expertise. So "Phoenix" received a powerful material base, ostensibly to bridge the gap between fundamental neurophysiological research and their application in the military sphere.

Judging by the available information, DARPA strives in every possible way to minimize the risk of research failure to bring together several creative teams. So in this case, the funds began to come in the framework of special research programs at Brookhaven National Laboratory. To continue the experiments, specific radio-electronic equipment was required, in particular, a high-power radar installation operating at certain frequencies. From previous experiments it was known about the existence of a kind of "transparency windows" for electromagnetic radiation that affects human consciousness. DARPA experts very quickly tracked down the base object for the project in the form of a mothballed Air Force training ground, equipped with somewhat outdated, but unique in its parameters, radio equipment.


This is how the Phoenix-2 project began, which in the press was most often called the Rainbow Phoenix or simply the Montauk project.

By the early 1970s, the radio equipment of the Montauk base was completely restored. Naturally, all sorts of measures of secrecy and especially disinformation were taken.

According to all the documents, the Montauk Air Force Base was listed as completely dismantled and located in the zone of chemical contamination due to an experimental rocket fuel spill. Allegedly, once, back in the 1950s, during the refueling of the first intercontinental ballistic missiles, a tank with very dangerous and toxic components overturned at the take-off range.

According to the New Yorker, the Montauk experiments program included the exposure of volunteer operators to various highly directional microwave pulses. This series of experiments was called the "Microwave Oven". Several emitters were used with various, sometimes very fancy reflectors, aimed at a target in the form of a small wooden warehouse. Inside the target building there were a number of rooms with varying degrees of shielding. They housed volunteers and experimenters and doctors protected by special screens. Scientists measured the parameters of scattered and non-scattered microwave radiation, and doctors removed a lot of medical data from the subjects.


Meanwhile, a competing project called the Ionospheric Harp, or HAARP, a high-frequency ionospheric research program, has emerged at the Pentagon. At the same time, IBEm's Blue Giant received significant funds for the development of "pulsed electronic munitions", which were successfully tested in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

At the same time, by a strange coincidence, there was an "accidental information leak" through a certain Al Bilek, one of the authors of the sensational book "The Philadelphia Experiment and Other UFO Secrets". Completely unknown in scientific circles, "Dr. Bilek" widely claimed that he participated in the development of the "Rainbow Phoenix" project. Curiously, in this opus, Bilek also describes the strange behavior of sea and land animals, sometimes undergoing unusual mutations.

It seems that something similar took place at Montauk. After all, all the data collected by the journalists suggests that the US military did not only conduct research there on the effects of microwave radiation on the human brain. Like Tesla 80 years ago, they tried to perform fan irradiation of uninhabited areas and the ocean. At the same time, the reactions of the land and marine fauna were carefully monitored.

Was this the most recent experiments on microwave exposure in humans and animals? Of course not! All independent researchers who have studied the Phoenix project are sure of this. There is no doubt that somewhere now new experiments are being carried out in order to subdue or destroy the psyche of the "manpower" of a potential enemy.

