Gay Bomb: USA's Strangest Project - Alternative View

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Gay Bomb: USA's Strangest Project - Alternative View
Gay Bomb: USA's Strangest Project - Alternative View

Video: Gay Bomb: USA's Strangest Project - Alternative View

Video: Gay Bomb: USA's Strangest Project - Alternative View
Video: That Time the U.S. Tried to Make a "Gay Bomb" 2024, June

This is one of the most extravagant ideas of American scientists in the field of weapons, which not only was never implemented, but also caused moral (perhaps not only) damage to the US armed forces - a strange project was ridiculed by the Yankees themselves, who awarded the US Air Force laboratories for "love -project "in 2007" Shnobel Peace Prize ".

What was it?

As the British BBC News reported in early 2005, information about this chemical weapon, which was supposed not to kill the enemy, but to tune the soldiers of the opposing side to homosexual attraction to each other, was made public only at the end of 2004. And the effect of its publication turned out to be almost greater than from the use of the bomb itself. Although the development of an aphrodisiac that dissipates during the explosion of a bomb, the Americans began to engage in the early 90s.

The Air Force cites information from reports from the US Department of Defense, which refers to "various non-lethal chemicals designed to disrupt the discipline and morale of the enemy." The British mentioned the cost of this project, announced in 1994 - 7.5 million dollars. Judging by the information of the Air Force, the funds from the Pentagon for these purposes were then sought by the US Air Force Laboratory named after the Wright brothers in Dayton, Ohio.

According to BBC sources, the United States began to develop something like a "moral" "gay bomb" since 1945. As a result, the project turned out to be oversaturated with numerous ideas, which turned out to be impractical and impractical from the point of view of implementation.

The project has not been worked out in detail

Promotional video:

Edward Hammond, an employee of the American public organization The Sunshine Project, which opposes the development and use of biological weapons, requested (and received under the US law on obtaining information!) A copy of the project to create a hormone "gay bomb". It was the disclosure of Hammond's information, by and large, that made it possible to determine the scale (at least financial, the figure of 7.5 million dollars from there) of this development.

The information announced at the time by The Sunshine Project was confirmed by the US Department of Defense. Pentagon representatives had to give an interview to CBS, in which they said that due to irrationality, the idea of implementing the "gay bomb" in practice had to be rejected.

What our experts said

According to the famous Russian evolutionist, paleoneurologist, head of the laboratory for the development of the nervous system at the Research Institute of Human Morphology of the Russian Academy of Sciences S. V. From a scientific point of view, the implementation of the "gay bomb" project is absolutely unpromising: Sergei Vasilyevich gave the results of domestic scientific developments of the action of aphrodisiacs in the conditions of a biological bomb explosion - the effect is zero, mass "fraternization" of the military is not even implied.

… Recognition of the fact that the "gay bomb" was developed seriously hit the prestige of American military designers: officially in 2007, the US Air Force Laboratory named after the Wright brothers received the "Shnobel Prize" for the "gay bomb". None of the officials came to receive it. But the fact of awarding the shameful prize was not given to judicial obstruction.

Nikolay Syromyatnikov