Are The Flying Saucers Poisoning People? - Alternative View

Are The Flying Saucers Poisoning People? - Alternative View
Are The Flying Saucers Poisoning People? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Flying Saucers Poisoning People? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Flying Saucers Poisoning People? - Alternative View
Video: The Real Flying Saucer 2024, September

A resident of the Californian city of Huntington Beach handed over a picture to ufologists, in which, according to him, an unidentified flying object sprays an unknown reagent over the city.

The photo was taken back in the summer of 2013, but its author decided to contact the specialists only now. According to him, the decision was influenced by the news he heard about the increase in respiratory diseases among residents of Huntington Beach. It was after this that the man remembered the mysterious picture he had taken right from the threshold of his own house.

The photograph, which was received by the largest North American ufological organization MUFON, shows a strangely shaped aircraft moving across the sky, about 35-40 feet in length (about 11-12 meters). A plume of green smoke trailing behind it is clearly visible. The UFO methodically circled the air, as if trying to fly over all urban areas. According to the author of the photographs, the sprayed smoke was a toxic substance, which subsequently led to an increase in the incidence.

A number of ufologists have already agreed with the eyewitness theory - for example, ScotWaring, editor of the portal. However, there is also an alternative version, according to which an accident occurred on board the UFO and green smoke was its consequence.