Irish And Scandinavians - "emigrants" From Russia? - Alternative View

Irish And Scandinavians - "emigrants" From Russia? - Alternative View
Irish And Scandinavians - "emigrants" From Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Irish And Scandinavians - "emigrants" From Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Irish And Scandinavians -
Video: Uncover your Scandinavian Roots 2024, October

An interesting hypothesis based on the analysis of Scandinavian myths is given by the Russian researcher of the history of our country N. Pavlishcheva. The originality of this hypothesis lies in the fact that it completely "knocks the ground out of underfoot" from the pro-Western sycophants - supporters of the Norman version of the history of Russia.

Here is what she writes about this in her book Forbidden Russia:

Well, about the whole of Europe - this is, of course, an exaggeration, even taking into account the places of settlement of the Etruscans, Wends, the Wends, and other Slavic tribes of Western Europe, related to the Rus. But, about the European North - there really are interesting facts from the mythology of these peoples.

So, Irish mythology mentions some "tribes of the goddess Danu", which in time immemorial sailed on their ships to the Irish coast. These tribes of fair-haired and light-eyed people possessed amazing magical knowledge, and were also excellent warriors and musicians, possessed amazing clothes, weapons and musical instruments. It is no coincidence that some sources rank them as Celtic "gods". On the other hand, in the pre-Christian Orian Vedic tradition, there are legends about several clans who left the islands of the Russian North to the west in search of new lands.

Here is what G. Sidorov writes about this in his book "The Secret Chronology and Psychophysics of the Russian People":

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It turns out that the current Irish, despite the many years of attempts by the Anglo-Saxons to "dilute" their genetics, remain our brothers in blood. This also explains why the inhuman Anglo-Saxon-Jewish "elite", which is an essential part of the world "elite", in all ages tried to destroy both the Russian and Irish peoples - after all, they preserved the genetic information of their distant ancestors - the Arct-Hyperboreans. But it is the civilization of the “white gods” from the distant arctic ancestral home of all people of the white race that is the main enemies of the lizard-headed masters of the world “elite”.

And it is quite understandable why the world parasitic system, created by the servants of the non-humanoid mind, by all available means tries to hide from the people of the white race their true history and origin on our planet. Therefore, artifacts of not only the legendary Arctic civilization, but also of pre-Christian Vedic Russia are hiding in the storerooms of museums and private Masonic collections, and its true history was falsified by agents of the Vatican.

But recently we have seen a whole stream of new discoveries by independent researchers, which the servants of the non-humanoid mind can no longer stop. Therefore, every year more and more truths will be revealed and more and more ancient artifacts will emerge, many of which have survived on the territory of Russia and the north of Eurasia.

For example, has anyone thought about why the surviving official burial speech at the funeral of the Swedish king Charles XI in 1697 is written, albeit in Latin letters, but in purely Russian? Think ladies and gentlemen with your own brains, because the falsifiers of history brazenly deceive you with stories about "wild and uncivilized" pre-Christian Russia and "Western" Varangian civilizers who allegedly gave it statehood. And this is far from the only outright falsification far-fetched in Russian and world history.

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