The Hidden Secret Of The Etruscan People - Alternative View

The Hidden Secret Of The Etruscan People - Alternative View
The Hidden Secret Of The Etruscan People - Alternative View

Video: The Hidden Secret Of The Etruscan People - Alternative View

Video: The Hidden Secret Of The Etruscan People - Alternative View
Video: Etruscans. Pilgrims in eternity 2024, October

The official history assigns this people a rather modest role, attributing all its merits and achievements to the mythical “Roman Empire”, which never existed and whose history was copied from the history of the “Holy Roman Empire” with only a change in the names of emperors and places of events. All this falsification was needed by the Vatican to make its own history antiquated after the catastrophe that destroyed ancient civilization, when the Vatican became the center of the new world. It was then that the attribution of the construction of ancient roads, aqueducts, bridges, aqueducts, and buildings of ancient construction to the mythical "Romans" began, although they were built by the people known from official history as the "Etruscans", who also founded and built Rome itself, long ago before the Vatican appeared here.

But in order to hide all this, a myth, monstrous in its pharisaic falsity, was invented that the Etruscan writing allegedly "cannot be read", although it is perfectly deciphered with the use of Slavic languages and this has been proven by many researchers. There are even gold tablets - three gold plates with inscriptions in the Etruscan language, discovered in 1961 at the site of the Etruscan port of Pyrgi.

Here is what the Russian historian V. Manyagin told about them during his speech on the Day TV channel:

Undoubtedly, the Etruscans or Rasens were our ancestors and representatives of a single ancient civilization of the pre-catastrophic world. Well, the fact that many ancient cities of Etruria were flooded, like the ancient cities of the Black Sea region and Asia Minor, only further emphasizes the scale of a global catastrophe that destroyed the ancient civilization, many coastal cities of which were washed away and flooded by the waters of this Flood.

Rome was more fortunate as it stood farther from the coast. However, the traces of the Flood are clearly visible in the paintings of G. Piranesi and many other artists of those times. Only after this catastrophe, the Vatican was founded, which led both the restoration of the ancient city and its buildings, and the rewriting of new history, in which, instead of the true builders of the ancient world, mythical "Romans" were invented on Italian territory, copied from the peoples who formed the "Sacred Roman Empire”and those who came to these lands after the catastrophe.

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The remnants of the indigenous population of Rome were destroyed by the troops of this new empire, which seized Rome and, together with the Vatican, became the "center" of the new post-Flood world. And it is very likely that it is about this very massacre that Antoine Caron's painting "Massacre by Order of the Triumvirate" or "Revenge of the Winners" written by this artist in 1566 is narrated. I already talked about this picture in more detail earlier. I will only repeat that the main plot of this picture is the massacre by armed men, reminiscent of Roman soldiers, of the fair-haired, bearded inhabitants of Rome, who were its indigenous population. And there is no doubt that it was a mass murder of Etruscans or Rasens. For no other inhabitants of Rome of the Slavic type existed anymore.

Only this event took place not in ancient times, as the falsifiers tell us, but in the Middle Ages, when in fact the ancient civilization perished. And this has already been proven by many independent researchers, regardless of the works of Fomenko and Nosovsky, who were the first to turn their attention to the implausibility of the myths of official history and chronology. Of course, this version of events is still only a hypothesis, and not a proven scientific fact. But the time when the whole true history and chronology of our past will unfold before us is not far off.

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