Mrs. Hingley And The Christmas Aliens - Alternative View

Mrs. Hingley And The Christmas Aliens - Alternative View
Mrs. Hingley And The Christmas Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Mrs. Hingley And The Christmas Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Mrs. Hingley And The Christmas Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Miss Blairs Christmas Tele Special 2024, September

According to the Englishwoman Jean Hingley, in 1979 the strangest incident in her life happened to her. At least that's what she told Eileen Morris when the journalist interviewed the woman for the December issue of the Flying Saucer Review.

Jean and her husband Kirill lived in a small council house in Rowley Regis, near Birmingham. On the morning of January 4 (exactly 39 years ago) Jean took her husband to work (Kirill worked at a local cement plant). After the man left, she noticed a light in the backyard garden. Thinking that Cyril forgot to turn off the lights in the garage, Jean went to check, but the light suddenly went out. And then orange lights appeared over the garden.

In their light, the trees looked pale, as if in a few seconds they had been discolored by someone invisible. A strange sound came from above: "Zii.., zii.., zii..". Suddenly, three winged creatures swam past her through the open door of the house. They floated at a height of 30 centimeters above the ground and shone with a bright light.

The intruders were dressed in silvery green tunics, silver vests, and transparent helmets. Black eyes shone on deathly pale faces. They had no eyebrows or ears. Mrs. Hingley and Hobo, their German shepherd, froze and were numb with fear. Hobo staggered, as if she was anesthetized, and fell to the floor, staring blankly into space. And Jean came to her senses and, oddly enough, all her horror vanished. The mood became upbeat.

“It seemed as if I had become a different person and went to heaven, although I was still at home. It was like I was floating around the living room. Jean saw how unexpected guests surrounded her small artificial tree. They were already shaking with joy, they tugged at the tree by the branches, like a trio of crazy Santa elves. When the inspection of the tree was completed, the creatures floated around the room, touching all objects with curiosity.

"There are three of you and I am alone," Mrs. Hingley told them. - For what purpose did you break into my house? Instead of answering, the aliens began to touch with their hands some buttons located on their chest. Finally, she heard a beep, and from somewhere on the side of the buttons, voices sounded: "Do not be afraid, we will not harm you."

“Where did you come from?” Mrs. Hingley asked. “We came from the sky,” came the answer. The three flew up to the tree again and began to shake it. Mrs. Hingley, like any hospitable hostess, pretended not to notice the strangeness of their behavior, and began to entertain the guests with friendly conversation. “We are decorating the tree for Christmas because we believe that Jesus Christ was born at that time,” she told them.

“We know everything about Jesus,” the guests answered. Jean pointed to the newspaper lying on the table - on the first page was a list of honorary citizens of the country, awarded on the occasion of the holiday. “All these gentlemen have been awarded the title of lords,” she said, emotionally. “There is only one master - the Lord,” the humanoids replied piously. Like bored children, they started jumping on the sofa.

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"Careful with my furniture!" Mrs. Hingley warned them. They stopped. Jean felt very happy in this small company: “They looked at me so friendly! I told them: "It was nice to meet you." "And us too!" - They answered. " The aliens began to explore Hingley's house. They were especially interested in bottles of whiskey and sherry. "Would you like a drink?" Jean asked.


She thought with concern that the drunk aliens would not behave quite adequately. Luckily they asked for water. Mrs. Hingley hastened to comply with this request and soon returned with glasses on a metal tray. The tray twitched slightly towards the aliens, as if they were magnetized. As the guests raised their glasses of water, a blinding light appeared over their heads. “I didn’t see them drinking, but when the aliens lowered their glasses to the tray, there was no more water.”

Jean asked carefully if she could tell other people about their visit. “Of course,” they said. And they added: “We have been here before and will come again. After death, everyone will go to Heaven. It's very beautiful there. In addition, the creatures reported that they have already visited Australia, New Zealand and America.

"We come here to talk to people, but people don't seem to be interested in this conversation." "Why did you come to me, an ordinary woman, and not to the queen, for example?" Jean asked them. “You don't have to be a queen to be a noble lady,” the guests replied. Then the four of them talked about politics, religion and the role of women at work. Nothing serious, the usual bored chatter you hear at a cocktail party.

Of course, I would like to hear some revelations from winged creatures from another world, but Jean realized that there are universal themes in the universe that do not change even on different planets.


Mrs. Hingley brought meat pies from the kitchen on a tray. The aliens took food as if their hands were magnets. Unfortunately, she felt like smoking. When Jean lit a cigarette, the creatures jumped out from the table and swam to the door at a safe distance, holding the cakes in their hands. The woman put down her cigarette and, rushing to them with an apology, noticed a spaceship with orange lights in the window.

It was approximately 2.5 meters long and a meter high. The ship had round portholes, something like a scorpion's tail at the back, and on top, a device that looked like a wheel. The aliens swam towards him, and the ship, blinking its lights twice, as if saying goodbye, disappeared into the sky. A shepherd dog jumped into the yard and suddenly regained consciousness. She darted among the trees, looking for traces of intruders.

According to Mrs. Hingley, the aliens left an indelible mark on her soul. She felt so happy, as if she had been blessed. Jean ran to her neighbor to share her joy, but she just looked incredulous and advised the woman to contact the police. Naive Jean did just that. She also called her husband to tell him what had happened.

“Kirill, we just had guests with wings,” she said into the phone. "Birds, or what?" - the husband muttered with displeasure. "Not. People with wings. " “I'm at work, don't fool me,” he replied. "Go tell your friends about it." When the police arrived, they could not figure out what to do for a long time. The aliens didn't even leave fingerprints. The police took a soil sample from where the spacecraft had landed.

The results of the analysis were never reported to the Hingley family. And my husband was ashamed to go to the police and ask. After the alien visit, Mrs. Hingley had severe eye pain for a while. She even had to take a short break from work. In the house visited by the aliens, the magnetic tapes in all cassettes were erased and for some unknown reason the radio and TV stopped working. Worst of all, Jean became the target of ridicule.

Mrs. Hingley began to receive letters from various people. She was told that the unusual guests were elves or robots. And no one, except the closest family members, believed that aliens came to her. During the interview, Jean Hingley came across as a sane person, sincere in her words.

She wasn’t crazy or joking. By the way, when the aliens flew away, it turned out that together with them a small Christmas tree, which they liked so much, mysteriously disappeared from the house. Later, the tree was found on the lawn near the house. It had been torn to pieces and had no ornaments on it. Probably, aliens are living beings like you and me - they love toys, holidays and travel.

Elena Muravyova for the website
