Genuine Sensations Await Scientists On The Putorana Plateau - Alternative View

Genuine Sensations Await Scientists On The Putorana Plateau - Alternative View
Genuine Sensations Await Scientists On The Putorana Plateau - Alternative View

Video: Genuine Sensations Await Scientists On The Putorana Plateau - Alternative View

Video: Genuine Sensations Await Scientists On The Putorana Plateau - Alternative View
Video: Неизведанный мир плато Путорана c RussiaDiscovery// Putorana Plateau: A sensation of wilderness 2024, September

The Putorana Plateau is one of the most beautiful places in Russia, which more and more tourists have recently begun to visit. However, few of them realize that this plateau is also one of the sacred centers of the ancient Arctic civilization of our distant ancestors. At least, this is what the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov asserts based on the analysis of the mythology of the small peoples of Siberia and information received from the keepers of the ancient Orian Vedic tradition.

This is what he writes about this in his book "The Secret Chronology and Psychophysics of the Russian People"

Thus, the Putorana plateau is one of the most interesting places where there are artifacts of ancient civilization buried under a layer of soil and rubble, the discovery of which will allow us to get closer to solving the mystery of the true history of mankind. However, the official science, which prefers to adhere to the myth of the falsifiers of the history of the non-population of Siberia in distant antiquity, is not necessary. Therefore, all hope remains on independent researchers who are not indifferent to knowledge about their true history and the history of our ancestors.

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