3 Ancient Artifacts That May Be Related To An Advanced Civilization In Antiquity - Alternative View

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3 Ancient Artifacts That May Be Related To An Advanced Civilization In Antiquity - Alternative View
3 Ancient Artifacts That May Be Related To An Advanced Civilization In Antiquity - Alternative View

Hello everyone, in this article I want to show you 3 interesting artifacts that, in my opinion, may be related to an unknown highly developed civilization in antiquity.

1. A figurine from Panama with an unusual tail

This figurine was discovered in Panama in 1940. For a long time, no one paid attention to it, until the topic with alternative versions of history began to gain momentum.


In the case of the figurine, the structure of its tail raises many questions. Since it is dated 2500-3000 BC, the image of the tail becomes a big question.

In those days, many civilizations had just begun to discover the beauty of the wheel, but here they are already depicting a complex mechanism. There is also an interesting official version that adds fuel to the fire.

According to her, the figurine depicts a certain creature, like a dragon or a jaguar. Why, then, is the tail depicted in this way? I have a very interesting suggestion about this.

Promotional video:

The image of the dragon and many mythical creatures came to our ancestors from the same legends that describe the ancient gods. If we assume that the ancient gods are an unknown highly developed civilization, then this figure can be easily explained.

Some of their cars had a similar structure, and the ancient Indians of the Cocle culture simply copied it. There is even a small chance that they were helped with its creation. After all, creating such a figurine of gold and emerald could have been problematic for the Indians 4-5 thousand years ago.

2. An artifact from Greece, the details of which can only be seen under a microscope

In 2015, scientists from Greece opened the grave of one rich Mycenaean warrior, where this artifact was discovered.


At first, it did not attract attention to itself, because it was covered with a layer of limestone. Moreover, in addition to him, several hundred or even thousands of artifacts were found in the burial (about 2000-3000, if I'm not mistaken).

However, after a year it was cleared, and then the scientists were very surprised. The artifact turned out to be an agate seal on which the whole painting was engraved. But the technology of its execution did not correspond to the time of that era.

The artifact is very small, only 3.6 centimeters long, and some of the lines are only 0.5 millimeters thick. This is provided that the burial was dated 1500 BC.

Scientists needed to use a microscope and other modern equipment to fully view the whole picture.


The researchers concluded that the technology for creating this artifact exceeds that time by at least a thousand years. I propose a more interesting version.

The artifact itself may depict a scene of the battle of the gods, which means it may be related to an unknown civilization. This artifact could have been made by representatives of that civilization as a gift for us. This is confirmed by the material (agate) from which it is made.

I could have believed in the professionalism of the ancient master if our scientists did not have to use microscopes and X-ray devices to study the artifact. I doubt that an ancient master could have achieved such a result with primitive technology.

3. Mysterious artifact from ancient Egypt

The exact place and time of the find remain a big mystery. Apparently, the artifact was found by black archaeologists, and later reached the Leiden Museum of Antiquities through auctions.


The artifact is made of alabaster and weighs about 75 kilograms. Although, you can't tell much from the photos. We are interested in the purpose of creating this artifact. A similar object was found in a single copy, and its appearance resembles a complex device.

Egyptologists attributed it to ritual artifacts, supposedly it was used in burials, and oil or something similar was poured through its holes. For some reason, there is no information on the translation of hieroglyphs on it either, apparently they could not decipher it.

This artifact looks more like a copy of some technological item of the ancient gods than the Egyptians. I dare to assume that for a long time the Egyptians saw a divine artifact, and at some point they decided to copy it, but it didn't work for them.

Even despite the high accuracy of copying a divine object. Due to the lack of at least some more detailed information, I see no reason to guess what it could be.

By its appearance, one can only judge the complexity of the subject, and possibly its multitasking. What he really was, we probably will not know soon.