Contacts Of The Third Type In France - Alternative View

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Contacts Of The Third Type In France - Alternative View
Contacts Of The Third Type In France - Alternative View

Video: Contacts Of The Third Type In France - Alternative View

Video: Contacts Of The Third Type In France - Alternative View
Video: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (6/8) Movie CLIP - Communicating with the Mothership (1977) HD 2024, September

According to the classification adopted in ufology, contact of the third type is the observation of an unidentified flying object and its crew, located at some distance from the observer. It is about this case that the film of the American director Steven Spielberg "Close Encounters of the Third Degree", released in 1977, on screens in many countries of the world, narrates.

There are many reports of such contacts in real life, but for some reason they come mostly from the United States, and very rarely from other countries. Here is one of such rare cases of contact of a local resident with an inhabited UFO, which occurred in the east of France, in the Jura department, and will be discussed below.

Into the forest, for the wild bees

Cesar Locatelli worked as a lumberjack in his youth, then bought a small truck and began to make a living in logistics, that is, providing people with transport services for the transport of goods. He also had considerable experience in the field of beekeeping, and thanks to this hobby, at the end of June 1986, he became a participant in amazing events.

At about four o'clock in the morning, 56-year-old Monsieur Locatelli went to the coastal forest, where the day before he found a swarm of wild bees, which he decided to move to his apiary. And you can take such a swarm and move it to a new place of residence no later than at the end of the night, when the bees are still sleeping. Cesar got behind the wheel of his truck and drove to the upcoming "quiet hunt" on the D-39 road connecting the towns of Ilay and Mentro.

Where the road makes a sharp bend, known locally as "Lady's Turn," he pulled over and drove into the woods. Perfectly navigating in this area, Cesar drove into the depths of the forest between sparsely growing trees about three hundred meters and stopped the car near the tree on which the swarm found its temporary home. But then he decided to drive even closer and moved forward, skirting an islet of dense bushes.

What he saw behind these thickets made him stop immediately.

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Strange creatures in a transparent top

The further path was blocked by an outlandish transparent object, which was directly ahead, literally a couple of meters from Monsieur Locatelli, brightly illuminated from within by a bluish-green light. The object looked like a huge children's toy-top with a diameter of 8-9 meters and consisted of separate sections connected to each other by opaque seams, the lines of which resembled a network of parallels and meridians on maps depicting the Earth as one flattened hemisphere.

The mysterious structure tilted to the right - its left side rested on a large boulder, and the right side was on the ground. Inside the object, Cesar counted six creatures about one and a half meters tall. They wore wide and long white robes - either raincoats or robes, their heads and faces were hidden by hoods deeply pulled over their foreheads. Leaning forward, the creatures stood around what looked like a table.

The appearance of a car with a taken aback Cesar at the wheel, apparently, did not make an impression on them, no one turned their heads in his direction, although for some reason he was sure that the creatures knew about his presence.

Quite frightened, Cesar decided to leave as soon as possible, but at that moment the car's engine stalled. A few seconds later, in the ensuing silence, a sharp sound was heard, reminiscent of the hum of the wires of a high-voltage power line. Cesar turned the ignition key and the engine started.

Turning around, Cesar looked over to where a strange transparent structure stood, tilting slightly. At that moment, one of the creatures stepped aside and bent over something that was apparently on the floor. Long curly blond hair emerged from under the hood. But Cesar did not consider the strange blonde (or blonde?), And, adding gas, tried to get away from the place of this stunning meeting as quickly as possible.

The mysteries continue

However, curiosity took its toll, and on the same morning, at about 9:00 am, the amateur beekeeper returned to the transparent object, but it was no longer there. Only the crumpled grass on the side of the boulder testified that the "top" had recently been here.

In subsequent years, Cesar Locatel-lee often visited that very boulder and looked at it for a long time. One day he noticed something that he had not paid attention to before. The boulder stood out sharply from other large stones found in this forest, with its light color. He was actually white. And unlike several boulders of about the same size that were nearby and abundantly covered with moss, it was completely clean, the moss did not grow even on its northern side.

Cesar also visited the boulder in the fall of 1990, in September or October. And when a month later he was again drawn to that place, it turned out that the stone … had disappeared. Where he always was, not the slightest trace remained, not even the grass was crushed. Cesar did not find any signs that could suggest how this "stone" disappeared, which weighed no less than 2.5 tons!

Cesar last visited the former site of the white boulder on January 10, 1992. And suddenly I felt that I was suffocating …

Conversations with journalists

French journalists Michel Morel-Saito and Joel Mesnar were investigating the circumstances and consequences of this emergency. During his conversations with them, Cesar Locatelli told not only about all the details of the meeting with the "transparent top", but also about a similar mysterious case, the story of which he heard in early childhood.

Felippe was among the woodcutters who worked in this area at that time. Italian by birth, originally from Combe de Morbier. He did not like snow very much and used to leave for the winter to his place in Italy, in the town of Berbeno, which lies thirty kilometers from Bergamo. There Felippe and his friends from local residents whiled away the evenings by the fire in a spacious and clean stable, where they told each other about different events from their lives.

On one of these evenings, Felippe remembered and told the audience about an incident from his youth, which happened around 1926. Once he saw in the sky a transparent green ball, inside of which there were living creatures similar to people. The balloon flew over the tops of the fir trees near Morbier.

Now Felippe did not forget about this incident and, returning "to work", told about it to little Cesar.

Vadim Ilyin

"Secrets of the XX century" February 2013
