Boyd Bushma: "Aliens Exist" - Alternative View

Boyd Bushma: "Aliens Exist" - Alternative View
Boyd Bushma: "Aliens Exist" - Alternative View

Video: Boyd Bushma: "Aliens Exist" - Alternative View

Video: Boyd Bushma:
Video: Trump Discusses Declassifying Roswell, Says He knows 'Very Interesting' Information | NBC News NOW 2024, September

Before his death in 2014, the famous American scientist-engineer Boyd Bushman gave an interview in which he spoke about what the alien mind is and how aliens contact humanity.

Boyd Bushman, who gave decades of work for the American aerospace corporation Lockheed Martin and worked as a researcher in it, before his death admitted that world governments maintain contact with aliens and about technologies that allow them to control not just the world, but the universe.

According to him, the aliens have long taken a liking to the Earth and not only "are raids", but have settled tightly on our planet and have long been in contact with people.

It is possible, say his followers, analyzing the scientist's confessions that the engineer could remember his own experience of "contacts" with aliens who visited the famous American base "Area 51".

Also, according to him, the American government has developed a technology for anti-gravity, but these works were strictly classified, since they were developed jointly with aliens.

As Bushman noted before his death, the aliens with whom the Americans have contact came from the planet Quintumnia, which is "relatively close" to Earth.

The distance is about 68 light years, but aliens need only 45 minutes to cover it.

In addition, they have their own flight path, helping to reduce the distance to the Blue Planet from space, namely to the object "Area 51".

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The engineer himself spoke unflatteringly about the representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence, noting that some Americans who literally fell into slavery to them were forced to work 24 hours a day without rest, and in general humanoids are interested in experiments on people and their activities on Earth resemble a kind arrangement of a farm for livestock.

Moreover, according to Boyd, in general, aliens are divided into "evil" and "good." The latter are accommodating and disposed towards people benevolently, while the former are more like cattle snatchers.

A very bizarre interview with Bushman, who died at the age of 74, is now under active controversy.

Some argue that the elderly scientist simply became a victim of dementia, and his family decided to make a little money in this way, while others suggest that the scientist really had the opportunity to contact humanoids, but he told his story too chaotically.

