How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built? - Alternative View

How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built? - Alternative View
How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built? - Alternative View

Video: How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built? - Alternative View

Video: How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built? - Alternative View
Video: How Were the Pyramids Built? 2024, September

Scientists love to present their hypotheses as irrefutable truth. This also applies to the Egyptian pyramids, about which we are told that they were built by the ancient Egyptians with the help of bronze saws and axes, sawing out giant blocks and lifting them with ropes to great heights along a giant embankment poured in advance.

And after all, these world scientists, Egyptologists, do not even bother to provide evidence for their claims. Statements that do not stand up to scrutiny. For example, the English engineer Peter James also listened and read the statements of scientists about the methods of building ancient pyramids and asked a simple question - how were the pyramids built in terms of engineering.

Many simple questions immediately appeared without an answer to which an answer about the construction method cannot be obtained.

How in the Bronze Age, using only bronze tools - saws, axes, chisels, it was possible to cut out these huge blocks to build pyramids. Not to mention the fact that bronze in ancient Egypt was in short supply, and for this type of work, a huge amount of tools would be needed, taking into account the wear and tear of bronze tools.

We are told that during the construction, tree trunks were used as rollers along which heavy blocks were moved, but where did so much wood appear in desert Egypt, where there are no forests? It would take hundreds of thousands of tree trunks to build the pyramid alone. Hundreds of thousands to use as scaffolding, as rollers for moving blocks. Where did so much wood come from? No answer. They could not bring it from Africa on ships, there are too many and there are too many small places and rapids on the Nile to carry out such a massive delivery of timber along the river.

Many stone blocks were used to build the pyramids, but where are the quarries from which they were mined? Where is the waste from the production of these blocks, which should be two to three times more than the volume of all used blocks. The volume of one pyramid is 27 million cubic meters, it turns out that there should be 50 million cubic meters of waste, at least, but there is none. If several pyramids are built, then there are already hundreds of millions of cubic meters of waste, but there are none.

Scientists claim that one pyramid was built over 20-30 years. If we make calculations, it turns out that it took only 6 minutes to lay one block of 1 cubic meter in a pyramid. Do you believe it? Do you believe that the blocks were placed in the pyramid with the help of ropes, rollers, embankments - one in 6 minutes?

James is not the first builder, architect, or engineer to ask such questions. Many experts asked scientists to drill the walls of the pyramids to a depth of 40 meters in order to understand the principle of the construction of these structures, but all these requests are always given one answer - it is forbidden, it is impossible.

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And moreover, all the questions of engineers, architects and builders, Egyptologists, archaeologists and scientists, answer with a smirk and contemptuously, something like this, “What does it matter to you how they were built? The main thing is that they were built and that is enough."

None of the world's scientists have ever tried to reconstruct the method of building pyramids. From the beginning to the end. Find copper deposits, develop its extraction from the mine, create workshops for smelting copper and creating tools on an industrial scale sufficient to start work on the construction of the pyramids.

Find copper, mine ore, smelt copper, create saws, hammers, axes, chisels, cut a stone block with these tools, drag it tens of kilometers using wooden rollers and ropes, and also preliminarily deliver these trees from Africa on ships of the same design, which was in Egypt. Deliver blocks to the pyramid and build it by lifting huge blocks to a height of more than 100 meters and all this without using modern technology in 40 degrees heat.

There are many questions, the answers are not just few, there are simply none at all. Why should we blindly believe the words of scientists, the words that are not confirmed by anything other than the authority of these eminent and famous scientists. Famous in their words and nothing more.