The Robot Penetrated The Closed Door In The Tunnel Of The Cheops Pyramid - Alternative View

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The Robot Penetrated The Closed Door In The Tunnel Of The Cheops Pyramid - Alternative View
The Robot Penetrated The Closed Door In The Tunnel Of The Cheops Pyramid - Alternative View

Video: The Robot Penetrated The Closed Door In The Tunnel Of The Cheops Pyramid - Alternative View

Video: The Robot Penetrated The Closed Door In The Tunnel Of The Cheops Pyramid - Alternative View
Video: Uncovering the ancient secrets of the Great Pyramid | 60 Minutes Australia 2024, September

Strange red hieroglyphs were found on the walls of the sealed room.

The other day, a robot named Djedi - named after a magician who served Pharaoh Cheops, entered a strange southern tunnel leading from the queen's burial chamber to one of the pyramid's faces. He looked behind the "mysterious door" - into the so-called "secret chamber" and showed what was there.

Thus, the creators of the robot - a group of French, Canadian and British scientists helped to make the dream of Zahi Hawass, the head of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, come true. For 9 years he longed to look into this "secret chamber", believing that it keeps some secrets.

“We have a real chance to really learn something,” he said, encouraging the researchers.

And it was not in vain that Hawass dreamed. Mysterious red hieroglyphs left there 4500 years ago were found in the "secret chamber".

In search of the treasures of the Atlanteans and aliens

Tunnels - north and south, stretching at right angles from the tsarina's burial chamber, were discovered back in 1872. They were found by British engineer Wayneman Dixon.

In 1993, German engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink sent a robot through the tunnels for the first time. The robot could not pass the northern tunnel - it came across a sharp turn, which it could not fit into. Along the southern route, he moved 63 meters. And rested against the "mysterious door" with brass handles.

Nobody knew what was behind the door. But lovers of the anomalous were very worried. It was believed that there was some kind of storage behind it: a "secret chamber". And in the cell - for example, books brought from the lost Atlantis, treasures. Or artifacts from there. Or even alien objects that demonstrate the connection of the ancient Egyptians with aliens.


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By the way, the brass handles were intriguing in themselves. After all, no one had ever found anything metallic in the pyramids. And there were hypotheses that they - pens - appeared in the tunnel for a reason. They say that they are parts of a certain electrical system, left, naturally, by aliens. Maybe the "ends" are "plus" and "minus".

Third attempt

In 2002, a crawler - remotely controlled - Pyramid Rover robot, created by specialists from the Boston firm iRobot and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, drove up to the "mysterious door". He drilled a hole in it. Returned. Then he drove up again - this time with a TV camera, which he stuck into the hole.

“I just need to know what’s there,” Hawass said the day before this historic moment. - if it is empty, then I will not be upset.


The "dreamers" who dreamed of Atlanteans and aliens were upset, because "there" was really empty. The observers saw a room with another - the second "mysterious door" in the distance.

And now, after 9 years, another attempt was made. Scientists for some reason again sent the robot to the first "mysterious door". This time it was developed by engineer Rob Richardson from the University of Leeds.

Maybe even then - in 2002 - scientists still considered something suspicious? But didn't they advertise their discovery?

The new Jedi robot essentially repeated the actions of its predecessor. But he inserted a modernized camera on a flexible, controllable rod into the hole - something like an endoscope. With her help, it was possible to examine the "secret chamber" in more detail.


Researchers first looked at the "mysterious door" from the other side. Its surface has been carefully processed - polished. Brass rods pierced the "door" through and through. And ended in small graceful loops. Which clearly reduced the likelihood that they were part of an electrical alien system. Rather, all the same pens.

The filming confirmed that the "secret chamber" on the other side is closed by another "mysterious door". Or a whole block. Further, according to Hawass, a certain room may be located. Hawass does not exclude that somewhere inside the pyramid is hidden the real burial chamber of Pharaoh Cheops - with his sarcophagus and mummy. And the one - empty, which is known to everyone today, was made to divert the eyes.

In the meantime, the most important find is the red hieroglyphs, which are written on the floor of the "secret chamber".

“Having deciphered these hieroglyphs, Egyptologists may understand why these strange tunnels were built,” suggests Rob Richardson.

In the meantime, scientists are perplexed. Perhaps the tunnels are for ventilation. But why then the door? Moreover, carefully processed. The size of the tunnels is 20 by 20 centimeters. You can't get through them. What are the handles made for then? Who will grab them and how?

The southern tunnel is precisely oriented towards the star Sirius and the constellation Orion. For what?

Some researchers believe that, according to the ancient Egyptians, the souls of the pharaoh and the queen should have flown out through the tunnels. And travel the universe. But, again, the plug … It clearly interferes with this.

Scientists continue to work. They promise to provide a full report by early 2012.

It will be sad if Peter Der Manuelian, an Egyptologist at Harvard University, is right. He does not exclude that the red hieroglyphs left 4500 years ago may be just the technological marks of builders.

However, Hawass hopes to open something more exciting - behind the second "door". But the northern tunnel has not yet been explored …