Pyramids Of Giza - Heritage, History Of The Planet, An Invitation To Dialogue - Alternative View

Pyramids Of Giza - Heritage, History Of The Planet, An Invitation To Dialogue - Alternative View
Pyramids Of Giza - Heritage, History Of The Planet, An Invitation To Dialogue - Alternative View

Video: Pyramids Of Giza - Heritage, History Of The Planet, An Invitation To Dialogue - Alternative View

Video: Pyramids Of Giza - Heritage, History Of The Planet, An Invitation To Dialogue - Alternative View
Video: VENTURE INSIDE THE MYSTERIOUS STEP PYRAMID | Secrets of Ancient Egypt | History 2024, October

Hopeless attempts continue to somehow explain the existence of the Giza pyramid complex, not involving extraterrestrial intelligence, but based only on the capabilities of the human race, but the more attempts to substantiate this point of view, the more noticeable is the fundamental impossibility of such a construction by the forces of people, it does not matter whether the slaves of the pharaohs or else more mythical Atlanteans.

In the process of presenting the article, the well-known version of the history of the solar system, planet and biosphere is not commented on in any way, on the assumption that the reader knows it in general terms. The author does not insist on the exhaustive accuracy of the information received, this is only an attempt to understand the logic of extraterrestrial intelligence and the author's version of the interpretation of what he saw and understood. All of the above does not contradict the known laws of nature in any way.

Several comparisons with the achievements of our highly developed, as we believe, civilization, word to R. Bauval, builder and famous researcher of the Egyptian pyramids:

To get some idea of the scale of the work, it is worth recalling a major contract announced in an English-language newspaper in Saudi Arabia, under which a Franco-American consortium committed itself to build a new university building in Riyadh. The word "large" is worth clarifying: such a contract has not yet existed in the entire history of construction - its cost was one billion dollars. 8000 workers were involved in the implementation of the contract; transported millions of cubic meters of rocks and earth; hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of cement are poured in. Even for the temporary offices of the construction management, structures of impressive size were built; nearby are all sorts of recreational facilities, including a swimming pool that could well have hosted the Olympic Games. The builders of the university in Riyadh had the equipmentwhich was never dreamed of by those who erected the pyramids of Dashur and Giza four and a half millennia ago - giant tower cranes, bulldozers, excavators, lifts and so on. Nevertheless, the size of this building cannot be compared with the size of the pyramids.

(Contrary to the obvious, Bauval adheres to the official version of Egyptology: the slaves of the pharaohs built. However, it is clear that the construction used technology of a level that today's builders never dreamed of. To the emphasized one should add - and the quality of their construction). Approx. ed.

The first extensive exploration of this structure was undertaken by Flinders Petrie in 1880-1882. The scientist used the most sophisticated equipment to carry out his work with the greatest care. He found that the sides of the pyramid were almost exactly oriented to the geographic poles. (The accuracy seems incredible - the deviation is only three minutes, which is less than 0.06 percent of the error.) He also measured the sides of the pyramid; they were 230.25 meters on the north side, 230.4 on the south, 230.38 on the east and 230.35 on the west. Thus, although the sides are not exactly equal, the difference in their values is only nineteen centimeters, which is less than 0.08 percent of the average length. This degree of precision both in orientation and in the exact shape of the base seems incredible.if we take into account the size of the entire structure. Its perimeter is about a kilometer, the area is 53 thousand square meters, sufficient to accommodate St. Peter's Cathedral, as well as Milan and Florence Cathedrals along with Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral. And hardly any of the listed structures were erected with the same precision as the Great Pyramid.

The Great Pyramid remained the largest (146 meters) structure in the world until 1888, when the Eiffel Tower (300 meters) was built. But, of course, you cannot compare them - the mass of the Eiffel Tower is 7175 tons, while the mass of the Great Pyramid is 6.3 million tons. The Empire State Building is 381 meters high and weighs an estimated 300,000 tons. (R. Bauval "Secrets of the Pyramids")

Eyewitness testimony:

Promotional video:

The combination of blocks that are sanded and not sanded from the outside, as well as the presence of blocks that are only half sanded, makes us draw a completely unexpected conclusion: the cladding blocks were first installed in place, and only then were they sanded (already in place!) Until a single flat surface was formed !!! On the one hand, this sequence of actions made it easier for the builders to achieve the highest leveling accuracy of the outer surface of the cladding (remember: some researchers compare the alignment accuracy with polishing the mirrors of astronomical telescopes!) But on the other hand, the pictures show only part of the cladding on the smallest pyramid. And even then - only below. And now imagine the task: to align with the highest accuracy the entire facing of the already constructed two other pyramids along their entire height !!!


… The boundary between the sanded and non-sanded parts of the cladding gives another mystery. The fact is that there are no traces of granite chips on this border! Moreover, one gets the impression that the builders used some kind of… rounded cutter of rather considerable dimensions!.. What kind of tool could it be?!.. (A. Sklyarov, "Sprint across Cairo").

Such fragments can be cited indefinitely, those interested in details can easily assemble a huge collection on the Web. Briefly the author's conclusions:

The gigantic mass of material used in the construction of the complex, including extremely difficult to process (granite, diorite), completely deprives all versions of "the ancients - pharaohs - slaves", and the mythical Atlanteans should also be included here. According to the version of "New Chronology" of Fomenko and Nosovsky, the construction of the pyramids should be attributed to the Middle Ages, which also does not correspond to the factual material. By the sum of the features, the authorship of this complex cannot belong to any known terrestrial civilization.

The highest quality of construction, traces of the work of completely unthinkable technology, the incredible technologies used, incorporated into the complex absolutely unknown to the ancients, by no means all discovered and investigated, allow us to conclude without any exaggeration that in this case we are dealing with the legacy of an extraterrestrial civilization.

The meaning of the constructed complex is the transfer of accurate knowledge about the surrounding World, the establishment of contact, provided that a sufficiently high level of development of Mankind is reached. It follows from this that a person is not the most reasonable-intelligent creature of the Universe, but is a supervised and experimental one, but reaching a high level of development means full understanding and acceptance of this circumstance.

The Giza complex is the main part of the heritage of extraterrestrial civilization, quite accessible for understanding, comprehending and studying in this sense. Despite the damage caused by time and people, it still remains the most grandiose artificial complex on Earth, the standard of accuracy in all its values, and should be perceived as such. Other components of the legacy, most of them already known but misunderstood, are still waiting for their discoverers.

It has long been noticed by researchers that the Great Pyramid can be considered as a model of the northern hemisphere of the Earth on a scale of 1: 43200, an example from a famous book:

… We have already shown how the number "pi" is used in the pyramid, and we will not discuss this question anymore; Orthodox scientists, although they consider this ratio to be accidental, do not dispute the fact itself. But should we be serious about the fact that this monument can be viewed as a model of the northern hemisphere of the Earth, projected on a plane at a scale of 1: 43200? Let's remember some numbers.

According to current estimates based on measurements made by satellites, the circumference of the Earth's equator is 40,075.7 kilometers, and the polar radius is 6,356.9 kilometers. The perimeter of the base of the Great Pyramid is 920.85 meters and the height is 146.63 meters. As you can see, the scaling factor, although not absolutely accurate, is very close to the number mentioned above. The discrepancy becomes even smaller if we take into account the flattening of the earth's spheroid from the poles. Calculations show that the deviation of the scale from 1: 43200 does not exceed tenths of a percent. Accuracy - quite decent … (G. Hancock "Traces of the Gods")

There is a slight discrepancy: R. Bauval's pyramid perimeter = 921.38 m, as the sum of the lengths of the sides measured by Flinders Petrie in 1880-1882, which corresponds to the circumference of the Earth at the equator of 39803.616 km. The currently known circumference of the Earth is 40,075.7 km, which is 272.1 km more in absolute terms, or almost 0.7%. According to Hancock, the difference is even greater. But since the accuracy of all elements of the complex is better than 0.1%, the conclusion simply suggests itself that the size of the Earth fixed by the pyramid1 has an accuracy of no worse than 0.1%, but refers to the time of construction. According to R. Buval's version, based on his astronomical calculations, this corresponds to about 2500 BC, but it will be shown laterthat the theoretical curve of the precessional cycle underlying the calculations is unlikely to correspond to the real state of affairs and the construction time should be attributed to about 500 BC. e., in any case, not older than 1000 BC. BC, i.e., the complex is much younger. Thus, the builders tell us that the Earth is expanding and make it possible to estimate the expansion rate, which in a linear approximation is 272.1 km / 2700 years = 100.4 meters per year along the length of the equator. The value seems fantastically huge, but it is average over a period of time of about 2.5 - 3 thousand years, and may well fluctuate within wide limits. In any case, data on regular measurements of the dimensions of the Earth are not yet available, but the frequent and powerful earthquakes occurring on the planet may well be explained by the process of continuous expansion of the earth's crust. Seismologists register continuous noise, crackling of the earth's crust, the author himself had the opportunity to hear the continuous crackling and hum of the earth's crust, but science cannot yet explain this within the framework of today's ideas about the structure of the Earth. According to the author, a rather weighty argument in favor of such a rate of expansion is the presence of huge cracks in the continental crust - the Red Sea, Lake Baikal, Great Lakes of Africa and other rift formations. The oceanic crust is much thinner and more susceptible to this process, as evidenced by the frequent tsunami waves. The recent (2003) series of earthquakes on the island. Hokkaido - huge cracks - chasms on TV screens, this is the continental thick crust, but what happens at the bottom of the oceans?but science cannot yet explain this within the framework of today's ideas about the structure of the Earth. According to the author, a rather weighty argument in favor of such a rate of expansion is the presence of huge cracks in the continental crust - the Red Sea, Lake Baikal, Great Lakes of Africa and other rift formations. The oceanic crust is much thinner and more susceptible to this process, as evidenced by the frequent tsunami waves. The recent (2003) series of earthquakes on the island. Hokkaido - huge cracks - chasms on TV screens, this is the continental thick crust, but what happens at the bottom of the oceans?but science cannot yet explain this within the framework of today's ideas about the structure of the Earth. According to the author, a rather weighty argument in favor of such a rate of expansion is the presence of huge cracks in the continental crust - the Red Sea, Lake Baikal, Great Lakes of Africa and other rift formations. The oceanic crust is much thinner and more susceptible to this process, as evidenced by the frequent tsunami waves. The recent (2003) series of earthquakes on the island. Hokkaido - huge cracks - chasms on TV screens, this is the continental thick crust, but what happens at the bottom of the oceans?Great Lakes of Africa and other rift formations. The oceanic crust is much thinner and more susceptible to this process, as evidenced by the frequent tsunami waves. The recent (2003) series of earthquakes on the island. Hokkaido - huge cracks - chasms on TV screens, this is the continental thick crust, but what happens at the bottom of the oceans?Great Lakes of Africa and other rift formations. The oceanic crust is much thinner and more susceptible to this process, as evidenced by the frequent tsunami waves. The recent (2003) series of earthquakes on the island. Hokkaido - huge cracks - chasms on TV screens, this is the continental thick crust, but what happens at the bottom of the oceans?

The other two pyramids, according to the author's assumption, also depict the Earth, but at earlier times. In favor of this - their visible connection in a single complex, almost the same angle of inclination of the lateral faces, the same ratio, close to 2 "pi" between the base perimeter and height (hemisphere model).


The picture shows a logical consequence of the above - a stone illustration of the history of planet Earth. From right to left - pyramid 1 - a model of the Earth during construction, pyramids 2 and 3 are models of the planet in earlier times, and pyramid 3 represents the earliest stage, the crust has not yet cooled down, therefore, part of the facing, for clarity, is made of red granite.

Pyramid 2 has a base perimeter of 861.2 m, respectively, depicts the planet in an era when the size of the Earth along the equator was 37200 km, less than the present by 2875.7 km. This was approximately 28,640 years ago, assuming a constant expansion rate. To the left of the main pyramid is a small, closely located one. The moon has appeared?

Pyramid 3 with a perimeter of 433.6 m corresponds to the time of the beginning of the history of the earth's crust, when the planet had a size along the length of the equator of 18731.5 km, approximately as Mars is now. An enlarged view of pyramid 3 (computer reconstruction) gives a more complete picture of the beginning. Three small pyramids at the bottom left depict, according to the author, the prehistory, the very process of the planet's origin. Perhaps the four-level pyramids represent the 4th state of matter - plasma.


This illustration takes us 212 thousand years ago, to the beginning of the "loading" of the planet with life. The annexes to the right and a complex labyrinth represent this process by means of symbolism.

The average density of the Earth's matter is currently 5.52, the highest among the planets of the solar system and there is no reason to assume that it was once greater. But since the Earth was once smaller, the question arises - where does the extra mass come from? Where is the source of the substance? At first glance - violation of conservation laws, at second - everything is in order.

Measurements in mines and boreholes show that temperatures rise by about 20o for every kilometer of depth. At the lower boundary of the mantle, the pressure reaches 130 GPa, the temperature there is not higher than 5000K. In the center of the Earth, the temperature may rise to 10,000K.

And now the data from the Kola superdeep well (Popular Mechanics, November 2002, p. 28):

Theorists have promised that the temperature of the Baltic Shield will remain relatively low down to a depth of at least 15 kilometers. Accordingly, the well can be dug up to almost 20 kilometers, just to the mantle. But already at 5 kilometers the temperature exceeded 70 degrees Celsius, by 7 - over 120, and at a depth of 12 it was more than 220 degrees - 100 degrees higher than predicted.

It is clearly seen that the increase in temperature from depth is much greater than the theoretical one, which speaks not at all in favor of the accepted model of the Earth - firstly, and about the high flow of energy from the interior - secondly. A high temperature gradient also speaks of a low thermal conductivity of the earth's crust, therefore, in full accordance with the conservation law, the energy flow is converted into matter, which causes an increase in the size and mass of the planet. A high actual temperature gradient indicates a much higher temperature in the center of the Earth, possibly in excess of 150,000 degrees, i.e. practically, we live on a star, albeit outwardly cold. Let's turn to the FACT BOOK again:

The average surface temperature of the world's oceans is 17.4 degrees, while the average temperature of the lower air layer over the world's oceans is 14.4 degrees.

Due to the carbon dioxide contained in the atmosphere, our planet has a greenhouse effect. It does not manifest itself as strongly as on Venus, but still raises the average (equilibrium) temperature on Earth from theoretical minus 23 to plus 15.

It is clearly seen that the ocean is much warmer than the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect is unlikely to play a serious role when the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere is less than 0.03%, the effect of a blanket from moisture in the atmosphere is much stronger. The heat transfer of the continents is even more significant, and the heat flow from the bowels makes up a significant share in the total heat balance of the Earth.

There is also a circumstance, as a consequence of the growth of the mass of our planet - its gradual removal from the Sun.

The spectrum of the Sun also shows a redshift, but this, of course, does not mean that the Sun is "running away" from the Earth. (V. Demin "Secrets of the Universe")

The author of the statement does not even consider another possibility: the Earth "runs away" from the Sun, and the observed redshift directly speaks about this. Let's try to determine the speed of "escape". Back in the 19th century, many researchers drew attention to the fact that the height of pyramid 1 is very close to one billionth of the distance from the Earth to the Sun. According to the latest data, this distance is on average 149.6 million km (BOOK OF FACTS). The height of pyramid 1 is 146.6 m, the difference is about 2% or 3 million km. This means that the "escape" speed, averaged over 3000 years, is about 1000 km per year. If we take pyramid 3 as the basis for the calculation (height approx. 68 m, 212 thousand years), we get about 385 km per year. These figures indicate an increase in the rate of distance from the Sun, that once, at the "beginning of time", the Earth was closer to the Sun than Venus is now. However,continuous growth of the size and mass of celestial bodies, their dispersion in space - a general, fundamental property of the substance of the Universe. Indeed, the fact of the Moon's removal from the Earth has been known for a long time, it is perfectly visible in the images of galaxies, especially spiral ones, their expansion from the center, scattering stellar associations in our Galaxy are not an exception, but a rule, etc., etc. Convincing facts the opposite, that is, the phenomenon of condensation of matter, is not observed.

In the light of these ideas, the existence of "solid-liquid-gaseous" is only a short moment in the history of matter, the ground state is plasma. The solar system perfectly illustrates this idea: the inner planets still have a hard crust, but are in the process of growing, the outer planets have already thrown off their hard shells and acquired satellites - planets. Apparently, this explains the presence of, in addition to satellites, rings of debris of hard shells, their own families of asteroids with elongated orbits, the presence of an asteroid belt with more or less circular orbits. According to their characteristics, the outer giant planets are already complete stars, they continue to grow and move away from the Sun at an increasing speed. You can even assign them the classification "black dwarfs", in contrast to the already known "brown dwarfs" with a decent proper radiation. The presence of the Moon near the Earth looks, from these positions, rather strange. It can be assumed that a "failed attempt" to dump the hard crust in the relatively recent past, or it was simply dragged in for an unknown purpose.

The article "51 Orion" considered the significance of the pyramids of Giza as a clock counting the time of our civilization and substantiated the value of the fixed date 4843. The very fact of the presence on Earth of this complex, which contains a lot of the most important information, makes us assume the presence of a communication channel designed to "notify of receipt" of a message, which opens the possibility of dialogue with an extraterrestrial civilization. This channel is hardly located in the optical or radio range; instant communication is also possible. The search continues …