Where Did The Facing Slabs Disappear From The Great Pyramid - Alternative View

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Where Did The Facing Slabs Disappear From The Great Pyramid - Alternative View
Where Did The Facing Slabs Disappear From The Great Pyramid - Alternative View

Video: Where Did The Facing Slabs Disappear From The Great Pyramid - Alternative View

Video: Where Did The Facing Slabs Disappear From The Great Pyramid - Alternative View
Video: What the Completed Great Pyramid Would've Looked Like 2024, September

Interesting observations of I. E. Koltsova

The famous pyramids in the Egyptian region of Giza still keep their secrets. For example, on all 4 external stepped sides of the Cheops pyramid, texts, portraits of people, plans of buildings, sphinxes, etc. were applied by the energy-emitting method. These images can be seen in photographs taken from above from a helicopter.

During the construction of the second pyramid - Khafre, all its outer sides were faced with tiles, which carried rich information about the achievements of Egypt of that period (4.5 thousand years ago). At the beginning of the new era, these tiles began to bring down fanatics from new religions, while fighting pagan polytheism. During this period, pagan temples, sculptural works were destroyed, books were burned, etc. But it is curious that the most valuable books, works of culture were hidden by new religions in secret underground vaults, buried in the ground. Some of the tiles from the Khafre pyramid were allegedly removed for use in palaces under construction. The most informatively valuable tiles from among the surviving ones were buried in the ground at a distance of 1.7 km west of the Khafre pyramid to a depth of 4 to 6 meters.

There is information that the facing tiles in the Giza region to the pyramid of Khafre were delivered from the vicinity of the city of Ken, located 50 km north of Luxor. There they were made and they were used to cover a small religious building, which is now covered with earth. It is also known that before drawing portrait and other images on the walls of the Cheops pyramid using the energy-irradiating method, test images were previously applied by the same method on the walls of a small religious building in the vicinity of the city of Sharun. This city is located 120 km south of Cairo. Images of this religious building are currently covered with earth. It is hoped that specialists of different profiles will be interested in this information.

My comment. So, when filming from a helicopter, you can see texts, portraits of people, building plans, sphinxes, etc. This means that there are geoglyphs near the pyramids, but small ones that are difficult to see from space. The very presence of geoglyphs is characteristic of the Russian civilization, as I have already shown in my articles on various geoglyphs. Thus, in Koltsov's note, we find one more confirmation of the presence of Russians in Egypt.

It is very curious that in this case it was not I who reported the presence of such geoglyphs, but another person, whose existence I had not even suspected until now. This knocks the ground out from under the feet of my opponents, who believe that the inscriptions on geoglyphs are read exclusively by me due to my upset psyche. It turns out that there are other people (although Avakyan and Shershnev read the inscriptions besides me), in this case I. E. Koltsov, about whom there are no such suspicions. So the more independent researchers there are who read or at least observe the inscriptions on geoglyphs, the better, and the less reason opponents will have to talk about my subjectivity or arbitrary interpretation.

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Koltsov also gives information about the facing of the pyramids. From his notes it is clear that such a facing existed only on the pyramid of Khafre. Therefore, all other pyramids were free of cladding. And a number of questions from my readers were prompted by the assumption of the presence of cladding on all pyramids.

Further, if the city of Sharun can be found using the Google program, then it is possible that there will be a geoglyph not far from the religious building. Thus, I. E. Koltsov provided verifiable information. On the whole, of course, his note interested me very much. I turn to his other message.

Giant portrait on the pyramid of Cheops

It is known that the pyramid of Cheops was built over the more ancient monolithic stone pyramid of the Atlanteans, created by them about 14 thousand years ago. So the older pyramid occupies about 50% of the entire existing pyramid. The construction of the pyramid of Cheops was carried out during the heyday of Egyptian civilization 2.6 thousand years BC. using electrical energy. It is no secret that when working inside the pyramid and in its dungeons, when painting with colored paints, electric lighting was used with portable lamps. Such lamps 12-15 cm high were discovered by archaeologists in Egypt (Memphis), Italy, England 200-300 years ago. When the tombs, which were more than 2 thousand years old, were opened, the lamps continued to illuminate the inner space with a gentle light. Stronger lights were used in lighthouses, for examplein Alexandria. The lamps discovered by archaeologists probably lie somewhere in the storerooms of museums in a number of countries, forgotten by everyone.

In those distant millennia in Egypt, during the construction of the pyramid, electricity was used in lifting, earth-moving devices, on sea vessels. To generate electricity, special battery devices were used. Many of them are engraved on stone, in drawings, sometimes with details. They can be seen in photo albums published in Egypt. The lifting of multi-ton stone blocks upward was carried out by an electro-solenoid conveyor, which was installed and built up along the eastern side of the pyramid. Its main nodes should be located in the dungeons near the pyramid. Electrosolenoids are known, but they are not used in conveyors at modern construction sites for a number of reasons, but there have been attempts to use them for military purposes. To supply the solenoid conveyor with electricity, in addition to battery devices,inside the pyramid, three triple rooms were created (including a large gallery), which also gave electricity (static - "amber" electricity), taking it from different strata of the earth and the ancient pyramid. The Great Gallery is an elongated hollow pyramid inside the main pyramid.

Nowadays, researchers are perplexed about the presence in the pyramid of many "unnecessary" rooms and various channels, although they were needed during the construction. Inside the pyramid there is also one secret room, where on an elegant stone table lies an open book on the history and achievements of Egypt, including the period of the reign of Cheops. Its location is known to Russian researchers.

No other pyramid on Earth attracts as much attention as the pyramid of Cheops. The pyramid was built with jewelry precision. It attracts to itself with its man-made grandeur, the complexity of internal empty labyrinths, which remain mysterious to a large extent. Many researchers have been trying to unravel its secrets for hundreds of years. Many hypotheses were put forward about the methods of its construction, many books and articles were written, but the mysteries of the pyramid remain unsolved to this day. The people of ancient Egypt, trying to pass on their knowledge and experience to their descendants, used various methods for this, including not always visible images, applied to the giant planes of the pyramid.

Exploring the outer side of the pyramid, I discovered numerous grooves, stones of different colors and radiation. Further study revealed that at a certain angle of illumination, different images become visible. For example, on the southern side of the Cheops pyramid, a giant realistic portrait of the human god Thoth is visible. He was a real historical figure. He lived during the construction of the Cheops pyramid, visited its construction site, met with the architect Khefren. The image of Thoth's portrait on the pyramid can be seen in the figure.

Figure: 1. Portrait of Thoth on the southern side of the Cheops pyramid according to Koltsov
Figure: 1. Portrait of Thoth on the southern side of the Cheops pyramid according to Koltsov

Figure: 1. Portrait of Thoth on the southern side of the Cheops pyramid according to Koltsov.

He was considered the god of wisdom and counting. He was venerated in Egypt, Greece and other African countries. He was of great importance in the Egyptian religion. He observed the order of the astral cycle, was in charge of justice and harmony of the world. As a lunar god, he was the Lord of reckoning and chronology, having drawn up a calendar based on the phases of the moon. He was considered the patron saint of scribes, doctors, all types of knowledge, as well as the inventor (reformer) of writing, ritual and magic books. The one who possessed secrets was considered by the ancient Greeks to be the creator of gods and people who were called to life by his spells. Among the gods Ra and in the afterlife, he played the role of a judge. For his wisdom and merits, Thoth was deified and named Thrice Great - Trismegistus. He was called Hermes-Thoth, the most mysterious of the gods. Of the 42 books of Hermes-Thoth, only 14 treatises have survived to us. According to legend,Thoth-Hermes arrived in Egypt from Atlantis. According to other sources, Thoth arrived in Egypt from another solar system 4.6 thousand years ago as part of a small group of colleagues who settled, in addition to Egypt, in other places in Africa, South America, Antarctica. Later, the Greeks called the son of Zeus, who lived 3.5 thousand years ago, Hermes. It turns out that in different eras there were Thotes-Hermes, including in America.

Now we can see a real portrait of the god Tog on one side of the pyramid. It is difficult to imagine a method of creating this portrait on a giant stepped surface about 170 m high. Is this an artist's genius or were there any technical means for applying images to a plane? The skill of drawing in the Nazca desert in Peru will seem like child's play in comparison with this portrait. In addition to the portrait on the southern side of the pyramid, there are also various plans of premises and buildings, signs of birds, circles, the Atlantean and Scythian trident, letters, numbers and much more. The most important places of the images are outlined with light stones. It is possible that below there is the name of the artist of the portrait. It turns out that the entire southern side of the pyramid (as well as the other sides) bears a lot of information. Each sign is equal in height to several stone blocks of the pyramid. When studying these styles, one has to take into account that in some places here some images are superimposed on others.

Why did people pass by the pyramid for centuries without noticing the images? One involuntarily recalls the words of the fable “I didn't even notice the elephant,” looking at the lying stones and pebbles. Will our Russian specialists take part in decoding the mysterious information on the pyramid? We have started.

My comment. This post is even more interesting. And his interest lies in the fact that Koltsov noticed the image, which he tried to draw. This is already a step forward compared to the simple statement that there are simply inscriptions and just faces on the pyramid - the inscriptions and faces are reproduced here. Thus, another researcher discovered faces and inscriptions on the pyramids. Another thing is how accurately he reproduced them. I can refer to my epigraphic experience - I went a long way to reading low-contrast inscriptions and images, and I believe that if a researcher tries to do this for the first time, then the probability of some inaccuracies will be much higher for him than for an experienced one. As for the face, then, most likely, this is the face of either Yar or Rod, but hardly Thoth. However, of course, both my version and Koltsov's version must be checked. In the meantime, I am not ready to either confirm or deny Koltsov's statement - I do not have good photographs of the southern slope of the Cheops pyramid.

As for the alleged name of the artist at the bottom of the portrait, it can almost certainly be argued that it is not there - such a tradition did not exist in Egypt. And the Greek inscription is hardly possible. Most likely, for the Greek inscription, Koltsov took the other inscription expected in this case, * TEMPLE OF THE KIND. In any case, the statement about the inscriptions is also quite curious. Although even this statement of Koltsov is immediately interpreted by opponents of linguofriks as a mental deviation, either pareidolia or apophenia. Since no research of this kind can be carried out from their point of view, the details obtained in this case do not in any way fit into the existing historiography.

Consider the following article by Koltsov

About the construction of the Cheops pyramid. Many articles and books have been written about the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops, examining it from the standpoint of the modern materialistic view, not taking into account that it was built during the period of a previous highly developed civilization, the knowledge of which has not reached us. The enormous size of the Cheops pyramid involuntarily raises the question of the methods of its construction. The hypotheses put forward on this score are far from the truth. The Pyramid of Cheops, built about 4,600 years ago, is located on the stone plateau of the Libyan Desert. The stones for its construction were delivered mainly from the quarries of the Maccatim Highlands, which is located east of the Nile River. The construction of the pyramid was carried out under the guidance of the famous architect Khafre for 20 years. According to ancient sources, peasants took part in its construction only three months a year,in his free time from field work, when the Nile floods. But this does not exclude the conduct of work by a small number of specialists preparing the scope of work for thousands of seasonal builders-peasants.

The purpose of the construction of the pyramid-tomb. The word "pyramid" literally translated from Greek means "the fire that is inside." By "fire" here one should understand the presence of an ordered energy flow both inside and outside the pyramid. Such energy flows can be observed in crystals (quartz, diamond …), in trees, etc. Above the top of the pyramid (tree …), a vertical energy flow is formed, which is sometimes called a cosmic channel (column). In the morning, at dawn, this energy flow can be seen above the top of the pyramid with the naked eye. The energy flows at the top of the Cheops pyramid are connected with the energy flows of the neighboring pyramids, forming a channel-energy connection with each other. In nature, a similar energy connection is observed in crystal trees (druses), etc. At the same time, the formation of an additional domed energy shell is observed above them,collective aura. Until now, the pyramid was considered as a material body without taking into account its energetic properties, just as in medicine the physical body of a person is studied without taking into account his other six subtle bodies. The pyramid, like the physical body of a person, is only a material frame for subtle energy systems. Legends say that in the pyramid there is a Great Stone that flew from Space to Earth. He has great energy and magical powers. Similar stones are in the Kaaba Mosque (Mecca, Saudi Arabia) in the Himalayas, and earlier was at the Emperor Tatslau in Atlantis, who was buried in Taimyr. These are stones of spiritual centers and centers of civilization. For the creation of energy vertical pillars of space communication (flows) on Earth, mankind in all millennia has used a variety of technical solutions. For example,in mountainous areas, the tops of the mountains were arranged in the form of pyramids, tents, sphinxes and other structures, and under them - tombs. In flat areas, artificial architectural ground or underground structures (mounds, pyramids, labyrinth drawings …) were created. The pyramid has design characteristics for obtaining the necessary types of energy flows. The larger the pyramid, the more powerful its energy flow. Above the summit of Mount Everest (Himalayas), one of the most powerful energy flows on Earth. The tombs of Ancient Egypt are found both in mountainous areas (near Lake Victoria) and in flat areas (near the Nile delta). Their construction was carried out mainly during the heyday of an ancient civilization with a high technical level of development (air transport (vimanas, chariots), eternal lamps, energy, laser, nuclear, sound weapons, etc.).

Figure: 2. Ancient pyramids under the famous
Figure: 2. Ancient pyramids under the famous

Figure: 2. Ancient pyramids under the famous.

Start of construction. The Cheops pyramid has a height of about 150 meters with the length of the base of one side of it being 250 meters. It was built on the western bank of the Nile, near the city of Cairo. The famous architect Khefren did not erect this pyramid from scratch. There were very ancient squat pyramids of monolithic stone, which were called by modern specialists "outliers". One of the ancient pyramids with its energy flows and underground passages (built about 14,000 years ago) was used by Chefren for its intended purpose, increasing its height and replanning the internal passages and rooms. This ancient pyramid had a strong foundation and special entrances to the dungeons for underground work.

The Cheops pyramid, like the ancient one, is oriented towards spiritual centers (Shambhala - in the east, and Thule - in the north), since the north pole was 12,000 years ago in the northwest of Canada near the border with America. The geographic North Pole is constantly migrating across the globe. Using the ancient pyramid as the basis for a new one, the builders achieved a significant reduction in labor and material costs, and a reduction in the construction period. Now no one remembers the more ancient builders, although more than half of the volume of the Cheops pyramid is made up of the stones of the ancient pyramid. The original monolithic pyramid (outlier) had its own burial chamber with other dungeons. During the construction of the pyramid, Khefren made a new redevelopment of the dungeons. Therefore, some voids from the ancient pyramid, which did not fit into the new layout,do not find a logical explanation among researchers.

My comment. For now, I will interrupt the citation of this work in order to dwell on a number of statements made by I. E. Koltsov. First, it also confirms a N Pole shift about 12,000 years ago, which is in good agreement with our assumptions. Further, it assumes the presence of the North Geographic Pole approximately where I am trying to find it. This alone makes his work worthy of attention.

Further, there is a not entirely accurate phrase: the North Geographic Pole is constantly migrating around the globe. It can mean either that the pole sometimes, under the influence of cosmic catastrophes, moves abruptly, or that it, like a magnetic pole, slightly shifts every year. I am more inclined to the first point of view.

Finally, Koltsov's assumptions about the presence of outliers - smaller internal pyramids are extremely interesting. In theory, this is perfectly acceptable. However, the author of this hypothesis writes nothing about the material of this pyramid, or about the sources from which he received this information. So so far, this part of his statement is the least verifiable. Moreover, it is unclear whether the currently open internal voids, for example, the rooms of the king and queen, can be considered as belonging to the outlier.

Let's return to the presentation of Koltsov's article

Applied technical devices in construction. Until recently, the method of building the Cheops pyramid remained unknown, including the delivery of bulky and heavy stone blocks to a height of 150 meters.

A study of ancient Egyptian texts, drawings and statues made of stone, as well as information on the construction of gigantic structures similar to those in Baalbek (Lebanon), shows that during their construction special technical devices were used to raise stones to great heights. In Egyptian sources, there is information that by means of sound the Egyptians could introduce stones (and other materials) into a state of levitation (hovering above the ground), and, if necessary, even destroy stones. The Bible reports on the destruction of the walls of Jericho through sound. In ancient times, objects could be introduced into a state of levitation in other ways, for example, through their energetic processing with energy generators. A good example today is the hovering in the air for many hundreds of years of a metal coffin in the Kaaba Mosque, a Muslim shrine. Nowadays, yogis introduce themselves into temporary hovering (soaring) in the air, and individual magicians and psychics demonstrate individual objects floating in the air (from plastic balls to chess tables, books).

In the drawings of Egyptian religious buildings there are images of the movement of large stone sculptures of the pharaoh and the sphinx on special flat platforms (see Fig. 3).

Figure: 3. The Egyptians move the statue
Figure: 3. The Egyptians move the statue

Figure: 3. The Egyptians move the statue.

The figure shows that a small part of people pulls the platform and insures it from overturning, while another part of them stands aside with sound instruments in their hands, the sound of which is necessary to levitate the platform with the statue. A flat platform is a special technical device - a generator. Its purpose and structure have long been disputed between scientists-Egyptologists. The source of the platform's energy generation is the small asymmetric pyramid-rhombuses laid in layers in it. They are like crystals that "inhale" one energy and "exhale" another. These platforms, under the influence of sound or other sources of influence, were put into a state of soaring above the ground. In the presence of a load, the platform with its runners only slightly touched the ground, facilitating its transportation. Platforms of other designs were used to move stone blocks also on the top of the pyramid under construction, where short logs-rollers were also used, about which Herodotus wrote.

Levitating devices were also used to lift stone blocks weighing several hundred tons to a height of up to 30 meters during the construction of the temple complex at Baalbek. Here construction was carried out under the guidance of Egyptian priests. It is known that in a number of Egyptian temples there were eternal eternal lamps, which were also used in underground work in the Cheops pyramid, including wall paintings. These lamps were powered by rare earth energy sources. Such lamps were found by archaeologists in the tombs of Egypt, Italy, England. Where are they now? In the storehouses of museums or thrown into a landfill?

Figure: 4.1 - a trace in the middle of the eastern side of the pyramid from the device for transporting stone blocks and building materials up; 2 - natural stone blocks; 3 - blocks molded from small stones
Figure: 4.1 - a trace in the middle of the eastern side of the pyramid from the device for transporting stone blocks and building materials up; 2 - natural stone blocks; 3 - blocks molded from small stones

Figure: 4.1 - a trace in the middle of the eastern side of the pyramid from the device for transporting stone blocks and building materials up; 2 - natural stone blocks; 3 - blocks molded from small stones.

For Egyptologists, the question of the method of erecting a pyramid and raising stone blocks to a height of 150 m is still unresolved. People who can see the past (clairvoyants) report that the stones themselves flew up a special energy channel. This energy channel was created by builders using technical devices in the middle of the eastern side of the pyramid (from the Nile side). Studies have shown that multi-ton stone blocks delivered to the base of the pyramid were subjected to energy processing by generators to weaken their gravitational interaction with the ground and increase interaction with the energy flow channel upward along the pyramid. After that, the blocks were fed into the receiver of the power channel by means of a rope-block tilter and flew up to the place of laying. The channel's energy flow was created by a kind of solenoid-transformers,installed on the same axis along the wall of the pyramid. As the height of the pyramid increased, the device that created the energy channel was lengthened (increased).

Due to the complication of the process of delivering large stone blocks to a height of more than 100 meters, small stones were fed further upward, followed by casting from them in the formwork (in molds) of blocks of the required size. At the very top of the Cheops pyramid, a pyramid with a height of 0.5 meters was installed. She was taken there from the base of the pyramid also by air. In this case, the energy generator for its controlled flight was the eyes of thousands of builders' eyes gathered at the foot of the pyramid at dawn (on an empty stomach).

There is reason to believe that the basic knowledge and components of the described technical devices have survived and are located in underground storage facilities near the Cheops pyramid and other places in Egypt. They were no less valuable than the treasures of Cheops and were not destroyed. Bulky technical devices descended into the dungeons by means of special elevators, and their entrances were securely walled up.

In the monolithic stone base of the pyramid, there are hollow spaces, where heavy granite blocks are installed in a tent-like manner under the ceiling. Their installation was also carried out in a state of levitation (antigravity). Gravity and anti-gravity are a kind of energetic interaction. In ancient times, they could be weakened or increased at will. The most obvious interaction is observed in nature when the flowers of plants are turned towards the Sun, the compass arrows are towards the magnetic pole. There are many other weak and strong interactions in nature that were used by the Egyptian civilization.

My comment. So far, this part is the most vulnerable to criticism. Assumptions of I. E. Koltsov are based on statements by "clairvoyants" that cannot be considered a scientific basis, and the existence of anti-gravity technologies, although mentioned by other authors, is not known to physics today.

We turn to the consideration of the last two sections of Koltsov's composition

The hidden knowledge of the ancients. The legendary pyramid keeps many more unsolved secrets and mysteries. The tomb of the pharaoh is reliably hidden from people. In addition to the richest values in its accompanying storehouses, there are items made of black copper, stainless iron, colored gold, flexible glass, everlasting lamps, writing materials, etc. Inside the pyramid there is a room where an open holy book lies on a stand, which can open to the worthy.

The main period of concealment of the knowledge of the ancient civilization from people occurred about 3.5-5.8 thousand years ago after the end of one of the devastating and bloody world wars. This war is described in the Indian legend Mahabharata (battle with the asuras) and in Greek myths (battle with the Titans). From ancient sources it is known that in this war aircraft were used (vimanas, chariots, flying cities …), energy, laser, thermonuclear weapons, iron robots, etc. It is known from ancient texts that more than four thousand years ago, Egypt had a ship about 600 meters long, hovering above the water. It was made of heavy-duty stone. The model of this ship is located in the underground storage facilities of Africa, within the territory of ancient Egypt.

The concealment of the knowledge of ancient civilization was carried out in vast underground storage facilities that are located on all continents, including under the bottom of modern rivers, lakes, seas, and ocean shelves. They contain writing, cultural works, devices, samples of technology, knowledge about environmentally friendly energy sources. Due to the movements of the earth's crust, water gets into some storages, the vaults collapse, harming the contents. The destruction also touched upon the Byzantine repositories with ancient knowledge near Istanbul. With this in mind, in the 3rd century AD, the Indian emperor Ashoka founded one of the most secret societies in the world in order to preserve and gradually reveal the science of the ancients. It was called the Brotherhood of the Nine. It is believed that this group is still active.

Figure: 5. View of the Sphinx
Figure: 5. View of the Sphinx

Figure: 5. View of the Sphinx.

Conclusion. As for the construction of the Cheops pyramid, the use of a significant volume of remains of an older monolithic stone structure in its basis (foundation) was reasonable and finds examples in all millennia.

Unfortunately, numerous images of technical devices in drawings and relief images on stone in places of worship of the ancient Egyptian civilization remain practically unexplored. The information presented in this article on the use of technical devices for levitation transportation of heavy stone blocks in the horizontal and vertical directions provides a basis for their further more detailed study. The current level of technical knowledge allows you to do this.

Comments by V. A. Chudinova