The Authorities Never Tell The Truth - Alternative View

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The Authorities Never Tell The Truth - Alternative View
The Authorities Never Tell The Truth - Alternative View

Video: The Authorities Never Tell The Truth - Alternative View

Video: The Authorities Never Tell The Truth - Alternative View
Video: Кому в России положена квартира? История гламурной чиновницы 2024, July

The opinion that only pathological liars break into power is not far from the truth. The authorities are concerned only with themselves, with everyone else - with us - they do not care. Therefore, she never speaks the truth to any of us …

The authorities of the leading world powers are preparing to repel the "attack from space"

In the evening news on May 15, Mayak radio station reported the following: as the commander of the 5th aerospace defense brigade, Colonel Eduard Sigaev, said, his brigade defending the city of Moscow and the Moscow economic zone is on constant alert to repel a possible attack from space. These words were also heard in other mass media.

Of course, an ordinary person, who is not used to comparing certain trends and facts, could only be impressed by the phrase "combat readiness" and "a possible attack from space." But this statement, which was made right now, has preconditions, analogs, and all together this turns into a certain trend. Recall that in 2009, the PRC authorities announced to the whole world that they would shoot down all UFOs (unidentified flying objects) in the airspace of China.

Earlier, in 2008, during the election campaign in the United States, three presidential candidates, including the current one, repeatedly and seriously assured voters that they would finally sort out the UFO problem, and even promised to start preparing for possible aggression on their part.

This topic may seem funny to someone only due to the absolute lack of awareness of society about this issue. But even a not very informed person should understand that during the presidential elections in the United States, presidential candidates, first of all, say and promise voters what interests these voters the most. And this question interests American citizens very much. And not just interested, but very much worried.

Suffice it to cite a very recent incident, which was reported in sufficient detail by CNN and many other media outlets. According to CNN, on the night of April 15, 2010, a giant fireball flew over the United States, seen by tens of thousands of Midwesterners, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Ohio. As CNN reported, citing the words of numerous eyewitnesses, “the ball was bright - almost like the sun, slowly moving from west to east … while a long, loud sound was heard, which shook houses and trees. This scared the Americans so much that most of them rushed to phone the police stations and the emergency services. The next day, the authorities rushed to reassure citizens, saying that "it was a meteorite", but even ordinary Americans are well aware that meteorites do not fly slowly.

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In fact, the unexpected readiness and almost simultaneity with which the American, Russian and Chinese authorities have gathered to repel the "aggression from outer space" has a rather long and quite reliable background. Another issue is that the authorities kept public opinion in all countries in the dark about what was happening. Although it is also impossible to say that they are completely in the dark, because public statements of responsible officials were heard at one time, but then a period came when they decided to make this topic closed to society.

So, back in 1953, the commander of the US Air Defense Forces, General Chidlow, made a public statement as follows:

"… We have a huge number of reports of 'flying saucers' and we take these reports very seriously, as we lost a lot of people and warplanes trying to attack UFOs."

In 1950, US President Harry Truman, answering questions about this, said the following words:

"… The homeland of the" flying saucers "is not the United States, nor any other earthly power, and they are neither American nor Russian secret weapons."

Even the United Nations has not avoided this problem. So, in 1966, a member of the UN Secretariat, Colmen von Kevitsky, presented to the UN Secretary General U. Tan his report, which, in particular, said:

"… the now indisputable fact that the UFO phenomenon has a global character and" flying saucers "are observed on all continents, including Antarctica, should serve as a stimulus for international cooperation on this very important problem."

On December 8, 1978, a special political committee instructed the UN General Assembly to propose to interested states: "… Take appropriate steps to coordinate at the national level research on the problem of unidentified (unidentified) flying objects …" As you can see from the above, high-ranking US officials, including the President, and even the United Nations openly admitted the existence of the so-called UFO problem, moreover, in their statements there was sufficient concern and tension.

In the format of this publication, the task is not set to cite as many such statements, decisions of high-ranking officials of a public nature as possible. In reality, there are many more. We have cited the most famous ones so that it is clear that concern about the so-called UFO problem sounded quite frankly, at least since 1953. One of the first statements we cited, made by the commander of the US Air Defense Forces, General Chidlaw, sounded like a response to the American public. We will remind, he emphasized, in particular: "we have lost many people and combat aircraft trying to attack UFOs."

The concern of the representatives of the state authorities, which believed that they had the right to decide the fate of not only their country, but also the whole world, was quite understandable. What state ambitions can we talk about if unknown air ships fly freely on their own territory, causing their civil society to panic? However, this applies not only to the US authorities, but also to any authorities of any other state, which, due to some misunderstanding, are considered to be the leading world powers.

And while various amateur ufologists wondered (and are still wondering) what the intentions of these extraterrestrial objects and those who fly on them are: either simply to observe the so-called development of mankind, or at some stage to help mankind “to reach a new level of scientific and technological progress - the world powers that be, who had more complete and timely information, were very well aware that these sky ships do not feel any sympathy, at least for the current type of world civilization, and for these conclusions the powers that be the most serious reasons.

Let us repeat ourselves that the purpose of the publication is not to present the maximum number of facts, as it is customary to express “aggressive actions of UFOs”. In order to present at least half of them (meaning the most reliable ones), one would have to write a whole brochure. But to understand the nature, it will be enough to cite several incidents that were reliably recorded and, moreover, albeit with some delay, were confirmed not only by the recognition of military officials, but also by television footage.

Let us recall once again about General Chidlow, who already in 1953 admitted that the American air defenses had lost many people and combat aircraft who were trying to attack unidentified flying objects. The next incident occurred very soon after that - in July 1954, when in the sky over the state of New York, the US F-94 fighter tried to approach a flying spherical object, as a result of which the engine first stalled the fighter, and then the plane's skin melted.

In May 1969, a Soviet anti-aircraft missile system attempted to shoot down a UFO over the city of Hanoi (Vietnam). The object destroyed all missiles fired at it, and then detonated the anti-aircraft missile system along with its combat crew.

In June 1971, off the coast of Vietnam, the American cruiser Newport News attempted to shoot down a nearby UFO. The UFO was not damaged by the shelling. A retaliatory strike from a UFO detonated the ammunition in the bow turret of the main caliber, resulting in the death of 17 people.

In the fall of 1974, in South Korea, in the Bini area, an unidentified flying object was attacked by Hawk guided missiles. As evidenced by the video, all the missiles fired were destroyed, after which the entire anti-aircraft missile battery, along with the remaining missiles and combat crew, was turned into a molten and shapeless mass.

In 1976, on national Italian television, sensational footage of a UFO shootout with an anti-aircraft missile battalion guarding a NATO base on the island of Sardinia was repeatedly broadcast. The UFO, hovering over the sea near the NATO base, very quickly shot down all missiles fired into it with a thin bright beam, and then with the same beam destroyed the anti-aircraft missile batteries.

As reported by the Chilean newspaper "Prensa" on February 24, 1978, a military patrol fired at a UFO that appeared near it with small arms, it happened 130 kilometers from the city of Santiago. The UFO responded with a beam strike, from which all the soldiers received severe burns and were hospitalized in serious condition.

On November 2, 2001, in a Russian TV program, it was told how in October 1981, near the city of Kaliningrad, a UFO attacked a SU-32 aircraft, literally tearing out the tail of the aircraft.

We emphasize that this is just a very short list of reliable facts of the destruction of UFOs of terrestrial military equipment, regardless of the state with which political system this military equipment belonged. In order not to overload the reader with redundant facts, we can only add that the range of UFO combat capabilities is so wide that the scope of this range is even difficult for terrestrial observers to determine.

In any case, at the moment it is quite obvious that shot down planes and missiles, destroyed launchers are just trifles, at least in comparison with the fact that competent specialists know very well that UFOs can shoot down or retarget any type of missile, while using no visible rays; that they can turn off engines of any type at a very long distance, block the power supply, electronic equipment; can change the chemical composition of any kind of fuel and any explosive, from a simple powder charge in a cartridge to a nuclear warhead, thereby changing its properties and making it completely useless for use.

To all this, it should be added that, if necessary, they can be invisible to radars of any type and can even be invisible visually, being in the immediate vicinity of the observer; tend to appear suddenly and just as suddenly and instantly disappear. In addition to the above, they can affect the psyche of both an individual person and a very large number of people, for example, making people completely unable to perform at least some physical actions.

In principle, the range of military impact, as well as its scale, appears to be unlimited. And the facts listed above of the visible impact on terrestrial military equipment are deliberately demonstrative, so that a direct cause-and-effect relationship is obvious. Incidents of this kind, which are now on an even wider scale than before, are a way to demonstrate the absolute incomparability of the military capabilities of UFOs with any samples of the most advanced terrestrial military equipment. You can even say that there is no subject for comparison. Of course, all this is intended for psychological impact.

The question arises: for whom is this psychological impact intended?

The answer is simple: since the general public, that is, ordinary citizens of any country, receive such information in a very small amount compared to what is actually happening, and moreover, as a rule, with a huge time delay, this psychological impact is clearly designed for ordinary people. Such information is received in full and promptly (that is, in a timely manner), first of all, by senior military officials, and from them, of course, also the top leadership of countries such as the USA, Russia, China, Great Britain, etc.

For this reason, we can conclude that it is for them that the exemplary destruction of military equipment is intended, in order to demonstrate the complete impotence of the authorities to oppose something to the so-called unidentified flying objects. Thus, they, the authorities of the leading powers, who are accustomed to consider themselves the rulers of the fate of the Earth, demonstrate their complete helplessness, and, consequently, the absolute groundlessness of their power ambitions to govern countries and the whole world.

It is this helplessness in the face of an incomparably superior that served as the main and only reason for the transition to the so-called policy of global partnership. In confirmation of this, we will quote the words of American President Reagan, which he said to President Gorbachev during their bilateral meeting in Geneva. We quote his words on the publication in the newspaper "Pravda" on January 6, 1986. And he said the following:

“… Imagine that the Earth is threatened with invasion by hostile aliens. Then all earthlings will instantly understand: it doesn't matter if you are American or Russian - we are all, first of all, human beings. How easy it would be for us to find a solution to the differences existing between our countries!"

Of course, Reagan spoke presumably, realizing that his words would be read by the general public in various countries, but taking into account all of the above, now you can already understand that, in fact, he made an official proposal to the Soviet leadership on the issue of joint efforts preservation of power on Earth and joint opposition to what this power threatens. Judging by subsequent events, the Soviet leadership, concerned with the same problem, accepted the proposal of the American side, as well as the subsequent Russian one.

So the so-called global partnership and cooperation is not caused at all by the reduction of raw materials, not by the desire to jointly achieve a new level of progress, but only by the desire to retain power on Earth. And although the "strategic partners" are well aware that there is practically nothing to oppose them to "invasion from the outside", it is this understanding that makes them gather in one team.

In conclusion, I would like to dwell on one important point, at least one important for ordinary people. Here we will once again recall some of the words from Reagan's speech. In his opinion, facing the threat of an invasion of "aliens" it will not immediately matter whether you are an American or a Russian, and we will all rally at once, feeling ourselves, first of all, as human beings. But, in reality, this is not the case. Not at all.

To understand that this is not at all the way Reagan argued and, perhaps, many other powers that be, think, let us give an illustrative example, namely, the report of the NTV television channel, the program "Emergency" of 22.04.2008. Over the city of Pushkino near Moscow, about 40 red-orange balloons flew one after another. They flew in two large groups, stretching for tens of kilometers. According to the correspondent of the state of emergency, Roman Igonin, a lot of residents observed an unusual phenomenon over the city of Pushkino.

The program showed a video of objects flying over the city, but the most important thing is the reaction of residents who watched this phenomenon. Oddly enough, it was the polar opposite for many of them. As eyewitnesses and the correspondent of the state of emergency Roman Igonin said, some were happy and even were in a state of some inexplicable delight: "here, finally, we have arrived!" Many others who saw the same thing were panicked to such an extent that they became ill and had to call ambulances to provide them with this very first aid.

What is the essence of what happened?

People living in the same city, who grew up in the same country, received the same education and social upbringing, and for this reason have the same set of stereotypes of perception of the world around them, it would seem, should have had the same reaction to what they saw. It would be so if they reasonably perceived what they see. That is, using common stereotypes and cliches for them to identify what they saw.

But, as follows from what happened, their reaction was not just different, but polar opposite: from seemingly unreasonable delight, to equally unreasonable horror - unreasonable from the point of view of rational perception.

And this means that they did not perceive what was happening at all by reason, and the reason for their perception was in the energy that came from the passing ships. That is, for some it was “their own”, “native” energy, while for others it was alien and hostile. Therefore, the reaction to this energy was so opposite.

But, on the other hand, both for flying objects and those who fly in them, those people who were in a state of delight ("Here, finally, they have arrived!"), These were their own. Accordingly, those who were in a state of unaccountable horror with deteriorating health were alien and hostile to them.

So, practice shows that Reagan, talking with Gorbachev, made completely wrong conclusions. In fact, some of the people are their own for them, and, accordingly, some are alien and hostile. And therefore, of course, there will be no unification of common people before the so-called invasion from the outside. Those who are their own for those who have arrived will be for them, and those who are strangers - of course, are against.

Of course, the American ruling elite and the authorities of many other leading and non-leading countries of the Earth belong to the aliens. They have already understood this and are preparing to somehow resist it. Only do they have a chance? Judging by the public statements of high officials from different countries, as well as by some other signs, the very "invasion from outer space" will happen soon.

In conclusion, I would like to shed light on whom those who have arrogated to themselves the right to consider themselves the rulers of the Earth and peoples are going to jointly defend themselves.

Someone calls them aliens, others call them aliens from parallel worlds, but our wise ancestors, who were in faith, and whose heads were not confused by current scientific theories, knew very well what UFOs are and who flies on them. In this publication, we will not delve into this topic, but propose to look at the ancient fresco-icon, from which everyone can draw their own conclusions about what a UFO is and who flies on them.