Meetings With "Men In Black" - Alternative View

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Meetings With "Men In Black" - Alternative View
Meetings With "Men In Black" - Alternative View

Video: Meetings With "Men In Black" - Alternative View

Video: Meetings With
Video: The Creepy Real-Life “Men In Black” 2024, July

"Men in Black" is one of the legends of ufology. According to the testimony of people who met them, shortly after someone saw a UFO in the sky, a mysterious man dressed in a black classic suit came to their home.

Most often, there were two, sometimes three.

These people behaved so strangely that many had the impression that in front of them was a robot, only outwardly similar to a human. Usually "men in black" were engaged in intimidation of UFO eyewitnesses, ordering them not to tell anything about what they saw, otherwise they were supposedly in big trouble. They disappeared as strangely as they appeared and all their threats were usually unfulfilled.

As the ufologist Vladimir Zabelyshensky described them figuratively, "these strange" people "descend from the hills, walk in the night and in the rain, and a snowstorm along muddy, distant roads like elves looking for impoverished shoemakers."

The statistics of the cases and their analysis indicate that the "men in black" are directly related to the UFO phenomenon. What are the goals of these aliens? What mission do they perform in the environment of human society? Their not always successful copying of a person's appearance and behavior puzzles not only the people at whose door they knocked, but also experienced researchers of the phenomenon.

Many skeptics of this phenomenon believe that "Men in Black" is just a "horror story", an urban legend that became popular with the light hand of writer Gray Barker and journalist John Keel, who described the appearance of strange men in black clothes in their books. Keel considered the "men in black" to be demonic entities and attributed to them a significant influence on the course of world history - meetings with Caesar, Napoleon, the transfer of the USA coat of arms to T. Jefferson, the prediction of the fate of Louis XV's mistress Madame Dubarry.

According to Keel, "people in black" is a kind of electromagnetic form of the mind, capable of causing radiation of different frequencies and inexplicably passing into a solid state, assuming any form, which causes the materialization of both "people in black" and spiritualistic ghosts.

Thanks to these features, these "ultra-beings" listen to telephone calls, observing the fields induced by currents in telephone wires, and cause visions in people - the brain works as a receiver of electromagnetic waves. Keel also explains other supernatural concepts with this, such as telepathy, mediumistic trance, and automatic writing.

Promotional video:

Visit to the Christiansens

One of the most detailed descriptions of the "man in black" was given by the American Christiansen family.

On the afternoon of January 9, 1967, Edward Christiansen and his family returned to their new home in Wildwood, New Jersey, after traveling to Florida. Earlier, in November, the entire family observed a brightly glowing UFO in the evening sky, but neither the Christiansens' address nor the phone number were registered anywhere.

In the evening there was a knock at the door.

“Look who’s there,” Alina Christiansen told her 17-year-old daughter Connie. Connie looked up and said, "This is the strangest person I've ever seen." Mrs. Christiansen went to the door and unlocked it. It was dark outside and very cold. She did not see the car, and it seemed strange to her, since their house was in a rather secluded place.

The stranger, with a height of about 195 cm, was unnaturally wide in the torso, he wore a hat with a black visor and a very long black coat made of a thin material too thin for such cold weather.

“I have to ask you a few questions, it will only take 40 minutes,” he said, taking off his hat.

His head was very unusual - large and round (while his face was thin and pointed), with black short hair that seemed to have just grown on a newly shaved skull, and on the back of his head there was a completely round spot without a single hair.

The nose and mouth were at first glance ordinary, the eyes, unnaturally large, widely spaced and protruding, moved in a strange way. The stranger took off his coat. A badge was pinned on his shirt pocket, which he quickly covered with his hand, and then removed it, placing it in his coat pocket. It was quite clear that he did not want the owners of the house to consider this badge.

He was not wearing his jacket. Under a thin coat, he wore a short-sleeved shirt made of a material similar to dacron. His black trousers were clearly short. The dark shoes struck with unusually thick rubber soles.

Alina and Connie were especially surprised by the strange detail - a long thick green pipe (or wire) that came out of the sock and disappeared under the pants. In one place it seemed to be pressed into the leg and was covered with something brown, or maybe it was just a brown spot.

The Christiansens noticed that their visitor was unnaturally pale. The stranger's speech struck them as strange as well - his voice was high-pitched, metallic, he spoke in a monotone and cut words. The incoherent phrases concerned some possible legacy that the Christians had no idea about.

Connie was left with the impression that he was recounting everything from memory, his speech sounded "like a recording." Giji's dog barked and rushed at him, he quickly calmed her down; tail between her legs and whining, Gigi literally crawled away.

The stranger was breathing heavily, as if he had an asthma attack. After introducing himself as an insurance agent at the end of the conversation (which lasted exactly 40 minutes!) And promising that the insurance company would make itself felt within 10 days, he put on a hat and coat.

Alina decided to watch him. Approaching the road, the stranger waved his hand, a black 1963 Cadillac drove out of the trees and stopped near it (the car's headlights were off). A strange "agent" climbed into the car, and she disappeared into the darkness.

Later it turned out that the named insurance company did not exist and does not exist, as there was no such "agent" in all insurance companies of the district.

Man and woman in black

In 1976, hypnosis specialist Herbert Hopkins helped ufologists interview UFO sightings.


One day someone called him who introduced himself as a ufologist from New Jersey and asked for a meeting.

The caller said that he would arrive immediately. And literally a couple of seconds later, Hopkins was surprised to see the caller walking up the steps of his porch! (Let me remind you that cell phones did not exist at the time.)

The strange visitor's appearance reminded Hopkins of a funeral director. They did not speak for long. At some point, the speech of the “ufologist” became indistinct - he muttered something about the exhaustion of energy and quickly left.

A few days later, a stranger called Hopkins' daughter. He said he knew her husband John and asked permission to come to them. We agreed to meet in a small restaurant nearby. John saw a man and a woman dressed in black. They looked strange, especially the woman. It seemed that her legs did not bend at the joints, and her breasts hung too low.

The man with whom John entered into a conversation suddenly began to ask questions about his intimate life, caressed his companion in front of everyone, and then asked if he was doing it right.

When the strange couple was about to leave, the man suddenly went limp, as if paralyzed. The woman asked John to help her bring her companion to the car, but the man just as suddenly came to life, and they, without even saying goodbye, took small steps out of the house.

Hopkins argued that these were robots or aliens from space who really wanted to be like people, but they did not do it well.

Devilish smiles

In Belpre, Ohio, a young family is faced with a whole bunch of UFO problems. The head of the Ben family saw an unidentified object hovering over a chemical plant. He heard that in such cases it is possible to signal the UFO with headlights, which he did.

After a moment, the headlights turned off, the car's engine stopped working. Opening the hood in the light of a flashlight, Ben found that the entire electrical system was out of order - it simply burned out. It is surprising that the car itself did not burn down.

This meeting was followed by a chain of all sorts of mysterious events. In Ben's house, the desk drawers opened by themselves, the heavy, cumbersome bureau, which stood at the very window, was moved by some incredible force. Things began to disappear irretrievably. Ben's wife began to notice unusual people in the area.

Once, Ben himself on Perkersberg Street (where he came on business) suddenly saw two people in all black, smiling broadly at him with a kind of devilish smile, which made Ben feel uneasy. The strangers had a strange gait - they seemed to have a hard time maintaining stability while walking and it was clearly difficult to get around. Ben was so scared that he crossed over to the other side of the street.

One day a car stopped in front of their house, and a man in a black suit took several photos of the house with a huge camera. There were often strange, metallic voices on the phone, reminding Ben of his encounter with a UFO. He was assigned indefinite dates, usually in the evening.

At the same time, it was mentioned that on the street, as a rule, far from his house, a car would be waiting for him and THEY would approach him themselves. If the date takes place, THEY will be able to show him something, and if he agrees to cooperate, then he will be able to see the night panorama of many cities from a great height.

Ben had no goodbye. Unreasonable fear took possession of him, and he was close to despair when he realized his powerlessness in front of an alien mind and the power of its influence.

* * *

The Men in Black are considered to pose a clear threat. Who they are and where they come from remains only a fragment of the great mystery of the UFO phenomenon.


Any UFO witness can encounter them, and more often they come into contact with the male part of UFO contactees, with those who seek to convey information about them to others.

Many who have met black people have the impression that their look and appearance are similar to the appearance and manner of FBI agents from Hollywood action movies. If several met at once, it was almost impossible to distinguish them from each other.

They are “copies” of each other, or, more likely, several types of copies, each of which does some kind of work among us mortals … In an incomprehensible way, they unmistakably find in the mass of people a person who has observed a UFO or who has picked up some or details, or even just collecting information about the UFO.

But why do they choose a form of behavior inherent in different types of agents? Why does their camouflage contain flaws that distinguish them from humans?

Perhaps all this is not accidental, and noticeable inconsistencies and oddities are key moments in some kind of complex psychological experiment, which is carried out against the background of people's interest in everything abnormal. One way or another, the question of the goals, tasks of the "people in black", as well as the fact of their very existence, is still "covered in darkness."
