Who Bombed The Earth? - Alternative View

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Who Bombed The Earth? - Alternative View
Who Bombed The Earth? - Alternative View

With the advent of aerial photography in the public domain, a whole class of researchers emerged from these maps, and even some discoveries were made. But there are some facts that cannot be concealed and they raise many questions. These are the pyramids of China, and the fact that the Northern Polis is never removed, but on the maps it is simply completed, and drawings in deserts and objects on maps that are simply blurred or painted over with a black rectangle.

But today we have craters of Russia and Kazakhstan. Almost the entire northern part of Kazakhstan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk and Kurgan regions are simply dotted with meteorite craters flooded with water.


Of course, when I saw this, my first thought was that it was just a swampy area with patches of open water. But no, the climate in northern Kazakhstan is much drier than in central Russia. And these lakes are not of swamp or karst origin, but flooded craters or quarries.

Version 1: Careers

There is an option that these are quarries left after opencast mining. The funnels are usually perfectly flat. But the scale confuses me. I cannot imagine a production facility that would mine tens of thousands of these huge-scale opencast craters. It must be an inhuman technique, many times superior to ours.

In many areas, the direction of the impact from the southwest to the northeast is well traced
In many areas, the direction of the impact from the southwest to the northeast is well traced

In many areas, the direction of the impact from the southwest to the northeast is well traced.

Promotional video:

Version 2: 18th century atomic warfare

I do not know why it is tied to the 18th century, it is possible, after all, to the 16th and 1st centuries. But the meaning of the theory is that these are craters from a massive nuclear strike. I am not impressed by this version, because if there are craters from the use of nuclear weapons, where are the huge industries that produced hundreds of thousands of these bombs, why do not we find traces of factories that made such weapons. Maybe they are not on Earth? On earth, the background radiation is considered to be 0.20 microsievert per hour. But perhaps the norm is zero mSv / h, and the increased background of the earth is residual radiation?


Version 3: Meteor Strike

Craters in the South of the West Siberian Plain are similar to meteorite craters on the moon, so it is quite possible that they were caused by a meteor shower. Or one large meteorite that broke up in the atmosphere into many small pieces. Such a meteorite was supposed to be just huge and destroy all life in this area.

Perhaps these are traces of debris, splashes of a giant meteorite that fell to the ground in a place now called the Taklamakan Desert, but more on that in the following publications.


I fully admit that we are not the first. That humanity was born and died many times. This is evidenced by the ancient structures, which cannot be repeated to this day and the stories of the worldwide flood. Perhaps, before us are traces of the destruction of a previous civilization. The craters are located so tightly to each other that it would be impossible to survive there.

For the researchers of Tartary, it should be noted that these thousands of craters are located on a certain piece of land, just where the territory of Tartary was.

One thing is clear on the Earth left traces, and we, as detectives, must find out what happened? But any theory should be logical and substantiated, I have a text ready and soon I will present one of the versions.

How can you explain the mysterious funnel-lakes in the south of Siberia?