Mars Is Strewn With Skulls! - Alternative View

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Mars Is Strewn With Skulls! - Alternative View
Mars Is Strewn With Skulls! - Alternative View

Video: Mars Is Strewn With Skulls! - Alternative View

Video: Mars Is Strewn With Skulls! - Alternative View
Video: Goddard 2015: Destination Mars Spotlights 2024, June

Self-propelled robot "Spirit" photographed strange objects that look like remains

Thanks to the unique images that NASA posts on its official websites, lovers of the anomalous got the opportunity to do extraterrestrial archeology. They already made out some rectangular structures peeping out of the sand and resembling the remains of buildings and entire cities. This is in photographs taken from the orbit of the Red Planet. But the most amazing thing falls into the camera lenses that are equipped with self-propelled vehicles still operating on Mars.

For example, well-known Australian photo-traveler and tireless seeker of traces of extraterrestrial life, Michael Middleton, recently saw clear signs of it. Rather, the remains and traces.

Local tsereteli sculpted here

The original snapshot taken by the Spirit robot on the 1526th day of its stay on a neighboring planet is on the NASA website at HTML. Those interested can take a look and make sure that it really exists. Middleton zoomed in and saw in the foreground … a skull. The similarities are truly striking. Himself - round, with human proportions. You can see the eye sockets, the hollow of the nose … The picture is spoiled only by some strange ball, stuck on top and resembling a light bulb. And the lower jaw is hidden in the sand.

Someone has carved a head out of a Martian stone that looks remarkably like a Mayan. It is hard to believe that nature could independently create such a creation.

“The skull clearly falls out of the surrounding natural landscape,” emphasizes Michael. - It is bright white, glitters. And it looks like a bone in the sun. Not a stone at all.

Now pay attention to the object located slightly to the right. He also looks like someone's head. But no longer a human form. And not bone-colored. This gray head is extended upward and swollen. The chin is small, the nasal cavity is absent, and the eye sockets are oblong and disproportionately large. The spitting image of an alien, he is also a "green man", as they are now commonly portrayed on Earth.

It’s boring to think that the objects found are just stones. They are very smooth. But it is not possible to explain how the heads of a man and a humanoid appeared on Mars next to each other.

Promotional video:

This plate may have decorated the local crockery shelf millions of years ago. It is a pity that forks and spoons are not visible.

Another picture taken by Spirit in the same Gusev crater gives rise to the crazy idea that monumental sculptors lived on Mars. Such local tsereteli. Or at least visited this planet. Take a look (photo address on the NASA website IDNumber = pia01907) - head. You don't even need fancy to see it. Here it is lying on Mars, as if it had fallen off from some kind of architectural structure. And it has a distant portrait resemblance to the sculptural images of the Maya Indians - the authors of the famous calendar calculated for millions of years. For both the past and the future. Or did real Martians look like this?

The statue was discovered by Markus Joansen from Hamburg (Germany). And nearby I saw also a half of a Martian dinner plate. The plate is for main courses. The bottom is flat, along the edge there is a rim. And what did they eat there? And when…

A gray alien's head is visible next to the "human" skull.


Gusev crater is rich in miracles

Let us recall that the location of the Spirit robot has already pleased with amusing finds. It was here, in the Gusev crater, that a 30-50 cm female figurine with an outstretched hand was discovered ( The photo of the "Martian" sitting on a stone has spread all over the world.

There is another skull nearby ( HTML). It turns out that there are already three of them in total. And all are different … Although, perhaps, this is not a skull at all, but also a part of the sculpture - her head. And everything else is buried in the sand.