A Huge Cube Was Seen Near The Sun - Alternative View

A Huge Cube Was Seen Near The Sun - Alternative View
A Huge Cube Was Seen Near The Sun - Alternative View

Video: A Huge Cube Was Seen Near The Sun - Alternative View

Video: A Huge Cube Was Seen Near The Sun - Alternative View
Video: The Huge Hexagon-Shaped Storm on Saturn | Out There | The New York Times 2024, September

Our Sun is such a mysterious and distant object that many events taking place in and around it remain, so to speak, behind the scenes. From time to time, the cameras of the American Space Agency record what is happening on the luminary, and sometimes they manage to capture something that defies explanation.

So, on the night of September 28, ufologists spotted something that should not be near the Sun, namely, a giant cube-shaped object. It was photographed thanks to the EIT 171 camera. According to experts, NASA posted a fresh image on its official website, but after some 13 minutes the image mysteriously evaporated. Obviously, the employees of the department realized their mistake and decided to cover their tracks, until netizens began to ask uncomfortable questions about the origin of the cube.

Its edges are perfectly flat and ufologists suggest that it is surrounded by a kind of force field. Apparently, the dimensions of the unidentified flying object are two or three times larger than the Earth's dimensions - the experts came to this conclusion by comparing it with the luminary itself, which, as you know, is simply striking in its size.

UFO hunters are very interested in photographs of the cube, but many critical personalities are in a hurry to besiege their eternal opponents, who often succumb to an impulse of imagination: they say, the photo shows just a camera defect, and there was no trace of a cube near the Sun.