The Sun Is A Gas Station For UFOs - Alternative View

The Sun Is A Gas Station For UFOs - Alternative View
The Sun Is A Gas Station For UFOs - Alternative View

NASA is one of the most respected agencies in the field of astronautics. Located in the USA, it is important for almost half of the entire planet, constantly reminding about itself and kind of notifying that it is not working in vain. A lot of money is spent on all kinds of missions and research that are important to humanity. Nevertheless, is it all so? Does it live up to its stated reputation?

More recently, the Internet space exploded with shocking news: an incredibly large something that looks like a spaceship is located near our star. Such a photograph appeared on the official portal of the American space agency. From the image, you can understand that the ship is sending strange rays to the Sun with incomprehensible intentions. Many experts immediately hypothesized that this object uses our star as a kind of battery. That is, its fuel is not of chemical origin, like that of earthlings, but solar energy. Tellingly, this was expressed not only by those who see aliens even in their dreams, but by some scientists with a doctorate degree. Nevertheless, the sensation about the "solar battery" is fake. The fact is that this has been said before. According to archives from the Internet press of past years,observed such something at least 9, or even all 9 times, always insisting that our star is attacked by energy-hungry aliens.

An interesting fact, however, from a recent study: the Sun has lived for billions of years, but during all this time it has lost about 3% in weight. Consequently, even if we assume that someone really decided to use it as a "battery", it will not fade from this, whether there is at least one ship nearby, at least three dozen. The Earth will also survive this calmly - despite persistent fantasies about the ends of the world, earlier than predicted a long time ago, sunlight will not leave us. In addition, it is not clear whether the spacecraft is in the photo.

The trick is that everything that happens beyond the Moon, we, so to speak, neither touch nor see. Mars is not so far from us, but the first manned expedition is only being prepared, it will pass in a few years at least, let alone more distant celestial bodies. Accordingly, while all research is carried out by automatic ships, which cannot be called new: the flight lasts a long time, and they have been operating for more than one year, not every device on our planet can withstand that much, even the highest quality assembly. If this thing suddenly breaks down, then no one will update or repair it, since you have to equip a whole new mission, allocate new finances, which turns out to be very unprofitable.

If it comes to the fact that the breakdown is obvious, then the device is simply recalled, and a new one is sent in its place. That is, with a high degree of probability, the Sun does not have any alien spacecraft, and the whole trouble is in a pumped up photograph or problems with matrices, which is why a dash was added to the image. For comparison, the same happens when a video card begins to break down on an ordinary personal computer - stripes and glare, which can be mistaken for anything in the range.

Fact three - it is not clear what exactly was in the frame. Even if the matrix did not disappoint, there are enough other objects that the automatic spacecraft accidentally photographed. For example, some kind of star and a planet lit up with an edge, and a beautiful bright line was formed, or in general there was a flight of an asteroid or comet. The celestial body turned its other side - here is the "flying saucer" in the picture, as expected. In addition, a curious moment: if some UFO vehicles were filmed, then others, flying there and then, for some reason, the alien ships did not record.

Logically, if something is visible, then it is visible to everyone. Or is it some kind of invisible ship, which flashed for one earthly device, demonstrated the rays, and hid from the other? Invisibility itself is not possible, scientists have not yet been able to create an object that makes something invisible. Accordingly, there was no UFO. Either the camera was lit by some celestial body, or it itself just then malfunctioned.

The "sensation" is the following, announced by NASA: our Earth will plunge into complete darkness for at least 14 days. According to the head of American witchcraft, the phenomenon of cosmic parallelism will occur when Venus is orbited on a line with the southwestern side of Jupiter, and its radiance will exceed its normal power every 10 times. Because of this, hydrogen emissions will occur in such an amount that all this mass will fall on our Sun, there will be an explosion, and this will make our star literally "turn blue", so that the light will be lost for 2 weeks almost for the entire system, from November 15 to November 29. Meanwhile, the celestial body itself will become hotter: now the temperature there will exceed 9 thousand degrees Kelvin.

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According to some experts, because of this, a real catastrophe is impending, since nothing will survive even in such a short-term darkness. Others calmed me down a little, simply warning that they would have to endlessly use artificial light. One way or another, however, the fact of damage is on the face: at least after a similar amount of burning electricity, half of the planet's hair will stand on end when looking later at the bills.

However, not everything is so simple here either. The fact is that in newspaper archives there is information about the prediction of such a blackout earlier. More precisely, in 2016 it should have already happened, but in the middle of September, and not in November, as it is now. Nevertheless, the Earth did not lose light last year, even for a day, so why should it now? The Universe, as proved by many luminaries of astronomy, lives according to cyclical laws. If something happened here in the same way, then we can expect that in a million years it will not happen otherwise. That is, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Finally, the third "sensational" news from NASA, which supposedly should have happened just recently: June 24. The American space agency claimed that a rather large asteroid with diameters of 300 meters could fall on our planet. It is worth noting that for the Earth, this, of course, is not a size when compared with ours, but at one time a smaller object was able to destroy its penetration into the atmosphere of dinosaurs.

Actually, the asteroid was supposed to fall on the morning of June 24, but this never happened. If this happened, then everyone would feel it on themselves. The object safely leveled off the Earth and flew further, like many others before it. Our planet is not completely isolated from the rest of space, but here the movement is greater than in the Asian metropolis, but since the distances are larger between objects, that is, the opportunity to missed each other.

Irina Letinskaya