NASA Showed On The Video A "train" Of Three UFOs Rushing Past The Sun - Alternative View

NASA Showed On The Video A "train" Of Three UFOs Rushing Past The Sun - Alternative View
NASA Showed On The Video A "train" Of Three UFOs Rushing Past The Sun - Alternative View

Video: NASA Showed On The Video A "train" Of Three UFOs Rushing Past The Sun - Alternative View

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On the official website of the US National Aerospace Agency - NASA, an image from the reverse side of the Sun was published on May 10 this year, taken by the STEREO spacecraft. This frame allows you to see three huge UFOs moving to the right of the celestial body.

Three cylindrical objects, apparently moving along the same trajectory at the same speed, hit the field of view of a special camera equipped with the coronagraph telescope at 13:09:15.

To the right, above the unidentified object farthest from the Sun, one can see a bright source of light, which may turn out to be either a sun-reflecting structural element or another object following along with this unusual "cosmic composition".

The ufologist, who constantly examines photographs taken by solar probes, and maintains the Streetcap1 channel on the YouTube video hosting channel, has already presented unknown space objects that periodically appear near the Sun. But the size of the three cylinders noticed by NASA employees is truly enormous, since they are several times larger than the size of our planet. The speed with which the UFOs were moving was also clearly rather big, since in the next photo the "space composition" is no longer visible.
