Ufologist Discovered A UFO Rising From The Surface Of The Sun - Alternative View

Ufologist Discovered A UFO Rising From The Surface Of The Sun - Alternative View
Ufologist Discovered A UFO Rising From The Surface Of The Sun - Alternative View

Video: Ufologist Discovered A UFO Rising From The Surface Of The Sun - Alternative View

Video: Ufologist Discovered A UFO Rising From The Surface Of The Sun - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

Prominent ufologist Scott K. Waring claims to have discovered a huge alien ship in a photograph of the Sun submitted by NASA on its official website on December 14, 2016.

Recently, after the images obtained by solar probes and solar observatories became available for viewing by a large army of users of the World Wide Web, UFO hunters often announce the appearance of mysterious objects in the solar space.

According to ufologists, some of the space aliens do not just admire our star, but use the energy of the Sun to refuel their spaceships or create space-time tunnels.

And so this morning, Scott Waring looked at a photograph of a huge UFO, rising from the boiling surface of the Sun, like a submarine from the depths of the sea.

“The dimensions of this ship are much larger than the dimensions of the Earth. It is very big,”the ufologist concluded.

Indeed, the contours of the solar prominence, which rose from the right side of the Sun, are very similar to the base alien spacecraft, the outer surface of which is literally heated by the enormous temperatures. This is easy to believe, especially with a vivid imagination.

Voronina Svetlana