Humanoids And UFOs: Top Strangest Discoveries Of Ufologists - Alternative View

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Humanoids And UFOs: Top Strangest Discoveries Of Ufologists - Alternative View
Humanoids And UFOs: Top Strangest Discoveries Of Ufologists - Alternative View

Video: Humanoids And UFOs: Top Strangest Discoveries Of Ufologists - Alternative View

Video: Humanoids And UFOs: Top Strangest Discoveries Of Ufologists - Alternative View
Video: Woman Witnesses Strange UFO Sighting In British Columbia | Alien Mysteries 2024, September

Ufologists, that is, those who study aliens, can be ranked among the strangest scientists in the world. They are not only sure that there is some kind of extraterrestrial life, which is also still only a theory, but they are also able to see it just everywhere, explaining by the activity of representatives of races from other celestial objects almost everything that happened on Earth.

If many agree with the possibility of a UFO overflight over our planet, because they saw strange luminous objects, sometimes in the form of a traditional "flying saucer", almost at every kilometer, especially at night, then some questions arise with the rest. New discoveries of ufologists sometimes turn out to be rather strange, and it is difficult to prove them.


It is worth noting, by the way, that many experts consider the following "discoveries" to be simply an illusion of sight, claiming that anything can be seen with a strong desire and assumed. Therefore, whether it is worth believing these assumptions is up to everyone to decide.

Mars is a warehouse of things from Earth

People are still gathering expeditions to the Red Planet, doubts arise whether ships will reach there at all, especially since it will obviously be a one-way road. The next trip is expected in at least a few years. However, apparently, those who do get to Mars will not be bored - there will be an opportunity to see live everything that ufologists could somehow see, actively studying images from this planet.


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So what was seen on the Red Planet? An ancient Japanese tomb - according to one expert, what he saw is very much like the Kofun burial, having a too regular geometric shape. Other scientists, however, suggest that this is not a grave, but just a hill created by natural processes.

Like a door to the house of a midget. According to Scott Waring, there really is someone living on Mars, and someone small, who is hiding from attempts to see it. The proof is the very door.

Here, a team of British ufologists spotted a whole cash register, similar to the one that was in the last century. Probably, the pirates also visited Mars - again an assumption from Scott Waring. The ufologist saw some semblance of the famous symbol of sea robbers of the past centuries - "jolly Roger", that is, the skull and crossbones underneath, which were lined with stones.

Another enthusiast, American Thomas Miller, made a curious assumption about the life of the Martians - they probably like or loved to drink beer there. In any case, in one of the photos he was able to see exactly the bottle from under this drink, and even with the preserved label. What is written on this very label, the enthusiast did not dare to guess.


Interesting assumptions about the history of Mars - there, most likely, there was a war, and with the use of the weapons that were on Earth during the Second World War. At least, such an opinion was expressed by the Russian ufologist Vladimir Vladimirov, to whom a certain object from the photograph of the Red Planet looked very much like a tank. Our American colleagues partially agree with him. Western ufology tanks on Mars, well, saw, but a pistol and a helmet - yes, and also a train wheel, nails and even some parts of a certain structure, either terrestrial or alien in origin.

If the future settlers of the Red Planet get bored with their native Earth with its natural majestic beauty, they can even look for trees there. In any case, some unknown researcher stated that he managed to see a small tree, below a meter, or, more precisely, its trunk. According to his assumptions, it is possible that even now there are entire forests on Mars, they are simply difficult to see with the eye.

Humanoid in Nirvana on Mars

Perhaps the settlers of the Red Planet will not just drink beer or sit in a real tank, but also learn to enter nirvana. In any case, a certain virtual ufologist hiding under the nickname Streetcap1 said that he found a meditating alien in the lotus position in the picture from Mars. He can be both an aboriginal and a guest of the planet.


Alien dwellings on Venus

If suddenly one day humanity decides to visit Venus, having managed to figure out how to overcome the hellish local conditions, then there will be someone to meet them. According to some ufologists, alien life is in full swing on this planet. There is a whole colony, an aboriginal city. This is all due to the fact that on the images of the planet, ufology saw a number of strange cubic objects, which were mistaken for the fact that in no way could be created by local nature, but only artificially.


Probably, in this case, the aliens are very hardy, since no water or other liquid has definitely been found on Venus. In addition, it is almost ten times hotter here than even anywhere on Earth in Africa - the planet is closer to the Sun, and, accordingly, the conditions are much worse because of this. Users who read this news after its publication on a Western resource noted that, most likely, these are just random rocks or the remains of volcanic activity.

Trains by the Sun

Our star is known for the fact that a huge number of different anomalies appear around it. Most scientists do not undertake to make assumptions about their nature or attribute it to some changes in space, but ufologists are ready to give their answer here too. If the earthlings are going to fly somewhere, and they suddenly run out of fuel on the way or the ship breaks down, then, perhaps, aliens will pick them up? In any case, the whole composition of 4 spacecraft was seen by ufology, observing objects passing by the Sun. True, other experts do not particularly agree with them - one "starship" is just Venus in an unusual perspective, the other is a solar prominence, the other two are some other objects, but certainly not ships.


Irina Letinskaya
