A Giant UFO Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View

A Giant UFO Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View
A Giant UFO Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View

Video: A Giant UFO Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View

Video: A Giant UFO Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View
Video: Spacecraft to fly into sun's atmosphere 2024, June

Pholog was able to use the SOHO satellite to detect an unidentified flying object near the Sun. The picture was taken on Friday, April 8th. The scientist is not yet sure of the truth of his beliefs, since he risks suggesting that it was not a ship that was seen in the photograph, but an alien satellite.

The day before, unusual photos appeared on the Internet, on which, according to preliminary data, either a ship or an alien satellite was recorded. The ufologist was able to record this phenomenon using the SOHO satellite, which is a joint project of ESA and NASA. In the photograph, the UFO structure resembles a large matrix ship, to which other flying objects, only of a smaller size, can be docked.

The ufologist himself hardly parses this image, since he posted a picture on the Web with the words "What is this?" The expert could only assume that the image shows either a satellite or a real alien ship. An unusually shaped object can be seen in the upper corner.

Poluyanovich Ekaterina