What Is The Wow Signal? - Alternative View

What Is The Wow Signal? - Alternative View
What Is The Wow Signal? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Wow Signal? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Wow Signal? - Alternative View
Video: Replying to the Wow Signal | National Geographic 2024, September

While astronomers are once again trying to confirm or deny the existence of either the Dyson sphere, or some other alien megastructure around the star KIC 8462852 (and tonight SETI will join the search - the Program for the Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations), it will be useful to recall another mystery of the 20th century, which astronomers still unravel.

We are talking about the signal "Wow" (or "Wow!" In Russian), a radio signal that was recorded by astronomer Jerry Eiman in 1977, while working on the Big Ear radio telescope. He fixed it only once, and the signal was not repeated again. Since then, many versions of the origin of the "Wow" signal have been put forward, from the most fantastic to completely everyday, but, nevertheless, when in 2012 researchers from the Arecibo Observatory prepared a message from Earth for hypothetical alien civilizations, they sent it in that direction, where the "Wow" signal came from. Frazer Kane will tell you more about the signal. The video was voiced and translated by Vert Dider.